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Increasing military pensions from January 1, 2021: latest news in Russia, government decree, draft State Duma law for pensioners, indexation (increasing the reduction factor), when
Home Help Military pensions Pensions for military personnel are calculated completely differently than insurance ones. Their size
pension in Penza and Penza region 3
The average size of the insurance pension in Penza and the Penza region The insurance pension makes up the majority of
disabled people4
In order to legally begin to receive benefits and subsidies in various forms
Pensioner's ID
Home Help Old-age pension The increase in the retirement age is perceived negatively by many citizens, but
After this, the first deputy chairman of the committee, Nikolai Kolomeytsev, had to call on his colleagues to be correct. "If
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The insurance pension is calculated individually. It depends on the length of service, the average monthly earnings of a citizen for
Case N32-КГ16-21. On the recognition of the right to receive a pension for the period preceding the acquisition of Russian citizenship, the obligation to assign and pay the lost pension.
In the 21st century, the main wealth of the state is the citizens inhabiting the country. The connection lies in mutual
Additional payment to pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for participation in hostilities is 85 kopecks. (from 04/01/2021). Given
Pension certificate and money
How to obtain a labor veteran of federal significance Application for assignment of this title along with the necessary
Changes in 2021 In 2021, pension reform took place. Accordingly, many citizens are interested in
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