Project of a multifunctional building in Moscow on the street. Zarechnaya received a positive conclusion from RusStroyEkspertiza Group of Companies
Many fathers try in every possible way to reduce the amount of money paid for the child. Not uncommon
Legal basis The change in the procedure for issuing subsidies for other purposes is due to the adoption of the General Requirements[1]. IN
Home / Returns and exchanges of goods / Land Tax Benefits for Pensioners and Labor Veterans
Benefits for housing and utilities for combat veterans in 2021
Who is included in the category of beneficiaries? Federal law states that benefits are provided to the following categories of citizens:
The birth of a child is an important event that is always accompanied by a number of financial expenses. Due to
The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for various forms for placing orphans in families. Children can be adopted, registered
As always, I advise and advise you, Elena Troskina. I reveal my experience and
What benefits does the state provide to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs? Secondly, children can be placed in preschool institutions and
Monthly payment in connection with the birth (adoption) of the first child (up to 3 years old) - 10
Denial of pension
Case N33-12699/2017. On recognizing the decision to refuse to grant a pension as illegal, including periods of work in special length of service, and the obligation to establish an old-age insurance pension.
The majority of citizens who work, upon reaching a certain age, can count on
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