One of the most important documents when accounting for finances is the cashier-operator’s journal of the unified form KM-4.
How to correctly number accounting objects during inventory at an enterprise? Inventory is a mandatory activity
General provisions The position of a junior nurse has appeared relatively recently. They are gradually being removed from the staff of medical institutions
When it may be needed The employer keeps the work book itself (i.e. the original) for the entire period
DSV 3 - what is it? According to current legislation, every citizen can independently increase
There are questions or doubts about filling out the 6-NDFL report: how to reflect certain accruals,
Changing the last name in the work book after marriage, how to make an entry Changing information about an employee
Required details of a check in 2020: list of Required details in an online cash register receipt of 2020
The job description of a nurse (orderly) is a local act, which describes all the nuances of labor
What legal regulations govern the preparation of a leading accountant’s DI Job description is a significant element of personnel document flow