Sample receipt for payment of state duty for opening an individual entrepreneur in 2020
If the decision to organize your own business is firmly ingrained in your thoughts, do not waste time
How can you check your sick leave online by number on the FSS website?
A certificate of temporary incapacity for work is a document that an employee must have when
Individual development plan (IDP)
Why does a developer need a personal development plan and how to draw it up
How many areas for development should be included in an employee’s individual plan, how to evenly distribute the workload
Responsibilities of the financial director. Functions, instructions and tasks
Federal laws of December 28, 2020 No. 488-FZ and November 30, 2016
How to understand the difference between a fixed-term and open-ended employment contract
An employment contract is a normative act that regulates the relationship between employer and employee. Typically, the document
Account 75.01 - Calculations for contributions to the authorized (share) capital
The implementation of any economic activity is impossible without the movement of financial resources. Cash is involved in everything
entries for the payment of dividends to the founder
Accrual and payment of dividends in accounting entries
Rules and procedure for calculating and paying dividends to the founder of an LLC - postings, terms, nuances If
Job description for office cleaner
Who is an office cleaner? An office cleaner is an employee who professionally carries out
Mass registration address. How to check the registration of a legal entity
Registration at a mass address is often associated with fly-by-night companies. And this has its own explanation. IN
Features of labor protection for women and youth
Features of labor protection for women and youth. Improving the working conditions of women working in grenage production Organizing production taking into account the use of women’s labor
Documents of international organizations on women’s labor protection The need for women’s labor protection is enshrined in documents
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