How to make a refund using an online cash register - registering receipts and expenses
According to the country's legislation, each retail outlet must be equipped with an online cash register. For individual entrepreneurs on
Shortage at the cash register. Responsibility. Postings
How to draw up a cashier liability agreement: sample
Home / Labor Law / Responsibility / Material Back Published: 05/09/2017 Reading time:
hiring Ukrainian citizens
Employment of Ukrainians with a residence permit
Status of a citizen of Ukraine in Russia As is known, foreign citizens can stay on the territory of the Russian Federation
Income tax
How self-employed people can work with an LLC and not break the law
Many organizations use the services of individuals: some have a copywriter, others a designer,
Calendar sheet
Dismissal on weekends and holidays in 2020
Regulatory framework To understand where work on a day off can come from, you need to contact
Professional standard of a nurse in the social sphere
Scope of application of the professional standard The professional standard of a nurse is a document that sets out the requirements
Payment of sick leave to a part-time worker
How to pay sick leave to an external part-time worker
How to take into account remuneration for external part-time work when paying sick leave Part-time
Taxes in 2020. Changes, latest news
Stanislav Milonin 1,975 For 2020, the Government of the Russian Federation has implemented several projects involving changes
Rules for drawing up a schedule for testing knowledge on electrical safety + sample for downloading
Responsibilities of the employer The employer has the following responsibilities: Organizing safe working conditions. Employee training
Do I need to write an application for payment of sick leave benefits - download a sample for the Social Insurance Fund, employer
What is needed to receive a one-time benefit for the birth of a child is provided to one of the parents. Pay
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