On the certification of women's jobs December 20, 2020
Sample order on introducing a dress code in an organization
An order is the main administrative document of an enterprise. In the nomenclature of affairs of the organization, the issuance of such orders,
Send on a business trip with the consent of the employee
Actions of the employer when sending an employee on a business trip
Business trips in 2020: we arrange and pay in accordance with Article 166 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation,
Order on approval of bonus regulations: how to draw up correctly
On approval of forms of registration journals and accounting books
Is it necessary to familiarize employees with the bonus regulations? By law, the organization is obliged to familiarize the employee
Rules for filling out form 1 cr Rosstat. Instructions for filling out the federal statistical observation form
For what purposes do travel allowances exist? As a rule, a person does not go on a business trip on his own
How to check the authenticity of a new employee’s work record?
What is the purpose of falsifying a work record? Important! Even if the work book form turned out to be
Job Descriptions for Medical Workers 2020
The job description for employees of medical institutions directly states: “Qualification characteristics... are used as normative
Qualification of an accident as not related to production (Kashlakova A.S.)
News Every industrial accident registered in accordance with the established procedure, including accidents at
How many years are student documents kept in the school archives?
What documents are included in the student’s personal file During studies in the student’s personal file
Enterprise verification
What and how is checked during a Rostekhnadzor electrical safety inspection? Fines for violations in electrical facilities
In any organization, sooner or later that “happy” moment occurs when Rostekhnadzor employees appear
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