Job responsibilities of a hotel administrator: the whole truth about the profession
The hotel administrator is perceived by the establishment's clients as its owner. Therefore, from his mood, worldview and
Subordination at work: rules and consequences of non-compliance. Boss - subordinate
Every person from childhood is instilled with respect for elders and rules of behavior in society. Briefly
SSV corr correcting sample for 2020
Before you start filling out the report, you must select the type of information form to be submitted. So, SZV-KORR
What liability can a manager bear for violating the Labor Code?
Home / Labor Law / Labor Code Back Published: 05/09/2017 Reading time: 10
Goals and stages of generating management reporting
Today, every manager understands that in order to develop an enterprise and make a profit in the long term, it is necessary
VAT accrued on sales of products transaction
Organization on the simplified tax system: how to reflect payment revenue
2. Calculation of tax deductions for VAT. We assume that all payments related to production costs for
documents and books
Features of drawing up an additional agreement to a fixed-term employment contract to extend the validity period
When is a fixed-term employment contract extended? If the employer wants to extend the employment relationship in 2020
If the only participant (founder) is the director of the organization
The CEO of a company is its first person and a direct representative of interests to a wide range of people.
Account 63 “Provision for doubtful debts” of accounting
Starting with release 2.0.37 in the 1C:Accounting 8 program, the process of creating reserves for doubtful
Sample minutes of the general meeting of the labor collective
Drawing up minutes of the general meeting of the workforce is necessary to register actions at general corporate meetings. Occasion
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