Report on inappropriate behavior of an employee
Sample report on inappropriate behavior of an employee
Acts - samples and examples A memo about the boorish behavior of an employee is an information document
Subjects of labor relations
Subjects of labor law. Types and legal status of subjects
The concept of a subject Subjects of labor law are persons who are subject to labor standards
Minimum wage in the Sverdlovsk region: the cost of living and the minimum wage from January 1, 2020 with the Ural coefficient
Living wage and minimum wage in the Sverdlovsk region from January 1, 2020
Minimum wage for the quarter of the year for the Sverdlovsk region Minimum wage
How to correct an incorrect entry about dismissal and inaccuracies in the name of the organization in the work book
Regulatory acts regulating the introduction of corrections When drawing up a work book (insert), correcting the specified information, you should
Form 5 of financial statements - Appendix to the balance sheet
Form 5 of financial statements Current as of: December 11, 2020 On the composition of financial statements
Pre-retirement age 2020
Pre-retirement age in Russia: what is important to know about the new status of citizens
Pre-retirement age in the Russian Federation from 2020: pre-retirement years, citizens of pre-retirement age, etc.
Sample application for advance payment - How to draw up in 2020?
Reasons for receiving an advance The reasons for writing an application for an advance can be a variety of reasons.
Business ideas. Delivery and sales. Diseases. Cataclysms. Lending. Taxation
How to find the right field The page contains links to types of activities according to OKVED
Interest-free loan agreement with repayment of the loan amount in installments
Rate Reviews: 4 Views: 11344 Votes: 0 Updated: n/a File type Text document Type
Application for clarification of tax payment in 2019-2020: text and sample
What can and cannot be corrected There are a number of errors that are recognized in payment orders
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