Labor economist: duties and rights of an official
The job description of an economist establishes a complete list of work responsibilities for this category of employees of enterprises and organizations.
Discussion of financial documents
Financial documents are... List of documents by importance, order of execution
Regardless of the form of ownership of the organization, the type of its activity, the name of the documentation, or the place where it was compiled, there are
Personnel number of the organization's employee
Employee personnel number - what is it, how is it assigned
Many people, when applying for a job, have no idea what an employee’s personnel number is and for
Account 50 in accounting posting
Account 50 “Cash” in accounting Cash settlements with legal entities and individuals,
do I need to have a stamp
How to make a seal for an individual entrepreneur. Do I need an IP seal?
The requirements for organizing a small private business have always been easier to implement than the rules
Responsibilities of the financial director. Functions, instructions and tasks
Federal laws of December 28, 2020 No. 488-FZ and November 30, 2016
Job description for office cleaner
Who is an office cleaner? An office cleaner is an employee who professionally carries out
Register of organizations conducting special assessment of working conditions
Updated 04/22/2019 Currently, the procedure for carrying out a special assessment of working conditions is strictly mandatory
Requirements for registration and types of document forms A document form is a standard sheet of paper (format) with permanent details printed on it. - presentation
Other disciplines › Records management As is known, in the practical activities of people, enterprises, organizations,
Professional standard Driver of vehicles of category “B”
In what cases is the professional standard of a car driver applied? The professional standard of a driver in 2020 is
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