Enforcement proceedings are a process during which the forced collection of obligations from the debtor is carried out. This
Free legal consultation! Lending money between citizens who have family or friendly ties –
Debt assignment agreement - what is it? The creditor of a monetary or other obligation may
Along with the enormous opportunities that the Internet has given us, new types of crimes have appeared related to
Methods of divorce According to Russian law, divorce is carried out in the registry office or in court.
Form of mandatory confirmation of conformity What is the difference between a certificate of conformity and a declaration of conformity
How to obtain a writ of execution? The writ of execution will not appear in the bailiff service on its own. To the plaintiff
Grounds for accepting an inheritance through the court Appeal to the court in the process of accepting an inheritance is far away
Bulletin of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation for 2021 Bulletin of the Supreme Court for 2021 Download: Bulletin