Form T-53
Payroll - accounting for accrual and payment of wages
When the form is used Filling out the T-49 form is the responsibility of the accountant, it is also allowed to enter data
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How to conclude an employment contract between individuals
When a person needs a job, the first thing that comes to mind is to look for an advertisement from legal
Commission trading with simplified tax system 15% in 1C: Accounting 8.3
Accounting reflection of the activities of an intermediary in the sale of goods under a concluded commission trade agreement is carried out in
How to apply for paternity leave at the birth of a child in 2020
The birth of a child is associated with many joyful troubles. It is very important during this period to be nearby
How many hours per month should a person work according to the labor code?
How many hours per month should a person work according to the labor code?
How many hours to work per month according to the law: find out the details Find out how many hours per month
What's the best way to refuse an employer after an interview?
How to refuse a vacancy correctly It happens that you didn’t like the job, but it’s awkward to say right away
painting or signature
Personal signature: current issues, judicial practice, recommendations
It is often difficult to choose the appropriate one from the words “signature” or “painting”. They are mistakenly replaced by each other
Accounting for the production process in accounting
Accounting policy 2020: accounting for production costs
Formation of the cost of production Enterprises engaged in the production of products are faced with the need to calculate the cost of manufactured products.
KBK code for paying penalties on land tax in 2020.
BCC for land tax is a 20-digit identifier established by the legislator for land payments
reinstatement by court order
How can a budget organization fire a financially responsible person?
Law on the dismissal of a materially responsible person Any relationship and labor relations are no exception here, it’s early
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