The retirement age in Russia is established in accordance with the law. Today it is still increasing due to the pension reform, but this is not about that, but about what benefits pensioners have.

And could it be that some of them will have to be cancelled, because some media outlets are raising topics about what benefits will be canceled for pensioners in 2021.

Thoughts about the abolition of benefits arise against the backdrop of the fact that today the state budget is going through difficult times. However, the authorities assure that all this will not affect pensioners.

Perhaps the list of benefits will change somewhat, but we are not talking about cancellation. They want to discuss the question of what privileges people who have lived to retirement age and repaid their debt to the Russian Federation can count on, of course, it is worthwhile.

Benefits can be federal and regional - the latter are established depending on what decision the regional authorities make.

Property tax

Pensioners in Russia have the right not to pay property tax, which is considered to be a residential building, apartment, or a single complex of real estate. The latter can be used for several purposes at once, ranging from personal to horticultural purposes. However, there is one nuance that many may forget about.

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The benefit can only be used once and for one object. If a pensioner owns, for example, two dachas, then he will need to pay for one. The relief in this case is the fact that the person himself chooses which object not to pay for, and he can choose the one for which the tax will be higher. And there is no data on whether benefits for retired veterans will be abolished in 2021.

And there is another relaxation for working citizens of retirement age. They can count on a property deduction, which is provided for housing under construction or purchased. The deduction is calculated for three periods, and to receive it you will have to contact the tax service.

Changes in labor benefits due to pension reform

According to labor legislation, there will be no changes or cancellations. An employer will not be able to refuse to hire a candidate who has reached retirement age if he meets all the requirements for the vacant position. The state guarantees the working pensioner protection and the following financial privileges:

  • additional leave if necessary without pay:
  1. for old-age pensioners – 14 days;
  2. disabled people – 60 days;
  3. veterans of the Great Patriotic War – 35 days;
  • the right to submit a letter of resignation without the condition of complying with the labor code norms of warning the employer two weeks in advance;
  • two additional days off to undergo a medical examination.

In addition, pensioners at their place of work can receive an exemption from property tax, tax deductions when purchasing housing, educating a child in higher and secondary educational institutions, and participating in the financing of a non-state pension fund.

Length of service for teachers, lecturers and creative workers

The changes will affect teaching staff and representatives of creative professions. They can complete their working career based on their length of service. To do this you need:

  • have an experience of 15 to 30 years, depending on the category of employee;
  • have the required number of points earned;
  • From January 1, a transition period of 5 years will follow.

The date of the length of service should be recorded, and a pension can be issued only after the specified time has expired. This way, employees who have the required length of service in 2021 will be able to retire six months later. Candidates who have accumulated experience in 2021 will receive one and a half years later.

The rule will be to add 1 year to the deferment number every 12 months.

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Increasing the retirement age for northerners

The pension reform will affect residents of the Far North of Russia and similar areas. Northerners are expected to increase the retirement age by 5 years. Regional benefit recipients will retain the right to early retirement, and the requirements for northern work experience will not change. Future pensioners with 15 years of work experience in the Far North and 20 years in equivalent regions will begin finalizing payments under the new system starting in 2028.

According to the law on insurance pensions, residents of these regions have the right to retire on a preferential pension. For northerners with work experience of at least 7 years and 6 months, a pension is issued with a four-month reduction in retirement age for every calendar 12 months.

Preferential travel

Most regional benefits include preferential travel - free use of public transport. We are, of course, not talking about taxis, but you can find out more about this on the government services portal. If a pensioner does not travel by public transport, then he can write an application and receive monetary compensation for this benefit.

Benefits for housing and communal services

Housing and communal services take quite a lot of financial resources from the family budget. And it is not unusual for pensioners to be given discounts on their fees.

Typically, pensioners can count on a discount of 50%, but regions can regulate this figure, so in each region it is necessary to find out this issue individually, and here there can be no talk about what benefits will be canceled for working pensioners in 2021.

Prosthetics and treatment

Relatively recently, benefits have appeared that relate to preferential dental prosthetics. Naturally, only domestic prostheses can be used for this, but it still makes the lives of most people of retirement age much easier. Military pensioners, people with the status of a hero of the USSR, and labor veterans can take advantage of this privilege.

Also, the above categories of pensioners can count on free treatment and medicine. This means a sanatorium-resort holiday, with paid travel, as well as medicines, especially for those pensioners who have chronic diseases.

Medicines are provided only with a prescription from the attending physician; in fact, you can also get a voucher for sanatorium treatment at the clinic at your place of residence. This usually requires an application.

Will benefits for pensioners be canceled in 2021?

By law, pension benefits consist of federal social and regional social supplements. At the federal level, legislation will not change. At the regional level, the law provides for tax benefits for pensioners, free travel on transport, a monthly allowance for using a home telephone, benefits for pensioners on utility bills, gasification, and targeted assistance.

The abolition of privileges may be associated with problems in local budgets. To find out what surcharges and discounts are saved, you need to contact the local authorities of your constituent entity of the Russian Federation:

  • tax office at your place of residence to receive benefits on property, transport, and land taxes;
  • district department of social protection of the population to receive compensation for using a home telephone, for gas connections, for paying for housing and communal services, for free travel and for targeted assistance.

From January 1, a non-working pensioner will receive an increase of approximately 1 thousand rubles. The indexation coefficient will be 7.5 percent. According to the Pension Fund's forecasts, such an increase will exceed inflation and will ensure an increase in the income of Russians.

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Increase in pensions

And another feature of pension benefits is that if a pensioner lives to be 80 years old, then his insurance pension increases by 100%. We are talking about an increase in the fixed payment, but it is still an excellent increase.

By the way, the abolition of benefits for disabled people in the Russian Federation is planned, because this will cause serious indignation among the public and in the economic system of the Russian Federation everything is not as bad as it might seem at first glance.

Will preferential pensions be canceled from January 1, 2021?

According to the bill on pension reform, adopted by the State Duma at the end of September in the third and final reading, it is planned to gradually increase the retirement age of Russian citizens. For women by 2028 it will be 60, and for men 65 years.

The changes will affect citizens with special experience. You shouldn’t expect it to be abolished in 2021, but, for example, northerners will begin to retire later, and for teaching staff the deadline for applying for a pension will be delayed by five years.

As for the lists of hazardous professions, approved back in January 1991, they will not be revised yet, although this issue has been repeatedly raised by people's representatives, but has not yet received support. For representatives listed in List 1 and List 2 of professions, the abolition of benefits is not expected - the right to retire before retirement age is retained in accordance with the preferential conditions in force today.

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Safety of experience

Previously, there was a risk of losing a certain part of the insurance period, which was necessary to receive a normal pension. However, in 2021 the situation will change. If previously all records were on paper, and there was a risk of losing them, and restoration took a huge amount of time and effort, today e-books will include all the necessary information for the entire period of work, and not just from January 2021. Mikhail Mishustin made a statement about this at one of the government meetings.

He also said that the Cabinet of Ministers today is seriously interested in ensuring that digital technologies are used in the world of work as actively as possible. And all this will be recorded in the law, which concerns individual accounting of pension insurance. A little later, you will be able to get all the necessary information about your work experience through the State Services portal.

Separately, it must be said that the latest news about the abolition of benefits for rural teachers in 2021 is erroneous; such an event is definitely not planned.

Increased indexing

From the very beginning of 2021, it is planned to increase the indexation of pension payments for all those pensioners who do not work.

Benefit growth is planned at 6.3%. This increase exceeds inflation, almost one and a half times, because according to official forecasts, in 2021 the inflation rate will not exceed 4%. Accordingly, pension payments will increase by 1000 rubles on average. Elena Bibikova stated this. And the average payment in this case will be 17,444 rubles.

Along with pension payments, as is known, many also receive monthly cash benefits. They are intended for combat veterans, for example, or the disabled. And for them, payments will also increase, but the increase will be 3.8%.

Social pensions will also be indexed. They are intended for those who do not have enough pension points to receive an insurance payment. Social pension payments will be multiplied by the level of forecast inflation. So far there is no talk of additional increases, although the abolition of benefits for labor veterans in Russia is planned.

Increasing the retirement age based on length of service

Persons retiring due to length of service will face a number of changes. Thus, for state and municipal employees for whom the increase in retirement age began in 2021 in annual increments of six months, it is proposed, starting in 2021, to increase this figure to 1 year.

The basic conditions for early retirement for workers in creative professions will also undergo changes - the age will be increased to 55 years for women and 60 for men without canceling the right to claim a preferential pension. For medical workers with 30 years of service when working in the city or 25 in rural areas, teachers and northerners, other conditions for assigning support have been determined.

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For teachers and health workers

Please note that there are no plans to cancel benefits for medical and teaching workers. The changes will not affect the requirements for special professional experience - length of service, but the deadline for processing pension payments for these categories of public sector employees will be delayed by 5 years. The reform is planned to be carried out in stages:

Time to acquire preferential length of service How long will retirement benefits be delayed? Retirement age based on length of service
2019 6 months 2019–2020
2020 1.5 years 2021–2022
2021 3 years 2024
2022 4 years 2026
2023 5 years 2028

Workers of the Far North and equivalent territories

The abolition of preferential pensions will not affect citizens who worked in areas with difficult climatic conditions. The special experience, which gives them the right to retire prematurely, will not be revised, but it is planned to increase the retirement age from 50/55 years to 55/60 years:

Time to go on vacation (before reform) Age change Time to go on vacation (after reform)
Men Women
January–June 2019 55,5 50,5 July–August 2019
July–August 2019 56 51 January–June 2020
January–June 2020 56,5 51,5 July–August 2021
July–August 2020 57 52 2022
2021 58 53 2024
2022 59 54 2026
2023 60 55 2028

Changes in pension savings

In accordance with the latest news, the pension savings system will change. The authorities are going to reform it and the Minister of Finance, Anton Drozdov, made a statement about this. The bill is still under consideration. It is quite difficult, but the authorities understand that achieving consensus on this issue is the maximum program.

Several options for this bill were considered, but ultimately government officials came to a voluntary format. Today, the funded pension system in the Russian Federation has not yet been regulated.

Despite the fact that the law on savings has been adopted, a freeze has been implemented since 2014. Moreover, not so long ago the State Duma met at a meeting where they discussed the possibility of extending these rules until 2023. However, we cannot do this indefinitely; in the end we will have to make a final decision.

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