Personal medical records and professional medical examinations

When applying for a job, you may often be faced with the requirement to have a valid medical record. It contains information about the citizen’s health that is necessary for the employer to make a decision on the possibility of including the employee on the staff. But not everyone is familiar with how and where a medical record is issued, what scope of examination is required to obtain it, and the consequences of not having one. In some areas of activity, the employer does not have the right to allow an employee to perform job duties until the employee’s health compliance with established standards has been checked and recorded. Solve your problem - call right now: 8 ext. Consultation is free!

Do I need to change my medical record when changing my last name?

If your last name has changed, it is not necessary to change your medical record. It is enough to make changes to the current document. As a rule, a change of surname leads to the replacement of all other documents containing personal data. But in relation to a health book, just like the same, such a requirement does not apply. Replacing your medical record when changing your last name is not necessary. However, there are situations when, when applying for a job, a new employer requires you to change your medical book when changing your last name. Is it necessary to do this? VIDEO ON THE TOPIC: SIGNS THAT IT’S TIME TO CHANGE JOB // Greed of Knowledge

How to change your last name in your medical record

To change your last name in a medical record book, you can, but not necessarily, contact the medical institution that issued this record book with a request to amend your full name information.

What you need to make changes

To enter new information, you must provide an identification document (citizen's passport) and a certificate confirming the change of data:

  • Marriage certificate;
  • divorce certificate;
  • certificate of name change.

As a rule, specialists from a medical institution cross out invalid information and write new data on top. The same scheme applies to changing the surname in the work book.

Below are the reasons for making changes - information about the certificate confirming the change of data (number and date of issue of the certificate).

In addition, the seal and signature of the person who made the changes to the health book must be affixed.

Important! Independent changes (crossing out) of information in the medical book are not allowed. Only the medical institution has the right to make changes to this document.

How to enter a different surname in a medical record after marriage, sample

It can be obtained at a clinic or private clinic; it contains information about the employee’s health status and the absence of contraindications. However, when you receive the book, the question arises - where and who should keep the employee’s medical book. Should the employer take care of its safety, or can the employee take it home for storage?

In the first case, use is possible during divorce or marriage, adoption. The second concept is used when changing your surname on your own.

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Old and new medical books

Any deviation from the established standard is considered falsification of documents and is prosecuted by government agencies. List of professions that require an employee to have a personal medical record A number of professions require employees to have a medical certificate.

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Are old-style medical books valid?

Having disagreed with the court's decision, the Territorial Department of the Rospotrebnadzor Office filed an appeal, in which it asked to cancel the decision of January 17, 2013, and to adopt a new judicial act refusing to satisfy the stated demands of the company. The complainant indicates that OJSC Poultry Farm Severnaya applied to the court of first instance to recognize paragraph 17 of Order No. 88 as inconsistent with current legislation and subject to repeal. At the same time, the court declared paragraph 17 of the order invalid. The complainant believes that the medical records of employees must necessarily contain information about the conclusions of specific doctors and the results of laboratory tests; old-style medical books are invalid and are subject to withdrawal from circulation.

What is the validity period of a medical record? It is necessary to undergo a medical examination again after a certain time. This completely depends on the area of ​​work. These examinations are part of mandatory hygienic and preventive certification. To maintain the opportunity to work in a certain place, the medical record must be renewed regularly.

Is it possible to provide a medical book instead of a medical examination when applying for a job?

Info Also, employees under 18 years of age and professional athletes undergo mandatory medical examinations. The procedure for conducting mandatory medical examinations of employees engaged in work with harmful hazardous production factors is given in Appendix 3 to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 12. The rules for medical examination of drivers are established in the letter of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated August 21. For all other categories of employees for whom There are no special rules for medical examination; these documents can also be used. It is necessary to distinguish a medical examination associated with work in dangerous hazardous working conditions from a preventive examination conducted for the purpose of timely detection of pathological conditions and diseases in medical institutions in which citizens receive primary health care. It all depends on the duration of the contraindications specified in the medical certificate: more than 4 months or less than 4 months. In case of short-term health problems, the employee may be offered temporary work in another position. In case of long-term problems, they may be offered a position that allows the employee to work for medical reasons and professional reasons.

At whose expense is the medical book issued - who should buy it

Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes the employer’s obligation to pay for medical examinations for its employees, including medical examinations upon hiring. However, the standards of this article are quite vague in relation only to candidates for the position, since they are not yet in the state at the time of passing the medical examination. Therefore, it is not always possible to receive compensation for the cost of obtaining a medical book even after employment.

Judicial practice on this issue is also ambiguous. In general, in order to confirm the obligation to pay for the employer’s medical record, an employee who disagrees with his actions must have a sufficiently large evidence base. In this case, the employer’s guilt will be recognized only if:

  • The medical examination was carried out at the direction of the employer. Considering that the applicant is not an employee of the enterprise, the employer may simply not have the right to issue him a referral for a medical examination, or refuse to do this without any consequences, since he does not have any obligations towards the person with whom the employment record has not been formalized. relationships.
  • The employee did not have the opportunity to undergo a medical examination for free. In government institutions at the applicant’s place of residence, he has the right to undergo a medical examination free of charge, but only if he is attached to a specific hospital or clinic. In other institutions, both public and private, you will have to pay for a medical examination. Moreover, if the employee had the opportunity to undergo this procedure for free, the court may refuse to satisfy claims against the employer.
  • The medical examination was carried out in accordance with the regulations of the enterprise. In particular, an enterprise has the right to enter into agreements with individual medical institutions to conduct medical examinations of employees and applicants at the expense of the organization itself. If the applicant applied for a medical record at another institution, the employer will have the right to refuse to compensate for the expenses actually incurred by the applicant.

Medical record upon hiring

I’m getting a job, but the problem is that the name on my medical record is old. At work they told me to go to the medical center and they would change it for me. But they answered that they do not change and do not take such responsibility, this can be done in the personnel department. AzovChat Hello. Unfortunately, this issue is not regulated in any regulatory documents.

Employers often have questions related to the need to issue personal medical records for employees.

You need to submit an application to the Federal Migration Service of Russia dated 20/09. Thus, the general meeting should reflect a list of payments for permanent residence, for example, in connection with business activities, i.e. Leave is granted until April 30 of the year.

How to renew a medical record

A personal medical record is a document required for representatives of a number of professions.
It contains basic information about health, the results of passing a medical commission. The list of employees required to have a personal medical record may vary depending on local legislation. WATCH THE VIDEO ON THE TOPIC: How to make a medical book inexpensively
What is a medical book, can you apply for it yourself at the SES and buy a medical book without taking tests? We answer the most popular questions about medical books! We provide protective covers for medical records free of charge. Still have questions? Home Official medical books in Moscow 10 questions about medical books 10 questions about medical books. A medical book is a document containing information about the absence of infectious diseases in the owner.

Medical book of the new sample and the old one, what is the difference 2020

The format of this magazine has not been approved, so the company develops it independently. It should contain the following information:. The legislator does not say anything about the mandatory replacement of a medical record when changing a surname; accordingly, the employer cannot require the employee to create a new document in this case.

Insert in medical book

Personnel records management Who is required to have a medical record? Personnel records management Medical book upon hiring. HR records Validity period of the medical book. HR records Change of personal data. Personnel records management Types of fire safety training. Personnel records management Making an insert in the work book: sample.

A frameless child seat is more affordable, but its use is controversial. Reflected in accounting by entries: Dt 91. If an employee received sick leave to care for a child and automatically extended his vacation by the number of days the child was ill, dismissal for absenteeism is possible.

The facility must be the one where you were vaccinated. If you recently graduated from school, the certificate can be found at the children's clinic. Important: Women also need to be examined by a gynecologist and have a smear test.

Is a medical book valid if there is no conclusion?

The answer to this question is unequivocal - yes. Then you need to regularly come for preventative checkups. All these measures are necessary to ensure the safety of the health of citizens, because it often depends on the health of service sector workers. This is especially true for catering and grocery store workers. Thus, a medical record is a document containing comprehensive information about a person’s health, and therefore about his professional suitability.

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  • Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 302N dated April 12, 2011. Order No. 49 of 02/06/2020 introduced a number of additions to Order 302N. First of all, they concern social service workers and, in general, all those involved in the field of social assistance and rehabilitation in stationary and semi-stationary conditions, as well as at home. Now employees in this segment are also required to undergo regular medical examinations, consisting of examinations by specialized specialists (dermatovenereologist, otolaryngologist, dentist and infectious disease specialist) and a standard set of tests for major infections.
  • Order of Rospotrebnadzor No. 402 dated May 20, 2005. Additions were also made on 06/02/2016, but the main essence has not changed - the order regulates the order of the institution and the structure of the medical book, as well as the sanitary passport.
  • Articles 212 and 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. They directly regulate the organization of periodic medical examinations at enterprises. The responsibilities of employees and the employer are determined (most of the responsibility lies with the employer).

Federation of Trade Unions of Kamchatka

As follows from the question, in the case under consideration, the employee was transferred to another job within the organization, which requires medical examinations. Transfer to another job while continuing to work for the same employer may entail, among other things, a permanent or temporary change in the labor function of the employee and or the structural unit to which he belongs if the structural unit was specified in the employment contract, as well as transfer to another job locality together with the employer Art. From the above it follows that the employer must enter information into the employee’s personal medical record when he is transferred to another job within the organization. Legal protection Legal emergency. Is an employer required to enter information about a transfer to another job within the organization in the personal medical record book of an employee performing work that requires medical examinations? In accordance with paragraph.

Medical records are needed for employment. As a rule, such books are made. Medical books can only be viewed by employees of Rospotrebnadzor, and many workers are wondering whether it is necessary to change the medical book when going to.

In accordance with the adopted legislative standards, the employer is obliged to ensure labor protection, including not only by monitoring the conditions in which employees work, but also by monitoring their health, which a medical record can help with. Current Russian laws require mandatory registration of a health certificate when employing specialists of certain categories. Both applicants and employers should know how to obtain a medical record and who needs it. Contents: 1. Medical record for employment - laws and regulations 2.

Is it possible not to make amendments to the medical record?

Since this issue is not regulated by any legal acts and there is no legislative norm obliging the replacement of the medical record, it is allowed not to make changes to the medical record at all.

After all, a health book, like any other document, has an expiration date. Before the expiration of this period, you can use the old book, but with the presentation of evidence confirming the change of surname, name or patronymic.

What forms of personal medical records exist today and what is their validity period?

A personal medical record (PMR) is an official document of strict accountability. Hygiene and Epidemiology Centers and their branches are authorized to issue and issue medical certificates.

Initially, the LMK form was approved by order of the Russian Ministry of Health No. 122 dated April 14, 2000. In connection with the reorganization of the state sanitary and epidemiological service in 2005, by order of Rospotrebnadzor No. 402 dated 05.20.02 “On personal medical records and sanitary passports”, changes were made to the LMK form, which affected mainly the external design - the word “State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service” was replaced by the word “Rospotrebnadzor”, In addition, for the convenience of automated filling out the LMC (printing on a printer), the horizontal orientation of the 2nd and 3rd pages is adopted.

This order does not provide for the extraordinary replacement of books previously issued by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance Centers with a new type of medical certificate. The LMC is valid until all pages are filled out.

Who pays for medical examinations and professional hygiene training for staff – the employees themselves or the employers?

In accordance with Federal Law No. 52, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, that is, employers, are obliged to provide the conditions necessary for the timely completion of medical examinations by their employees (including payment), as well as carry out hygienic training for employees (Articles 11, 34) and availability at the enterprise officially issued sanitary rules.

Do I need to change my medical record when moving to another job?

When changing place of work and (or) type of activity, it is necessary to enter information about the new place of work and position on the appropriate page of the current LMC (page 4 “Notes on transfer to work in other organizations”). The data is entered by an employee of the HR department and certified with the seal of the organization (institution).

Where should the medical record be kept - with the employer or with the employee?

Personal medical records must be kept by the administration of the organization and issued to employees (against signature) for medical examinations and professional hygienic training.

Employees carrying out off-site sales on trays, in tents, pavilions must have LMC in their hands.

Where can I undergo medical examinations and what is the procedure for entering their results into medical records?

Employees can undergo a medical examination in any medical and preventive institution (HCI), if the necessary specialists are available and have the appropriate license (expertise of professional suitability, preliminary and periodic examinations).

The results of preventive medical examinations are entered into the LMC on the appropriate page, affixing a standard stamp, and certified with the seal of the medical facility. The stamp must contain the name of the medical facility, type, date, number and result of the study, which are certified by the signature of the person responsible for its certification” (Appendix 3) preliminary and periodic medical examinations are carried out at the expense of the city budget, as well as at the expense of the Compulsory Medical Fund insurance for employees (insured). The stamp and seal must be legible.

Who has the right to check medical records? Is it easy to spot a fake? Who is responsible for the forgery - the employee or the director?

Rospotrebnadzor specialists, as well as law enforcement officers [according to the Law of the Russian Federation No. 1026-1 of April 18, 1991 “On the Police” (as amended and supplemented)], have the right to control the availability of personal medical records among employees. At the request of law enforcement agencies, about 5 thousand examinations of medical records are carried out annually.

It is not difficult for a specialist to distinguish a fake LMC from a real one. To verify the authenticity of employees' medical certificates, the employer should contact the institution that issued the book (page 2) and (or) conducted the certification (pages 27-30 “Professional hygienic training”). The reliability of medical examinations is checked at the health care facility that carried out the examination.

The employer is responsible for allowing persons who do not have a fully completed personal medical record to work, in accordance with the law.

However, if a falsified medical record is identified, the responsibility falls on the employee himself, since without his direct participation this document cannot be issued (including information about hygienic training and medical examination cannot be entered). There is criminal liability for the use of falsified documents, and if the fact of forgery is established, law enforcement agencies initiate a criminal case against the owner of the book.

Personal medical record

To carry out certain types of activities, the law obliges employees to obtain medical certificates for work.
This document is essentially a guarantee of the health status of personnel. Employees of organizations in such industries as production, storage, movement and sale of food and drinking water, raising and educating children, and providing certain services to the population must provide a medical book when hiring. The most common area of ​​application of medical books is the food trade. WATCH THE VIDEO ON THE TOPIC: Personal medical record in 5 minutes

What is the difference between a medical book and a health book?

Medical and sanitary records are two names for one document . The name “sanitary” was used until 1990.

Now the full name is personal medical record. And now all new-style medical books are filled out automatically. A manually completed document indicates that it is a forgery.

Sample of a new medical book.

How to obtain a medical record for work - the procedure for obtaining it, a list of specialties and documents

As a rule, a change of surname leads to the replacement of all other documents containing personal data. But this requirement does not apply to a health record, as well as a diploma or certificate. Replacing your medical record when changing your last name is not necessary.

I completed a medical certificate half a year ago to become a teacher. Now I’m getting another job as a merchandiser at a supermarket, do I need to make a new health record or can I just take the missing tests and add them to the current medical record.

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children?

How and where to get it?

According to the law, the employer must take care of the registration of the employee’s medical record, that is, pay for its registration and send you to a certain medical institution serving the organization. In practice, when a person gets a job, he or she usually fills out a medical card.

It can be done at a clinic at your place of residence, but not all services will be free. Here you can find out what the costs of a medical book are.

You usually don’t save much, but it will take a lot of time to get a medical book at a free medical institution.

Most often, people turn to paid accredited medical institutions. There is such a service - a medical book.

Typically, you pay for a whole package of services and complete the examination in a matter of days.

This is very convenient, especially when you need to make a medical record quickly.

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