Registration of a power of attorney in the Social Insurance Fund for the submission of documents using the example of a ready-made sample
A power of attorney to represent interests in the FSS is a document that allows a citizen to perform in the department
Power of attorney from a legal entity to a legal entity
How to properly draw up Powers of attorney can be issued to an individual, organization, or government agency. There is a separate
Restoration of personnel records
Restoring personnel records - step-by-step instructions
In many organizations, HR records are not maintained properly. This is due to attempts to save money
How to correctly draw up a power of attorney form M2-form?
Why do you need a power of attorney in form M-2? Only the manager is allowed to represent the interests of his enterprise.
Filling out the unified form INV-24 + form and sample act
Unified form No. INV-2 (inventory label) INV-2 is a form called an inventory label. This is a document
Inventory of work in progress, eliminating shortages and surpluses
At any manufacturing enterprise there are products that have not completely gone through the manufacturing cycle and have not become
Nomenclature of cases in the HR department: compile, clarify, approve
What is the nomenclature of personnel service affairs? The personnel service of any modern company passes through
How to update the list of cases in connection with the release of the new List 2020
Why do we need an order to approve the list of cases? The legislator in paragraph 1 of Art. 17 Federal Law
When and to whom are therapeutic and preventive food provided at enterprises?
Therapeutic and preventive nutrition is prescribed for the noble purpose of improving health and preventing occupational diseases of hazardous workers
Electronic version of the berator “Practical Accounting” (The berator is given in accordance with the changes of December 2011) Section XI. Taxes Special tax regimes
Dear readers of the Russian Tax Courier magazine! In numerous letters that come to the editor of our
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