Accounting for semi-finished products of own production and their evaluation Semi-finished products of own production are materials that
Purpose of the medical book In accordance with Art. 34 Federal Law of March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ
05/22/201509/06/2018 17:14 Labor consultant I would like to tell you how to develop a bonus system. I'm more oriented
What happens In the conditions of dynamically developing technologies, the introduction of new programs, basic education does not provide
Are there errors in accruals? Pensioners and disabled people belong to socially vulnerable categories of the population.
What is the removal of an employee from work Complete removal from work at the initiative of the employer implies
Contents of the letter The request to the tax service can be made in any form. There is a list
Selection of the most important documents upon request Storage period for vacation orders (legal acts, forms,
Collective agreement: general provisions Collective agreement is the name of a separate group of agreements. Main focus for
How to approve the vacation schedule for 2020 Employers do not use the Unified Form No. T-7