Flexible (sliding) work schedule – what does it mean?
What is a sliding work schedule according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation? Legal directly in the standards of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
how to write off fixed assets from the balance sheet
Accounting entries for write-off transactions of fixed assets
Characteristics of fixed assets To achieve maximum understanding of what is happening, let us recall the concept of fixed assets and properties,
The accountant is upset
New in accounting and taxation in 2020 for organizations
What has changed in accounting for insurance premiums Information on insurance premiums from January 1, 2020
sample order for permission to work independently after an internship
Workplace internship worksheet
The best learning comes from hands-on experience. In working conditions there is a period when
What specialties should there be?
The role of the tariff scale in determining workers' wages
What specialties should there be? In order to decide on positions that, according to work activity
Hours worked per month
Employment contract with a work schedule “two days in two”
A special type of working time accounting - summarized. Summed up accounting is, in fact, a special
Woman on the verge of maternity leave
Is maternity leave included in the length of service in 2020?
The concepts of maternity leave and length of service In the scientific literature you can find the general concept of vacation. into it
Changes in legislation
Changes in legislation since June 2020 - what rules will citizens have to live by?
From January 1, 2020, new innovations awaited us. The changes affected mainly labor
Who is required to submit a certificate of average number of employees?
Average number of employees - KND form 1110018
Features of the document Legislation requires that all organizations and private entrepreneurs using in their activities
Tax on dividends for individuals and legal entities. 2 calculation examples
Greetings, friends! When choosing dividend stocks, we always look at the dividend yield than it
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