Benefits for housing and utilities for combat veterans in 2021
Who is included in the category of beneficiaries? Federal law states that benefits are provided to the following categories of citizens:
As always, I advise and advise you, Elena Troskina. I reveal my experience and
Denial of pension
Case N33-12699/2017. On recognizing the decision to refuse to grant a pension as illegal, including periods of work in special length of service, and the obligation to establish an old-age insurance pension.
The majority of citizens who work, upon reaching a certain age, can count on
Documents for registration of assistance to a nursing mother Benefits for nursing mothers can only be applied for
Payments to widows of WWII veterans by May 9 - size Amount of holiday lump sum payments to
The list of necessary free products can be determined by your pediatrician by writing you a prescription, which you will provide at the dairy kitchen
What is dairy cuisine for children? The concept of dairy cuisine appeared in Tsarist Russia,
The retirement age in Russia is established in accordance with the law. Today he is still
Moscow bus
What does the card give? The social card gives its owners the following basic benefits: the right to travel
Pension in Ufa and the Republic of Bashkortostan
The calculation of pension payments in the Republic of Bashkortostan is carried out in connection with federal legislation. Labor pension
Unlike Moscow, the minimum pension is increasing in the Leningrad region from September 1, 2021
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