Taxes and fees are the main sources of the state budget. Issues related to establishing order
History of the profession This profession existed back in the USSR, but there it was called “personnel officer.”
Payers of income tax Entities whose responsibilities include the calculation and payment of tax on
Home » Human Resources Department » Is studying at a vocational school and vocational school included in the work experience?
A novice entrepreneur begins his acquaintance with the tax service with registration and choosing a taxation system, fortunately
Accrual of vacation days In the coming year, new rules and procedures for calculating vacation pay took effect
How is it different from a printed form? Some powers of attorney are filled out on a special standard form, which
Characteristics from the place of practical training at the enterprise Sample for a student intern Kotov Viktor
Who passes the knowledge test There are 5 admission groups in this area. First group
How to fill out Form 107 correctly? Attention! The inventory form must be filled out in two copies! One