Delivery of UTII at closing for an incomplete reporting period
In our material today we will tell the reader about the procedure for deregistering UTII and
Lack of maternity leave does not deprive the right to parental leave
Author of the article: Anastasia Ivanova Last modified: April 2020 5361 Will it be possible to open a sick leave?
Insurance premiums and personal income tax for individual entrepreneurs with a patent: how much to pay for yourself and for employees + calculation
In this article we will look at what insurance premiums and taxes an individual entrepreneur pays on a patent. Let's look at the mandatory ones
Legal advice: Can leave be granted retroactively?
Before talking about whether it is possible to take a vacation retroactively, you should understand that
forms of liquidation of a legal entity
Forced liquidation of a legal entity at the initiative of the Federal Tax Service
Forced liquidation of a legal entity is the liquidation of an enterprise through a judicial procedure. Carried out on the basis
Act on the suspension of design and survey work for uncompleted construction. Unified form No. KS-18 (filling sample)
The act form KS-17 is a document designed to confirm the existence of the fact of suspension (sometimes conservation) of construction
Payments to employees upon liquidation of an enterprise: distribution of LLC property
05/20/2019 liquidation, tax, reporting, Pension Fund of Russia, deregistration, TRADING, FTS From the moment of acceptance by the sole
Types of reorganization
Tax consequences arising from the liquidation of an enterprise
Fulfillment of the obligation to pay taxes, fees, insurance premiums (penalties, fines) upon liquidation of an organization is regulated
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KBK penalties for insurance premiums 2020: codes and payment procedure
How I calculated penalties for osms contributions To avoid late payments with subsequent creation of postings
Where to submit 6 personal income taxes for a separate division when closing and opening
Peculiarities of registration and submission of the 6-NDFL report in various situations Availability of separate divisions Employee’s work
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