Entry in the labor record about the renaming of an organization sample

The ability to get a job or transfer to a new place or position depends on how correctly and accurately the work with the work book is carried out, and in what conditions the document is stored. The work record affects the size of the future pension and the number of certain social services. To ensure that as few unpleasant situations as possible arise for employees and employers in the future, a certain set of rules for maintaining this document has been developed. Making changes to the work book to rename an organization is an important point that is subject to these rules. What are the main requirements for making entries in the work book form?

General requirements for making entries in the work book

Rules for maintaining and storing work books, producing work book forms and providing employers with them, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2003 No. 225 and Instructions for filling out work books, approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated October 10, 2003 No. 69, are the two main regulatory legal acts that regulate the general rules for registration, re-registration, maintenance, storage of work books, as well as the types of permissible changes in existing records.

The main points of these rules are:

  1. All data is entered into the work book solely on the basis of an order issued by the management of the organization/enterprise where the employee is registered, no later than a week after it comes into force. The only exception to the rule is an order of dismissal. A record stating the fact of the employee’s exclusion from the staff is made directly on the day of leaving service}
  2. Each entry in the work book must be reliable, that is, correspond to a specific event, supported by an order from superiors.
  3. Each entry made in the work book must have a clear chronological sequence} dates are indicated in Arabic numerals: days and months have a two-digit entry format, years have a four-digit entry format.
  4. Under no circumstances should entries be shortened. Abbreviations of the names of documents, orders, resolutions and other information are not allowed. Failure to comply with this rule may lead to unpleasant consequences when resolving labor disputes.
  5. Information must be recorded exclusively in the state language – Russian. The exception is employer enterprises located in regions that are part of the Russian Federation, which use their own language in office work. An important point: the new sample of work record books, released in 2004, does not indicate how current modifications will affect samples with regional languages.

Job details

The rules for drawing up work books when renaming an organization refer to the “Work Information” section. In this part, the basic, most important information is entered, for which an accounting form has been created - a work book.

After the employee has started work, 5 working days have passed, the manager (the person receiving applicants) is obliged to make the necessary entries in the work book provided by the new employee. If the employee does not have one or this is his first place of work, then the employer must create a work book for him directly. In a blank form in the HR department, all the necessary data on the employee’s paid labor activity is entered in a certain sequence.

This data contains information about hiring and looks like this:

  • The 3rd column of the section “Information about work” as a heading includes the full name, as well as the abbreviated name of the enterprise provided for in the constituent documents. There is no need to put the date and serial number of the entry here. This information can take up many lines, so large companies have found a simple way to solve this problem - ordering stamps with the necessary company details. This is a very practical solution. According to the law, the imprint of this stamp has the same legal force as a handwritten note. Under certain circumstances, this entry can be completely changed in one of two existing ways.
  • Under the heading in the 1st column, but only by hand, the serial number of the entry is indicated.
  • The 2nd column is the date of the entries made.
  • Column 3 – a record of an employee’s acceptance into a specific structural unit, appointment to a position, or hiring for a specific job. Important: the specific job title, profession, specialty and level of qualification must be indicated.
  • in the 4th column, first write the date, then the administrative document on the basis of which the employee was hired, for example, order, order, approval. At the end of the line is the registration number of this document.

Types of changes to entries in work books

An important question remains how to correctly enter a change in the name of the institution into the work book. In recent decades, due to the unstable economic situation in the world, enterprises have been renamed en masse. This is due to transformations in the organizational and legal forms of companies. As a result of mergers, acquisitions, liquidations, consolidations and reorganizations, enterprises change their names in whole or in part. This event entails a lot of paperwork. Details, stamps, and names of documents change. All financial statements are reviewed. Of course, these events cannot bypass the HR department, where large-scale work must be carried out to make changes to the records of the renaming of the organization.

When an organization changes its name, a corresponding entry must be made in the work book. If this condition is not met, an unpleasant situation will arise that will be remembered for many years. It turns out that a person was hired at one enterprise, but quit or retired from another. There are no intermediate links: “fired” from one place of work and “accepted” to another. An employee who finds himself in such a situation is in danger of being left without seniority and, therefore, without a pension and benefits. Government authorities may very much doubt the legality of such payments. The problem can be solved, but this will require time and effort to take the necessary certificates from the former place of work and “look” into the state archive.

In order to prevent such events, personnel department employees must take care to correctly make an entry about the renaming of the organization in the work book of each employee on the staff. Moreover, this can be done both in handwritten and stamped format. In order to save time, especially at large enterprises, this process takes place using new stamps, the imprints of which are affixed in the “Work Information” section.

Previously, the management of the enterprise must complete the following steps:

  1. documenting the decision of the authorized body to rename a legal entity}
  2. making changes to the name of the enterprise in the constituent documents}
  3. payment of the state duty charged for making changes to the name of the organization}
  4. registration of an application for state registration of changes made to the constituent documents of the enterprise}
  5. within 3 working days, providing the state registration service with documents with the changed name of the legal entity for further registration}
  6. obtaining a certificate of amendments to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities}
  7. issuing an order to make changes to the name of the organization and appointing a group of people responsible for making changes to the entries in work books and contracts is the basis for making an entry in the work book about changing the name of the organization.


Artemova, chief accountant, consultant
Reforms carried out in the public sector of the economy are changing many aspects of the financial and economic life of state and municipal institutions. At the same time, they often even have to change their name and bear the corresponding costs associated with this. To change the name, you must submit an application for amendments to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE), make changes to the work books of employees, and also do not forget to change the seal of the institution.

Institutions and their names (using the example of educational institutions)

In 2020, there was a massive renaming of mainly educational institutions. The reasons for this are varied, but one of them is related to the fact that before July 1, 2020, they had to bring their name and charters into compliance with the norms of Part 5 of Art. 108 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 273-FZ). When renaming educational organizations, their type is indicated taking into account the organizational and legal form (Part 6 of Art.

The procedure for making changes to work book entries

In the “Job Information” section, HR employees make changes to the organization renaming records as follows:

  1. In the 3rd column the sentence is written: “Organization N from the number dd. mm. gg. renamed organization M", (the letters N and M imply the old and new name, respectively)}
  2. in the 4th column the name of the document on the basis of which the changes were made (order, decree, resolution) is entered.

Making changes to the work book entries to rename an organization cannot in any way affect the employment of employees. These changes cannot entail a reduction in the number of employees or the premature termination of a fixed-term employment contract.

Quite often, personnel officers are interested in whether the entry number is entered in the work book when the name of the organization is changed. Usually, in column No. 4, the serial number and date of entry are entered in the order, but making changes to the work book entries on the renaming of a legal entity has become an exception. Answer: no, it is not installed.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that this entry must clearly fit within the boundaries of the 3rd column and “not infringe” on the 2nd and 4th. It doesn’t matter what method it will be done: by hand or using a stamp. If the entry “comes out”, it will be considered incorrect.

How to properly rename a department

Please note that the employees of the remaining plant continue to work in their old places and the functions they perform have not changed. But the company underwent a reorganization, and many divisions were renamed. For example, the “Refining Shop of Plant No. 1” became simply called the “Refining Shop”, the “Mechanical Workshops of Plant No. 1” became simply “Mechanical Workshops”, and so on. And in the opposite case, if one plant is divided into two, or one department has turned into four services, a transfer must be formalized, since the employees actually move to another department. Legislative framework The Instructions do not contain instructions on making a record of changing the name of a unit, but there is a procedure for making a record of renaming an organization (clauses 3.1 and 3.2).

What does this mean for employees?

According to clause 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a work book is one of the main documents of any worker. The work book is important because it, like a counter, records the entire length of service. If, after the organization changed its name, records related to this event were incorrectly made or they were missed altogether, this will lead to confusion and a reduction in length of service. This problem will have to be solved with the help of certificates and archival documents confirming the “imaginary” experience.

Any error in the work record must be corrected immediately at the current or new place of work. If a mistake was made during the existence of the organization before the reorganization, then it is necessary to demand its correction from the legal successors of the company. If a legal entity has been subject to liquidation, then the correction of errors must be carried out by authorized persons at the new place of work.

How to rename departments?

These changes can be made:

  • by agreement between the employee and the administration}
  • by order of the employer in connection with the transformation of organizational working conditions (Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

If the job responsibilities and functions of employees have not changed after changing the names of positions or departments, and in reality the employees do not move to other departments (that is, there was no merger or reorganization of departments), then in this situation there is no need to register the transfer. Renaming and reorganization In some cases, a reorganization occurs at an enterprise, but employees still do not move to new divisions, but remain at their jobs and continue to perform their previously defined functions and responsibilities.

For example, the company had two plants, but now only one remains, because the second plant was sold (closed, liquidated, etc.).

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