Spin-off as a form of reorganization of a legal entity
What is organizational reorganization? Reorganization is the process of ending the existence of one organization through the formation
Business guide
Subtleties of drawing up the act of acceptance and transfer of fixed assets OS-1 - the correct sample and current form
Form OS-1. Sample of filling out the act of acceptance and transfer of fixed assets
In what cases should I fill it out? The transfer and acceptance certificate OS-1 is drawn up when the need arises to transfer an object classified as
Business guide
Brief description of individual entrepreneur business for a bank sample
Individual entrepreneurship is a status, not a position. Let us remember that independent activity is called entrepreneurial.
Business guide
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Coworking: what is it and the features of such zones in Russia
Home / Real estate / Non-residential premises Back Published: 05/09/2017 Reading time: 8 min
Business guide
How to check a counterparty on the tax website using TIN and other methods
How to check yourself and your counterparty by TIN: Tax Service website
Why is it necessary to check the counterparty? Each organization tries to attract as many buyers as possible and
Business guide