Order on the appointment of a person responsible for military registration of citizens

Organization of military registration

First of all, each enterprise must prepare and issue an order appointing a person responsible for military registration.
This document defines the specific responsibilities of persons registering personnel, for example:

  • check that citizens hired for work have marks in their passports indicating their relationship to military duty;
  • fill out the appropriate sections in the personal cards of T-2 employees in accordance with the entries in their military documents;
  • inform military commissariats about unspecified corrections, inaccuracies and forgeries found in profile documents, incomplete numbers of sheets, as well as cases of failure to fulfill duties, mobilization preparation and mobilization.

Military administration bodies (military registration and enlistment offices) and local self-government have the right to inspect organizations for the correctness of maintaining the appropriate registration of personnel.


The mandatory presence of an order on the person responsible for maintaining the registration of those liable for military service is not stipulated by law, but its absence may be regarded as a violation.

To avoid unnecessary questions from the regulatory authorities, the draft order for registration of the organization’s personnel should be previously approved by the military registration and enlistment office or local government (in those areas where there are no military registration and enlistment offices).

The procedure for preparing and approving an order

At a minimum, the document must contain personal data of persons responsible for:

  • development of functional responsibilities for maintaining military records;
  • reservation of military personnel in reserve;
  • notifying citizens about calls regarding registration of persons liable for military service;
  • temporary replacement of responsible persons during their absence.

The number of employees conducting this area of ​​work in the company is determined by the number of persons liable for military service as of December 31 of the previous year. The standards are as follows:

  • 1 part-time person – if there are 500 citizens in the state who are subject to registration;
  • 1 person – if there are from 500 to 2000 citizens liable for military service;
  • 2 people – if there are from 2000 to 4000 citizens;
  • further plus one to the above two employees for every subsequent 3,000 people in the enterprise.

If, according to the norm, it is necessary to have two or more employees engaged in this work, then the organization must create a separate unit - a military registration desk.

A sample order on organizing military registration of citizens in 2019 looks like this:

Sample order on organizing military registration and appointing a person in charge

Using our example, prepare a draft document taking into account the characteristics of your organization. Now it needs to be agreed upon by the manager and the military commissar. To do this, fill out a letter on the organization’s letterhead with approximately the following content:

In accordance with the Methodological Recommendations for maintaining military records in organizations dated July 11, 2018, we are sending for approval a draft order on those responsible for maintaining military records in the Pion Limited Liability Company. If you have any comments, please submit them in writing to the address 123456, St. Petersburg, Pravdy Street, building 1, building 2, room 3.

The letter along with the draft order must be sent by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt and wait for a response. If everything is fine and the documents are approved, you can work calmly. If there are any comments, they will be written. All that remains is to make changes and send the draft order again. After all approvals, the document will need to be approved and familiarized with it against the signature of the employees listed in it.

Legislative basis for the activities of the responsible specialist

The beginning of military registration in an organization is registration as a legal entity. After this, the leader must issue an order on the organization of military registration, referring to the federal law on military service. This order determines the methods of collecting information about personnel and interacting with the competent authorities for maintaining military records in the municipality. An instruction was also formulated for the personnel department, the essence of which is that a job description is to be developed for the person responsible for military registration.

Special functional responsibilities of the person responsible for maintaining military records are developed, which represent a document certified by the employer. It is formulated arbitrarily, but its main idea is consistent with clause III of the Methodological Recommendations prescribed in the regulations on military registration.

In order to conclude a documentary relationship with an employee who will be entrusted with the functions of the person responsible for military registration work, the manager issues an order appointing a responsible employee, according to which all relevant responsibilities are assigned to a person on the company’s staff, but in some cases additional staff unit.

If the organization's staff consists of up to 500 people, then military registration activities can be carried out by one employee from the staff, working part-time, and the additional payment for record keeping depends on the number of people liable for military service and is paid from the internal fund. When the number of staff exceeds the threshold described above and reaches 2000 people, there is a separate unit - a military registration specialist. His salary is set by the accounting department.

It should be noted that money from the federal budget, which ensures the implementation of military registration activities, is allocated only to finance the military registration table in administrative districts where there is no military commissariat. The presence of over 4,000 employees in an organization means the work of two specialists in the field of interest to us. A special workplace with locked safes for documents is equipped for them. A department is formed called the military registration table. Their salaries are also paid from the organization’s funds.

Should all companies organize military registration?

Federal laws in the field of defense and mobilization establish that all entities that operate as a legal entity must keep records of those liable for military service.
Military registration means the reflection of all company employees who are of military age in a single database of the military registration and enlistment office for the purpose of recording them and monitoring the fulfillment of military duty by these people. When martial law is introduced, military registration will help to carry out mobilization as soon as possible.

It is imperative to organize military registration from the very beginning of your activity. After all, as soon as a company begins to conclude labor contracts with employees, it is obliged to report to the territorial bodies of the military registration and enlistment office about all those liable for military service.

At the same time, the legislation establishes strict deadlines within which the responsible person must submit information about both the hiring of new employees and their dismissal.

Attention! The organization of military registration involves the issuance of an order, the form of which is fixed by regulations. Military registration is carried out on the basis of personal cards, which are filled out according to the data contained in military IDs and registration certificates.

From time to time, information about employees at the enterprise may change, so the person in charge needs to clarify it and report to the military registration and enlistment office about any changes that have occurred.

Who should be responsible

The head of the organization decides who exactly will carry out military registration in his company. This can be either an internal employee or an external part-time worker.

If the duties are assigned to a registered employee, then it is necessary with the help of an additional agreement to the employment contract. There is also an additional payment for performing part-time duties.

The law establishes the number of employees who can be included in the military registration of an organization:

  • With up to 500 employees, one employee is responsible for military registration, and he combines his duties with other work.
  • With a workforce of 500 to 2,000 employees, there is one employee who is released from other work.
  • With a workforce of 2,000 to 4,000 employees - for employees who are released from other work.
  • For every subsequent 3,000 employees, one more employee is added, dealing only with military registration.

If, due to the large number of employees, the standard establishes two or more people who will carry out military registration in the company, then it is necessary to organize a separate unit - a military registration desk.

Attention! The General Staff of the Russian Federation in its guidelines recommends that organizations coordinate with the military registration and enlistment office the candidacies of employees who are planned to be appointed responsible for military registration. But companies may not adhere to this.

Responsibility for the absence of an order

The law establishes that the head of a company is responsible for maintaining military records. He must issue an order that will identify the person responsible for carrying out mandatory military registration operations.

In this case, if any legal requirements in this area are not met, then the specified person, according to the Code of Administrative Offenses, will be punished with a fine, the maximum amount of which is 1 thousand rubles. However, the organization does not bear any responsibility for these violations.

Attention! The law does not establish any liability for the absence of the necessary order. However, if any violation is detected, fines will be imposed on the head of the company as the person responsible.

How to issue an order to organize military registration in an organization

The form of the order for organizing military registration is recommended by the Methodological Recommendations of the General Staff of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2007 (Appendix No. 4).

Filling out the form begins by indicating information about the organization in the header. It must contain the full name of the business entity, registration codes TIN, KPP and OGRN.

Next, next to the word order, its serial number is indicated. Under it, this order must be registered in the journal of orders for the enterprise.

Under the summary of the order, you must indicate the date the document was drawn up and the location (city, locality).

The text of the order has already been drawn up.

It is only necessary to indicate in the relevant paragraphs the responsible persons:

  1. Full name is entered in the first paragraph. the head of the personnel department, who must organize the military registration procedure and develop functional responsibilities for employees. This paragraph also indicates the date by which these actions must be completed.
  2. The second paragraph of the order records the responsible person who will perform the duties of maintaining military records at the enterprise.
  3. In the third paragraph of the order, full name is written down. a reserve employee who will perform military registration duties in the absence of the main person in charge.
  4. The fourth and fifth points are completely completed - they relate to notifying responsible persons and monitoring the order.

The order is signed by the head of the company.

Next, it is necessary to provide columns for notes on familiarization of the persons mentioned in the order, as well as a column for approval by the employee of the local military registration and enlistment office.

Regulatory justification for registration of persons liable for military service

The conduct of the military training itself, the rules and assigned obligations are regulated by certain legislative acts.

These include:

  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 719 “On approval of the regulations on military registration.” This standard determines the procedure for the work of district military registration and enlistment offices, as well as local self-government bodies with constituent entities. At its core, the document is more general in nature.
  • Order 495 of the Moscow Region “On approval of the Instructions for ensuring the functioning of the military registration system for citizens of the Russian Federation and the procedure for holding competitions for the best organization of military registration.” This order of the Minister of Defense regulates the functioning of the entire military registration system throughout the country.
  • Method of recommendations from 2020 for maintaining military records in organizations. It is this manual that is fundamental for a personnel officer at an enterprise, whose assignment of responsibilities for maintaining a military office is enshrined in an administrative order.

Functional responsibilities of a military registration employee

(name of company)

(military rank)(job title)
(name of the military commissariat)(name of company)
(signature)(first name initial, surname)(signature)(first name initial, surname)

responsible for military registration work

The employee responsible for military registration work (hereinafter referred to as VUR) carries out military registration of working citizens, those in the reserves and citizens subject to conscription for military service in accordance with the regulations of the Russian Federation.

When implementing VUR, the employee must be responsible for:

— completeness and quality of work performed;

— registration of citizens for military registration;

— collection, storage and maintenance of information contained in personal cards of citizens;

— timely submission of information to military commissariats or local governments on the admission/dismissal of citizens in the reserves, as well as changes in their credentials.

The employee responsible for the VUR is obliged to:

When hiring citizens subject to military registration:

— check the presence of marks in the passports of citizens of the Russian Federation about their attitude to military duty;

— check the authenticity of military registration documents, as well as the authenticity of the entries in them;

— check the presence of marks on military registration at the place of residence or place of stay, the presence of mobilization orders, badges with personal numbers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

— check the compliance of military registration documents with passport data of citizens, the presence of photographs and their correspondence to the owners, and in temporary certificates issued in exchange for military tickets, in addition, their validity period;

— fill out personal cards in accordance with the entries in military registration documents. At the same time, information about the marital status, education, place of work (division of the organization), position, place of residence or place of stay of citizens, other information contained in the documents of citizens accepted for military registration is clarified;

- explain to citizens the procedure for fulfilling their duties for military registration, mobilization training and mobilization established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Regulations on military registration, exercise control over their fulfillment, and also inform citizens about their responsibility for failure to fulfill these duties

- inform military commissariats about the absence of marks in the passports of citizens of the Russian Federation about their relationship to military duty, about missing marks on military registration found in military registration documents, unspecified corrections, inaccuracies and forgeries, incomplete number of sheets, as well as cases of non-compliance by citizens responsibilities in the field of military registration, mobilization training and mobilization;

- identify citizens who are subject to military registration at their place of work and (or) place of residence (place of stay), and take the necessary measures to register them with military authorities;

— send to military commissariats at the place of residence female citizens aged 18 to 45 years (who were not previously registered with the military) who have (received) specialties in accordance with the List of military specialties.

In order to maintain up-to-date information contained in personal cards and information contained in military registration documents of military commissariats:

— send within 2 weeks to the relevant military commissariats and (or) local government bodies information about citizens subject to military registration and their acceptance or dismissal from work;

- send within 2 weeks, at the request of the relevant military commissariats and (or) local government bodies, the necessary information about citizens who are registered with the military, as well as about citizens who are not, but are required to be registered with the military;

- submit annually, in September, to the relevant military commissariats lists of male citizens of 15 and 16 years of age;

- submit annually, before November 1, to the relevant military commissariats lists of male citizens subject to initial military registration;

— check at least once a year the information on military registration contained in personal cards with the information contained in the military registration documents of citizens;

— check at least once a year the information on military registration contained in personal cards with the information contained in the military registration documents of the relevant military commissariats and (or) local government bodies;

- enter into personal cards information about changes in marital status, education, structural unit of the organization, position, place of residence or place of stay, health status of citizens registered with the military, and within 2 weeks report these changes to military commissariats and (or ) local government bodies at the place of residence (stay) of citizens registered with the military;

— submit annual reports on time, including on the number of employees of organizations;

— notify citizens about calls (subpoenas) from the relevant military commissariats or local government bodies and ensure their timely appearance at the places indicated by the military commissariats, including during periods of mobilization, martial law and wartime;

— remove from the card index the personal cards of those liable for military service and conscripts dismissed from work or removed from military registration.

Familiar with the functional responsibilities:
(signature)(full name)

How to check the results of work required by law?

In order to control the correctness of the military accounting in the organization before the arrival of an inspection from the regulatory authorities, you can conduct an internal audit of this service. The purpose of the audit is to ensure that all actions to obtain and properly preserve documents are carried out in accordance with the Regulations on Military Registration. The verification also examines the ongoing updating of information and its transfer to the district military registration and enlistment office.

If the commission's inspection reveals shortcomings, they must be recorded in a special document-act. Determine the deadlines for acceptable corrections or improvements. Report the results of the inspection to the district military registration and enlistment office.

Administrative liability has been established for violations in the activities of military registration. It is allowed to involve not only company managers, but also officials who are responsible for this work.

All employers are required to carry out accounting work, but often neglect to comply with the requirements of the law. The main reason is ignorance of the correct distribution of responsibilities among staff. But, using regulatory documents, it is not difficult to organize this work; it is important to purposefully define the responsibilities of specialists carrying out military registration.

Download the functional responsibilities of an employee performing military registration

Job description of an employee for maintaining military records of working citizens 1. General provisions 1.1. An employee for maintaining military records of working citizens is appointed by order of the director in agreement with the military commissariat. 1.2. The employee responsible for maintaining military records of working citizens reports to the head of the organization. 1.3.

In its work it is guided by: — the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation; — Federal laws “On Defense”, “On Military Duty and Military Service”; — Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 27.

2006 N 719 “On approval of the Regulations on military registration” and Methodological recommendations for maintaining military records in organizations; — other current legislative and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation; - the charter of the enterprise, this job description. 1.4.

The following information is specified:

  • about marital status,
  • education,
  • place of work (division of the organization),
  • positions,
  • place of residence or place of stay of citizens,
  • other information contained in the documents of citizens accepted for military registration of citizens;

1.3. explain to citizens the procedure for fulfilling their duties on military registration, mobilization training and mobilization established by law

of the Russian Federation and the Regulations on Military Registration (Appendix 2 to the Methodological Recommendations of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces-2007), monitor their implementation, and also inform citizens about their responsibility for failure to fulfill these duties (Appendix 19 to the Methodological Recommendations of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces-2007 G.); 1.4.

If unspecified corrections, inaccuracies, forgeries or an incomplete number of sheets are found in these documents, the Person Responsible for the work of maintaining military records is obliged to send their owners to the military commissariat in which they are registered with the military, or are not registered, but are required to be registered with the military for clarification of military registration documents. 2.1.3.

The person responsible for maintaining military registration is obliged to inform the military commissariat about the absence of marks in the passports of citizens of the Russian Federation about their relationship to military duty, about missing marks on military registration found in military registration documents, unspecified corrections, inaccuracies and forgeries, incomplete number of sheets , as well as cases of failure by citizens to fulfill their duties in the field of military registration, mobilization training and mobilization.

Job description of a military registration employee

— check that citizens hired for work have mobilization orders (for those liable for military service, if there are marks on the delivery of a mobilization order on their military ID cards), badges with personal numbers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (for people liable for military service, if there is a mark on the delivery of the badge on their military ID).

What are the main responsibilities of a military records specialist?

When hiring citizens subject to military registration: - check the presence of marks in the passports of citizens of the Russian Federation about their attitude to military duty; — check the authenticity of military registration documents, as well as the authenticity of the entries in them; — check the presence of marks on military registration at the place of residence or place of stay, the presence of mobilization orders, badges with personal numbers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; — check the compliance of military registration documents with passport data of citizens, the presence of photographs and their correspondence to the owners, and in temporary certificates issued in exchange for military tickets, in addition, their validity period; — fill out personal cards in accordance with the entries in military registration documents.

III. responsibilities of employees carrying out military registration in organizations

The person responsible for maintaining military records reports directly to the General Director. 1.4.

A person with a higher professional education and work experience in the personnel service of at least 2 years is appointed to the position of Responsible for the work of maintaining military records.

1.5. The person responsible for maintaining military records must have computer skills at the level of a confident user, including the ability to use special computer programs. 1.6.

Job description of an employee for maintaining military records of working citizens

No. 10 to these Methodological Recommendations; c) submit annually, in September, to the relevant military commissariats lists of male citizens aged 15 and 16 years in accordance with Appendix No. 11 to these Methodological Recommendations, and before November 1 - lists of male citizens subject to initial military registration, in in accordance with Appendix No. 3 to the Instructions for the preparation and conduct of activities related to the conscription of citizens of the Russian Federation who are not in the reserves for military service, approved by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated October 2, 2007 N 400

Order on military registration sample 2020

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"____"_________200__g. Moscow No. ____________

On the organization of military registration and reservation of citizens in reserve

In pursuance of the federal laws of the Russian Federation of May 31, 1996 “06 defense”, of March 28, 1998 “On military duty and military service”, of February 26, 1997 “On mobilization preparation and mobilization in the Russian Federation” and decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation from 12/25/98

No. 1541 “Regulations on military registration” and dated 02.26.98.

No. 258 “Basic provisions for the reservation of citizens of the Russian Federation who are in the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, federal executive bodies with a reserve, and working in government bodies, local governments and organizations”

I ORDER: 1. The head of the personnel department _____________________________________ (last name, first name, patronymic) to organize military registration of all categories of working citizens subject to military registration and reservation of citizens in the reserve. 1.1.

Responsibilities for maintaining military records, booking citizens in reserve, and storing strict reporting forms are assigned to ________________________________________________________________ (position, last name, first name, patronymic) 1.2.

When leaving on vacation, a business trip or for treatment, _________ _______________________________________ temporarily fulfill the duties of (name of the person responsible for military registration) responsibilities for maintaining military records and booking citizens in the reserve, entrusted to _____________________________________________.

(position, surname, name and patronymic) 2. This order should be announced to the heads of structural divisions.

3. I reserve control over the execution of the order.

Head of the organization ___________________________________________

Note: the order is agreed upon with the military commissar of the district (city).

Order on the organization of military registration and reservation of citizens in reserve

Document type: Order

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On the organization of military registration

and reservations for citizens staying in reserve

In execution of Federal Laws of May 31, 1996 N 61-FZ “On Defense”, March 28, 1998 N 53-FZ “On Military Duty and Military Service”, February 26, 1997 N 31-FZ “On Mobilization Preparation” and mobilization in the Russian Federation" and Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 25, 1998.

N 1541 “Regulations on military registration” and dated February 26, 1998

N 258 “Basic provisions for the reservation of citizens of the Russian Federation who are in the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, federal executive bodies with reserves, and working in government bodies, local governments and organizations”

2. This order should be announced to the heads of structural divisions.

3. I reserve control over the execution of the order.

Head of the organization _____________________

Note. The order is agreed upon with the military commissar of the district (city).

Order on the organization of military registration sample 2019

Methodological recommendations, approved. General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation July 11, 2020).

When to draw up an order for military registration

Any organization that requires employees to maintain military records. Therefore, immediately after the start of activity, appoint a responsible employee and issue an order on military registration of citizens.

The draft order is agreed upon with the military commissar of the municipality or with the local government body that maintains primary military records in territories where there are no military commissariats.

: Sample report on occupational safety and health at the enterprise

Is it possible to register several employees at once in a military registration order?

The number of specialists who will keep records is influenced by the number of employees of the organization who are registered (clause 12 of the Regulations, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2006

If martial law is introduced in the country, this will allow mobilization to be carried out in a minimum period of time.

It is necessary to begin military registration at an enterprise immediately from the moment the company is organized. After all, as soon as at least one employment contract is concluded with a person liable for military service, it will be necessary to report it to the local military registration and enlistment office.

Maintaining military records involves issuing a special order, the contents of which are established by regulations.

The registration itself is carried out on the basis of personal cards, the data in which is entered from the provided military IDs or registration certificates.

Who can be appointed responsible

The head of the organization must decide for himself who in his company will be responsible for military registration.

Order on the organization of military registration and reservation of citizens 2019 sample

Regulatory justification for registration of persons liable for military service

Every employer is required to keep military records of its subordinates. This is provided for by a number of regulatory documents:

  • Government Decree No. 719 of November 27, 2006 “On approval of the regulations on military registration.” This document, which determines the procedure for the work of military registration and enlistment offices and local government bodies, is of a general nature;
  • Source: https://ec02.ru/obrazcy/prikaz-o-voinskom-uchete-obrazec-2019.html

    Job description of the person responsible for maintaining military records

    Check with citizens hired for: the presence of marks in the passports of citizens of the Russian Federation about their attitude to military duty; the presence and authenticity of military registration documents, as well as the authenticity of the entries in them; marks on military registration at the place of residence or place of stay, the presence of mobilization orders (for those liable for military service if there are marks on the delivery of a mobilization order in the military ID), badges with personal numbers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (for those liable for military service if there is a mark of delivery on the military ID token); compliance of the specified military registration documents with the citizen’s passport data; the presence of a photograph in military registration documents and its correspondence to the owner; presence of a photograph in temporary certificates issued in exchange for military ID cards, validity period. 2.1.2.

    Job description of the person responsible for maintaining military records in the organization

    Upon completion of the reconciliation, the military registration and enlistment office employee makes an entry in the log of checks on the status of military registration and reservation of those liable for military service (clause 88 of the Instructions on the procedure for military registration). On carrying out a reconciliation in the personal card of a person liable for military service (conscript), the person responsible for military registration in a simple pencil in the line “Name of the military commissariat at the place of residence” indicates the date of reconciliation and puts his signature.

    Functional responsibilities of the person responsible for military registration work

    Attention IX “Notes on admission to military registration and de-registration” in the departments of the military commissariat of the Orenburg region, notes on admission to military registration and de-registration are made (with stamps measuring 35x30 mm) in the appropriate columns (p.

    21-24) in the certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service - in section 1 “Notes on admission to military registration and removal from military registration”, notes are made on the removal of the conscript from military registration and on his registration with the stamps of the departments of the military commissariat Orenburg region.6.

    In cases where there are no marks on page 13 of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation about the relationship to military duty or about military registration in the military registration documents, send citizens in the reserves and conscripts to the department of the military commissariat of the Orenburg region at the place of residence or place of stay.7.

    Responsibilities of those responsible for maintaining military records

    Agreed by: Military Commissar of the Kirov District of St. Petersburg A.F. Melnikov » » 2004 Approved by: Deputy Head of the Administration of the Kirovsky District of St. Petersburg, Chairman of the Commission for the Reservation of Citizens Staying in the Reserves of the Kirovsky District of St. Petersburg E.I.

    Gavrilov » » 2004 Head signature Full name » » 200 g. 1. General provisions. 1.1. An employee for maintaining military records of working citizens is appointed by order of the director, in agreement with the district military registration and enlistment office, with the exception of organizations that have mobilization bodies. 1.2.

    The employee responsible for maintaining military records of working citizens reports to the head of the organization. 1.3. The person responsible for maintaining military records fills out personal cards in accordance with the entries in the military records documents.

    At the same time, information about marital status, education, place of work (division of the organization), position, and other information contained in the documents of citizens accepted for military registration is clarified.

    III. responsibilities of employees carrying out military registration in organizations

    Methodological recommendations of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation-2007) and coordinate it with the department of the military commissariat of the Orenburg region, on whose territory the organization is located.

    Deputy head of the organization (signature, first name, surname) Methodological recommendations for maintaining military records in organizations... Expenses associated with maintaining military records in organizations are made at the expense of these organizations Maintaining military records in an organizationThe main requirement imposed by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the system military registration is a permanent provision... Regulations on maintaining military registration and reservation of citizens in the reserves... The procedure and sequence of performing functional (official) tasks... Check with citizens in the reserves the main documents of military registration, on the basis of which section 2 of the personal card is filled out ...

    What are the responsibilities of the responsible person?

    This employee's responsibilities include the following:

    • When hiring a new employee, check in his documents the relation to military service.
    • Check the availability of mobilization orders for the citizen applying for a job.
    • In the personal cards of employed citizens, make notes in the appropriate sections, transferring the necessary information from the personal military form.
    • Check the compliance of the data specified in the military ID with the information written in the citizen’s passport. Availability of required photos and their correspondence to the bearer of documents.
    • In temporary certificates, check their authenticity and legitimacy of action.
    • If you find inaccurate information in your military ID, as well as corrections that are not specified, report this to the district military registration and enlistment office.
    • Maintain lists of employees liable for military service and persons with armor.
    • Send information about citizens who have joined or left the company within the scheduled time frame; this also applies to educational institutions, since records are required at schools and other institutions.
    • If there are conscripts under report, it is mandatory to explain to them the need to personally appear at the district military registration and enlistment office.
    • Participate in reconciliations with the district military registration and enlistment office.
    • Notify employees about calls to the district military registration and enlistment office regarding registration of those liable for military service.
    • Comply with reporting deadlines to self-government bodies and district military registration and enlistment offices.
    • Develop a work plan for conducting accounting work.

    This is important to know: Military nacessor: equipment for contract soldiers

    A new obligation was imposed on the responsible person of Federal Law No. 8 from 02/17/2020. It is as follows: if an employee who, by law, is one of those liable for military service, is not one, the employer is obliged to notify the district commissariat about such a citizen within two weeks.

    In this case, the employee is notified about this by handing over a referral for registration. The form of this document has been approved and is uniform for all companies.

    Functional responsibilities of the person responsible for maintaining military records

    of the Russian Federation about their attitude to military service, the availability and authenticity of military registration documents, as well as the authenticity of the entries in them, marks of military registration at the place of residence or place of stay.

    In cases where there are no marks in the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation about the relationship to military duty or about military registration in the military registration documents, send: - reserve officers and conscripts - to the military commissariat at the place of residence or place of stay; - soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen, warrant officers and midshipmen of the reserve - to the military commissariat at the place of residence (place of stay), and those living in the territory of municipalities where there are no military commissariats - to the local government body.

    Functional responsibilities of the person responsible for maintaining military records in the organization

    An employee responsible for maintaining military registration of working citizens must know: - the current legislation of the Russian Federation regulating military registration of working citizens. 2. Job responsibilities. The employee responsible for maintaining military records of working citizens is obliged to maintain military records in accordance with governing documents, including: 2.1.

    Conduct military registration of citizens who are in the reserves of the RF Armed Forces (hereinafter referred to as the RF Armed Forces), as well as citizens subject to conscription for military service (hereinafter referred to as the GPZ) who are hired. Check citizens' military registration documents and military registration and enlistment records. Fill out personal cards of the T-2 form for citizens. 2.2. Deregister GPP and GPP. 2.3.

    Make changes to your personal GPZ (GPP) cards based on your professional and marital status, education, and place of residence.

    Conduct a reconciliation of personal cards with entries in citizens’ military ID cards.

    Functional responsibilities of the person responsible for maintaining military records sample

    Renew personal cards that have become unusable. 2.4. Send to the military registration and enlistment office information about those hired and dismissed from work by the Civil Defense Forces (GPP), as well as about changes in their military registration data. 2.5. Reconcile the card index with the personal cards of the military registration and enlistment office (GPZ). 2.6. Prepare required reports in a timely manner. 2.7.

    Remove from the card index the cards of the GPZ and those subject to exclusion from military registration due to age or illness. 2.8. Keep records of ILIs who have declared a change in their health status and report this to the military registration and enlistment office. 2.9. Identify female citizens who, in accordance with the list of specialties, are subject to military registration. 2.10.

    Clarify the ILI notification plan during business hours. 2.11.

    Orenburg region, including during periods of mobilization, martial law and wartime.4. When accepting military registration documents from citizens, issue receipts (Appendix No. 14 of the Methodological Recommendations of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation-2007).5.

    When establishing whether citizens hired for work (study) are registered with the military, check the presence of a mark on admission to military registration: in the reserve officer’s military ID in paragraph 24 “Marks on admission to military registration and deregistration from military registration”, in the departments military commissariat of the Orenburg region, marks are made on the admission of reserve officers to military registration and their removal from military registration (stamps measuring 35x30 mm) in the appropriate columns, certified by the signature of an official and the official seal (seal for military registration marks) of the departments of the military commissariat of the Orenburg region (page .

    The person responsible for maintaining military records is obliged to: develop a work plan for the implementation of military registration and reservation of citizens in the reserve, coordinate it with the military commissariat; draw up reports in a timely manner in the established form, providing for the reflection of information about the composition of the reserve (military ranks) and the age (ranks) of citizens working in the institution who are in the reserve; provide other additional information established by the military commissariat in agreement with the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation; control the timely registration of the admission, transfer and dismissal of employees, the issuance of certificates about their current and past work activities, the execution of other established personnel documentation, as well as the entry of relevant information into the data bank about the institution’s personnel.

    What is included in the work of a VU specialist?

    As already noted, the functionality is developed at each enterprise, but the basis is the work that must be carried out by the employee responsible for accounting, according to methodological recommendations.

    • The authorized employee is responsible for the authenticity and relevance of the information. In this regard, he checks documents when a new employee arrives. The presence of a military ID is checked, as well as marks related to the relationship to military registration. The passport data is verified, and in case of any comments found during the check, the person responsible for the military directs the employee to the military commissariat.
    • If the employee’s military ID contains special marks indicating the presence of a number tag or mobilization order, then the validity of this information is checked.
    • The responsibilities of the responsible employee include filling out personal cards for employees, a sample of which involves filling out the T-2 form, with information about place of residence, marital status, and presence of children. The registration address and residential address are verified. Personal cards of employees form a separate file cabinet, access to which is allowed only to the person responsible for the personal identification in the organization.
    • Explanatory work is part of mobilization preparation activities. It is carried out individually or collectively and provides for the consideration of such issues as the fulfillment of military duty, registration of those liable for military service, mobilization for training or in wartime. The VU employee is obliged to familiarize every citizen with the possible liability in case of neglect of accounting standards.
    • Any violations made during the preparation of documents earlier and identified upon admission to work must be recorded and the data transferred to the military registration and enlistment offices. Various emergency situations are also resolved in cooperation with military registration and enlistment office employees.
    • The storage of military registration documents is carried out properly, in accordance with the instructions developed by the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces. Violation of these instructions imposes responsibility on the person responsible for VRM in the organization and on the manager.
    • When a new employee is hired or dismissed, the relevant information must be submitted to the military commissariat no more than 14 days later; if the municipality does not have one, then it must be brought to the attention of the territorial authorities. Citizens who are about to be drafted into the ranks of the Armed Forces are sent to the military registration and enlistment office to organize primary military registration. The person responsible for the VUR does his best to ensure attendance on the agenda of the military commissariat.
    • Reconciliation of the data in personal cards with the data available at military registration and enlistment offices or local governments is carried out annually. Information must also be prepared on citizens of pre-conscription age for the current year as of September.
    • Changes in information and marital status, health status, migration, position are made in a timely manner. Its registration in personal cards is duplicated and submitted to military commissariats.
    • Employees responsible for military registration are empowered to serve summonses to the military registration and enlistment office for verification of documents, passing a medical examination, as well as for sending to the ranks of the Armed Forces in wartime. In addition, the employee ensures mandatory attendance.
    • Any movement of documents associated with the transfer of a military ID, notices of special registration, or the issuance of deferment certificates must be accompanied by a receipt or recorded in the appropriate log books. Personal data entered into T-2 cards are subject to verification by the employee, and their authenticity is recorded with his signature.
    • Checking the maintenance of military records can be carried out through several departments at once. The results of the inspector's inspection are recorded by his signature in a journal, which must be created immediately after the order to organize the VU comes into effect.
    • The company may employ workers subject to reservation in wartime. Data on positions that require employees to be assigned to them are submitted to the reservation committee and agreed with the military commissariat or municipal authorities.

    Find out: How to maintain military records in an organization or enterprise

    Obviously, the range of functional responsibilities of a specialist is quite wide, so the employer recommends hiring only HR professionals for such a position.

    Author's rating

    Author of the article

    Kolesnikova Anna

    Military registration specialist, assistant department head

    Articles written


    Job description for maintaining military records - Lawyer

    The person responsible for maintaining military records is obliged to submit to the military commissariat in a timely manner and in the prescribed form: - information about citizens subject to military registration, acceptance or dismissal from work (2 weeks); - necessary information about citizens who are in the military registration, as well as about citizens who are not registered, but are required to be registered with the military, at the request of the relevant military commissariats and (or) local governments (2-week period); - lists of male citizens of 15 and 16 years of age (annually in September); - lists of male citizens subject to initial military registration next year (annually before November 1). 2.7.


    When hiring citizens subject to military registration: - check the presence of marks in the passports of citizens of the Russian Federation about their attitude to military duty; — check the authenticity of military registration documents, as well as the authenticity of the entries in them; — check the presence of marks on military registration at the place of residence or place of stay, the presence of mobilization orders, badges with personal numbers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; — check the compliance of military registration documents with passport data of citizens, the presence of photographs and their correspondence to the owners, and in temporary certificates issued in exchange for military tickets, in addition, their validity period; — fill out personal cards in accordance with the entries in military registration documents.

    The person responsible for maintaining military records fills out personal cards in accordance with the entries in the military records documents.


    The person responsible for maintaining military registration is obliged to explain to newly hired employees the procedure for fulfilling their duties for military registration, mobilization training and mobilization established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Regulations on military registration, to monitor their implementation, and also to inform employees about their responsibility for non-fulfillment specified responsibilities.2.4.

    The person responsible for maintaining military records maintains a card index of personal cards of citizens registered with the military. 2.5.

    Production calendar

    Agreed by: Military Commissar of the Kirov District of St. Petersburg A.F.

    Melnikov » » 2004 Approved by: Deputy Head of the Administration of the Kirovsky District of St. Petersburg, Chairman of the Commission for the Reservation of Citizens Staying in the Reserves of the Kirovsky District of St. Petersburg E.I.

    Gavrilov » » 2004 Head signature Full name » » 200 g. 1. General provisions. 1.1. An employee for maintaining military records of working citizens is appointed by order of the director, in agreement with the district military registration and enlistment office, with the exception of organizations that have mobilization bodies. 1.2. The employee responsible for maintaining military records of working citizens reports to the head of the organization. 1.3.

    Job description of the person responsible for maintaining military records

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