Retirement of an employee of the Federal Penitentiary Service
XVI. Order of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia dated May 27, 2013 N 269 (as amended on May 15, 2017) “On approval of the Procedure for providing monetary allowances to employees of the penal system, the Procedure for paying bonuses for good behavior
To whom is it issued? The FSIN pension is issued exclusively to citizens who have legal grounds for applying for it.
The information presented below is relevant as of 05/30/2021, taken from the laws of the Samara region, given for informational purposes
The benefit is paid once to one of the parents, and in the case of two or more children
Pensions in the Russian Federation are small. And if some pensioners are helped financially by children
Home / Uncategorized / Where to Find Out Why the Veteran of Labor Bonus Is Not Paid
If a person’s income is below the subsistence level, he can receive government assistance
What does a “poor family” mean in the Russian Federation? Along with this term, a related concept is used -
Home / Marriage contract / Assistance to large families in the Vladimir region 2021 Other measures
What certificates and certificates entitle you to benefits? veteran's certificates; certificates of victims of exposure
Elderly woman at the cash register
Payments to pensioners born in 1953 and 1967 For several years now, the Government has been making payments
What benefits are available to labor veterans in the Krasnodar region in 2020?
Grounds for obtaining a labor veteran in the Krasnodar Territory General provisions Regulation of the issue of how to obtain
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