Pre-retirement age in Russia: what is important to know about the new status of citizens

Pre-retirement age 2020

Pre-retirement age in the Russian Federation from 2020: pre-retirement years, citizens of pre-retirement age, etc. Free online consultation with a lawyer.

Every adult citizen of the Russian Federation knows what retirement age is, but concepts such as “pre-retirement age”, “pre-retirement age”, “citizens of pre-retirement age” or “pre-retirement years of birth” still raise questions. What age is considered pre-retirement, i.e. who is considered pre-retirement, how to obtain pre-retirement status and what rights and benefits do people of pre-retirement age have - read below.

Who is considered pre-retirement?

Until December 31, 2020, pre-pensioners included Russians who had less than 2 years left before receiving old-age payments. But this status allowed them to take advantage of only one benefit - to become an old-age pensioner 24 months earlier if they had the status of unemployed, dismissed due to layoffs or in connection with the liquidation of the organization.

From January 1, 2020, the pre-retirement age is considered to be 5 years before the registration of an old-age pension , which is provided for in paragraph 3 of Art. 1 of Law No. 350-FZ of October 3, 2018

  • Taking into account the fact that, according to the general rules, women become pensioners at the age of 60, and men at 65, they will become pre-retirement at 55 and 60, respectively.
  • However, from 2020 to 2022, when the law provides for intermediate values ​​of the retirement age, pre-retirement citizens will be citizens under 55 and 60. Moreover, the standards will be determined depending on the date of birth.

It should be noted that since 2020, not only the period during which a citizen is considered pre-retirement has been expanded, but also the list of support measures provided to him. In particular, the same tax and social benefits are provided as for pensioners, as well as professional retraining programs, protection from dismissal, additional time off for medical examinations, and so on.

However, for support measures, individual conditions for determining the pre-retirement age may be provided (as, for example, for tax purposes). Therefore, you need to pay attention to the procedure established by law for providing each specific benefit.

Law on raising the retirement age

Pre-retirement age, news about which years are considered pre-retirement began to actively appear in the domestic media since May 2018. At the same time, the topic of raising the retirement age became one of the central ones on the country’s domestic political agenda, and phrases such as “pre-retirement age”, “pre-retirement years” and “employees of pre-retirement age” appeared in the vocabulary of Russians.

The government draft law on the retirement age was submitted to the State Duma in early autumn 2020, then adopted by the lower house of parliament and approved by the Federation Council. On October 3, 2018, Federal Law No. 350-FZ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the Appointment and Payment of Pensions” was signed by the President of Russia.

The direct implementation of the pension reform began in 2019. For more information about the law on pre-retirement people (on increasing the retirement age from 2020), read the article by the portal experts here.

Table of pre-retirement age by year of birth

A citizen is considered pre-retirement for 5 years before reaching retirement age. However, from 2020 to 2022, retirement dates gradually increase from 55 to 60 for women, and from 60 to 65 for men. In this case, the 5 years defining the pre-retirement age limit will be counted taking into account such a gradual increase.

The table of retirement and pre-retirement ages by date of birth for women and men is presented below:

WomenMenWhen will they be considered pre-retirement?
196455.5 / 50.5195960.5 / 55.52019
196556.5 / 51.5196061.5 / 56.562019
196658 / 53196163 / 582019
196759 / 54196264 / 592021
196860 / 55196365 / 602023

Note. The following abbreviations are used in the table: GR—year of birth; PV and PPV are retirement and pre-retirement ages, respectively.

  • Intermediate standards are established for women born in 1964-1967 and men born in 1959-1962 - these are values ​​of 50.5-54 and 55.5-59 years , respectively. For example, in 2020, pre-retirement people include women with a date of birth between 1964 and 1966, and men with a date of birth from 1959 to 1961.
  • For women born since 1968 and men born since 1963, the final standards are 55 and 60 years , respectively. In fact, they will be considered pre-retirees upon reaching the “old” retirement age.

At what age are tax benefits available?

The pre-retirement age, upon reaching which the right to receive tax benefits is granted, is not counted 5 years before retirement, but according to different rules .

  • According to the legislation in force in the Russian Federation until December 31, 2018, tax benefits were granted only to pensioners - women over 55, and men over 60.
  • From January 1, 2020, the retirement age is gradually increasing, and ultimately it will be 60 and 65, respectively. But according to Federal Law No. 378 of October 30, 2018, the right to preferential taxation was retained for citizens who have reached their 55th and 60th birthdays .

In the period from 2020 to 2022, the rule on providing tax benefits “5 years before retirement” does not apply to pre-retirees. The age at which they can be issued will be the same for everyone , regardless of how long the person was delayed in processing payments in connection with the reform. And only from 2023, when the final parameters for retirement are established (these are 60 and 65 years old), tax discounts will be provided on the principle of “5 years before pension payments.”

Note that such rules apply not only to federal tax benefits, but also to those provided at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation.


Benefits for pensioners in 2020

Starting from 2020, people of pre-retirement age are among the most vulnerable segments of the population, so the state is introducing additional guarantees for them. First of all, the authorities have taken measures to ensure that older citizens can fully exercise their right to work: it is prohibited to dismiss pre-retirement workers without sufficient grounds, as well as to refuse to hire them. Violating employers face serious fines (up to 200 thousand rubles) up to and including criminal liability.

Pre-retirees also have the right to:

  1. additional leave (2 days) for medical examination;
  2. exemption from property tax (for one property);
  3. tax deduction for land tax (for 6 acres);
  4. receiving a mandatory share in the inheritance;
  5. receiving alimony from adult children in difficult life situations;
  6. free retraining courses.

Regions, in addition, can establish their own preferences for pre-retirees. In Moscow, in particular, pre-retirement people use public transport free of charge, have the right to free trips to a sanatorium and a number of other social protection measures.

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Pre-retirement age for those eligible for early retirement

According to current legislation, some categories of citizens have the right to become pensioners early due to their working conditions or for social reasons. The following have this right:

  • teachers;
  • health workers;
  • working in the Far North;
  • in hazardous industries and so on.

At the same time, each category has its own deadlines for applying for payments, standards for the required length of service and other mandatory conditions.

Citizens applying for early assignment of an old-age pension are considered pre-pensioners if the following conditions are met:

  1. They have 5 or less years left before early retirement is granted.. For example, a man working in the Far North becomes a pensioner on his 60th birthday. Therefore, he will be considered pre-retirement after his 55th birthday.

    However, it must be taken into account that the retirement age for workers in the North is also gradually increasing from 2020, and therefore some citizens fall under the transitional provisions of the law. For example, northerners will become pre-retirees according to the following schedule:

    WomenMenWhen will they be pre-retirement?
  2. The length of service required for early registration of a pension has been fully developed , if the person is no longer working in the relevant specialty, or he is actually employed in this specialty. For example, for those working in the Far North, 15 years of northern experience and 25 years of general insurance are required. In order for a citizen to be considered pre-retirement, he needs to work out all this length of service, or actually work in the conditions of the Far North.

It should be noted that for some preferential categories, the right to receive payments is granted not upon reaching a specific age, but upon completion of special experience. Such conditions, for example, are established for teaching and medical workers - they require 25-30 years of special experience. For them, pre-retirement status is granted only after full completion of work experience in their specialty .


What does the introduction of the concept of “pre-retirement age” give?

The concept of PPV will allow the state to introduce a legal norm of the same name, which can be used in the field of legislation, and citizens of the corresponding PPV age will be able to count on certain benefits compared to employees of other age categories.

According to V. Putin, the government will develop a whole package of measures for this purpose.

Here is a suggested list of them:

  • It is proposed to establish administrative and even criminal liability for employers for dismissing PPV employees or refusing to hire them based on their age. As the head of state emphasized, appropriate changes to the legislation must be made SIMULTANEOUSLY with the adoption of the law on increasing PV!
  • The government is also instructed to offer REAL incentives that can motivate enterprises and companies to hire PPV citizens and retain former workers of this age in their jobs;
  • in order to enable PPV employees, if they wish, to undergo professional retraining, like their younger colleagues, to acquire new skills, the government must develop and approve a special advanced training program for PPV citizens with its funding from the federal budget;
  • PPV citizens who decide to change jobs and have not yet found a new employer should be paid unemployment benefits in an increased amount (11,280 rubles/month with a maximum of 4,900 rubles for the rest of the unemployed). – This provision should also come into effect from 01/01/2019.

Analyzing the above information, you can come to some rather interesting, and perhaps initially not very obvious, conclusions.

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