Example of characteristics of a family of a preschooler

Positive characteristics for a family: sample

  1. Observe the family, conduct personal conversations with each of its members, make visits and record the results of the work done.
  2. Availability of family law.
  3. Reviews about each of the parents from teachers (they should tell in detail about the life of each of the pupils) about the attitude of the family towards the child (children) and whether the parents cope with their responsibilities.
  4. Other opinions.

As with all types of similar documents (from a school, for a student, for receiving financial assistance, if we are talking about a large family), it must contain a certain list of requirements (a sample is provided). The description must be drawn up in a correct form, restrained, specifically describe the situation in the family and written in the present tense on behalf of a third party. All the facts that the characterization contains are described not on the basis of emotions, but on the existing state of affairs and the real situation.

In what cases is a positive characteristic not given?

A positive characterization of parents, as a rule, cannot be drawn up if there are signs of the most common negative phenomena in family life:

  1. Alcohol or drug addiction of parents. In this case, it is necessary to indicate how the child experiences this problem: whether he experiences a feeling of fear and shame, how much attention he receives, what areas of the child’s life are not sufficiently realized.
  2. Having many children, in which parents have no desire to be responsible for their children.
  3. Low income.
  4. The presence of mental illness in one or both parents.
  5. Severe family conflict - the use of violence between parents or towards a child, families in the stage of divorce.
  6. Parents with low pedagogical literacy. In this case, it should be noted which area of ​​the child’s life suffers if he has signs of pedagogical neglect.

characteristics for parents sample

Characteristics of the adoptive family for the competition

Family means happiness, love and luck, Family means trips to the country in the summer. Family is a holiday, family dates, gifts, shopping, pleasant spending. Family is work, taking care of each other, Family is a lot of homework. Family is important! Family is difficult! But it is impossible to live happily alone!

INTRODUCTION TO THE JURY So, we begin. I am announcing the first competition - “BUSINESS CARD.” Participants need to tell as interesting as possible about their family in just 5 minutes. The jury evaluates the creative approach to completing this task.

Family characteristics

In their activities, teachers, psychologists, and social workers are constantly faced with a variety of documentation. Every year it is supplemented and modified, and sometimes it is difficult to keep in mind all the aspects that need to be described. Family characteristics are one of these basic documents. In order not to ask questions about where to start describing a family, what data needs to be collected, in what sequence it should be drawn up and correctly formulated conclusions, you need to familiarize yourself with the structure of this document and create for yourself a sample description of the family.

To get a more objective picture, it is better not to study the family’s place of residence alone. You can involve a representative of the parent committee, a social teacher or a psychologist (especially in the case of dysfunctional families).

Characteristics of a foster family example

detection by the guardianship and trusteeship body of facts of a significant violation by the adoptive parents (parent) of the rules established by federal law or this Agreement for the protection of the property of the adopted child (children) and (or) the disposal of their property.

Among family forms of placement of children, a special place is occupied by the foster family, which is considered as a priority form of placement of children left without parental care. Today in Russia there are more than 700 thousand orphans and children left without parental care. Children themselves are vulnerable and need care and protection, and orphans especially.

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When is it necessary to provide a reference for a student to the Department of Guardianship and Trusteeship?

Requests for a complete description of the behavior and social development of a particular child come from the Department of Guardianship and Trusteeship in the following situations:

Characteristics of a child from a foster family

  • if legal proceedings have been initiated regarding the deprivation of parental rights of the father or mother;
  • when a police case has been opened against a child/minor, and the child is suspected of committing a criminal or other type of offense;
  • if the child’s behavior is noticeably cruel, constant conflicts arise;
  • when suicidal tendencies were noticed in the ward;
  • if a request has been received to adopt a child, a reference is required for those wishing to adopt at their place of work/place of residence and other situations;
  • all dysfunctional, low-income families are under constant control of the guardianship and trusteeship service, as a result of which children from such families must be provided with a complete profile at least once a year.

USEFUL INFORMATION: Applying for child support online

Family characteristics

Parents are worthy role models for their children. The family leads a healthy lifestyle. This year, the Vashchenkov family took part in the sports competition “Dad, Mom, Me – a Sports Family” and took an honorable 3rd place.

Daughter Masha is a talented person with rich potential and varied interests: she enjoys playing the piano, vocals, and ballroom dancing. Masha is a Diploma winner of the III Regional Competition of Young Pop Song Performers “Little Stars” - 2021, the VIII Republican Competition of Young Pop Song Performers “Little Stars” - 2021, 4th Regional Festival “Creating Fashion” - 2021.

Family characteristics (sample)

Adults create conditions for the proper development of children, show interest in the affairs and studies of their eldest daughter and granddaughter ________. Both parents are interested in the child’s studies and are active helpers. Mom attends all parent-teacher meetings.

The family in which the girl is being raised is incomplete. Parents are unofficially divorced. But the father always communicates, works with the girls and financially supports the family. The conditions for living and raising in this family are minimal, since the family has low material income. . Mom doesn't work anywhere. The only source of income is the salary and pension of the father and the pension of the grandparents.

Sample characteristics of a supervised student

Characteristics of Nikolai Ivanovich Petrov ____ year of birth, student of _____ class, secondary school _________.

Nikolay Petrov has been studying at school since the 1st grade. The child is healthy, active, but does not show much interest in learning. He is restless in class and often distracted. At the same time, he has a good visual memory and can think logically.

He takes an active part in the life of the class, takes on any assignment, and treats his responsibilities conscientiously. He has many friends, enjoys authority among them, but sometimes violates discipline. Requires constant attention from teachers.

Petrov Nikolay has been under the care of his grandmother Ivanova K.S since _____

Klavdia Semyonovna pays proper attention to raising her grandson, but Nikolai often neglects the care of his grandmother

Favorable living conditions have been created for the supervised student to live a full life, the house is always in order, the student is provided with everything necessary, and a separate room is allocated.

Cl. supervisor


Boyko Oksana Ivanovna

Characteristics of a student of class 4 “B” Andrey Mikhailovich Sizov, born on September 3, 2004. Residence address: Yaroslavl region, Bolshoye Selo village, Lomovskoy lane, building 3. Before entering school, at the request of his parents, the boy lived in the social rehabilitation center for minors “Kolosok”. Since June 1, 2013, he has been living in a foster family at the address indicated above. Guardian - Barinkova Valentina Mikhailovna. She is systematically interested in learning, is an active assistant to the child, creates all the conditions for development and learning, willingly cooperates with the teacher: attends parent-teacher meetings, joint school events with parents and children, and, if necessary, on the initiative of the class teacher, teachers or herself, appears for individual conversations. . Currently, Andrey is studying in the 4th grade under the “Primary School of the 21st Century” program. Andrey copes with the program requirements in academic subjects and has satisfactory grades in the quarters. He could study better in many disciplines, but he has low motivation. Therefore, homework is not always completed in full or is of poor quality. He attends classes regularly and has no absences without a good reason. During the lesson, the student actively participates in posing the problem and finding a solution. Easily assimilates new material, establishes cause-and-effect relationships and relationships, but does not always independently find solutions, knows how to analyze, compare, generalize, and draw conclusions. He gains knowledge in the lessons consciously and systematically. Favorite subjects: mathematics, technology, physical education. In the class, Andrey enjoys authority, his relations with his classmates are smooth. He is distinguished by independent judgments, knows how to defend his point of view, and his peers try to imitate him in many ways. Andrei treats adults with respect, does not always carry out the instructions of the class teacher in good faith, reacts adequately to comments, but often this does not give positive results. Outwardly, the boy is always neat and tidy. School uniforms and uniforms for physical education lessons comply with the norm. He has all the necessary school supplies. Andrey takes an active part in the social life of the class, often takes the initiative to participate in public competitions, and shows interest in all events held in the class and at school. The boy is active, loves sports competitions, stands up for the honor of his class, and worries about the success of his comrades. During extracurricular hours, he studies in the sections “Tennis”, “Young Policeman” at the Municipal Educational Institution of Children’s Education, Central Children’s Theater and “Entertaining Mathematics”, “Rhetoric” at the Municipal Educational Institution Bolsheselskaya Secondary School.

USEFUL INFORMATION: Is it possible to give a child a middle name after his mother, not his father?

Characteristics of a parent are the most important document that represents the socio-psychological traits of a mother or father from the point of view of their impact on the upbringing of a child.

Performing the functions of parenthood, the psychological atmosphere in the family - all this influences the development of the younger generation. That is why an adequate representation of these characteristics helps to understand the extent to which the child’s needs are met and whether parents cope with the responsibilities assigned to them in general.

Characteristics of a foster family example

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Characteristics of a foster family example

Features of individual cognitive processes. The child has a high level of development of attention, auditory and visual memory, and imagination. Visual-figurative and elements of logical thinking are quite well developed.

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The main difficulties noted in communication. The child has developed a friendly attitude towards children and a developed desire to cooperate with them. Among the guys in the group there is a constant circle of friends with common interests. Willingly makes contact with adults.

Features of psychological support for families with adopted children

When studying the positions of parents raising adopted children, along with the general characteristics of inadequacy, rigidity and lack of predictability, some specificity was discovered in the specific manifestation of these unfavorable qualities. For example, the inadequacy of the parental position in the sphere of socio-perceptual characteristics is especially pronounced. The image of a child, the perception of his inherent psychological qualities, character, temperament, inclinations, and physical characteristics becomes inaccurate, undifferentiated, and roughly evaluative, mainly due to the fear that constantly accompanies parents that the child has an “unfavorable gene pool” or bad heredity. Being under constant pressure from a special complex of fear, parents begin to record even the smallest features of incorrect behavior, which can well be explained by the natural course of the child’s growing up, a natural age-related crisis. The image of the child is painted in gloomy tones in the minds of the parents and begins to be established as a manifestation of the disease; the child’s future appears in the colors of a pessimistic prediction of all kinds of troubles, limitations, and insurmountable difficulties.

Two large groups of educational motives can be distinguished. Motives, the emergence of which is to a greater extent connected with the life experience of parents, with memories of their own childhood experiences, with their personal characteristics, and upbringing motives, which arise to a greater extent as a result of marital relationships.

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Characteristics of a foster family example

  1. Status: full-time, part-time, with many children or with one child, information about adoption or guardianship of the child.
  2. Financial security of the family: how stable is the income, what factors does it depend on (payment of alimony, seasonal work, unemployment or disability of family members), does the child have pocket money, how well is he provided with necessary things (food, clothing, school supplies), is he experiencing family financial difficulties, how financial status affects the psychological climate in the family (satisfaction, feelings of inferiority, conflicts).
  3. Social stability/instability of the family, tendency to addiction (alcohol, drugs, gambling) or crime.
  4. Distribution of responsibilities and main functions (household, financial, emotional-therapeutic, educational, etc.).
  5. Who has the formal or actual role in raising a child? It may not necessarily be performed by the same people. For example, parents working abroad are formally the educators of their child, but in fact these functions are performed by another relative (grandmother, grandfather), who is in close proximity to the child.

Psychological characteristics of the family

Examples and samples of characteristics for conscripts. General information Information about parents, family composition: Father: Full name. Mother: Full name Academic performance is good and with Turgenev fathers and children audiobook and presentation on the topic of Jehovah's Witnesses. The average score for the 2nd year is 4.1 on a 5-point scale. Receives.

Characteristics for a parent from the class teacher are ready

  • Characteristic
  • Orlova Oksana Denisovna, mother of Orlov Bogdan Sergeevich, born in 2006, studying at S.O.Sh. No. 50. Home address: Medvezhyegorsk, st. Kostrikova house 3, apt. 6.
  • Mother Orlova O. D. born in 1988 has a secondary education, works as a technician at the Magnit store.
  • Father Orlov S.A., born in 1985, was convicted of criminal activity. Located in a closed institution.
  • Oksana Denisovna and Bogdan live in a one-room small apartment, together with Bogdan’s paternal great-grandmother Nikiforova Tamara Petrovna. There are no brothers or sisters.
  • The state of living conditions in terms of everyday life is unsatisfactory: the room and kitchen with stove heating are located in a dilapidated wooden apartment building. The student does not have a separate desk for studying.
  • The room is not always tidy. Bogdan attends school in an unkempt manner.
  • The assessment of the family's financial support is unsatisfactory. The student is often dressed inappropriately for the season.
  • The mother's participation in her son's educational process is weak. The child’s grandmother is usually present at meetings; complaints about the student’s negative behavior end in scandals at home.
  • The psychological family atmosphere is tense, this is expressed in the child’s behavior at school: he is harsh and pugnacious with classmates. Doesn't respond to teacher's comments.
  • The title (header) is written in large font.
  • From a new line, in the genitive case, the relative’s full name. Who is the child's status (last name, first name, school number, class).
  • Information about the mother is provided: her year of birth, where she lives, education, place of activity.
  • If necessary, it is reported that she has diseases that affect her ability to work and provide for her family.

May 04, 2021 polrostov 180
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Sample of writing a family profile

  1. Observe the family, conduct personal conversations with each of its members, make visits and record the results of the work done.
  2. Availability of family law.
  3. Reviews about each of the parents from teachers (they should tell in detail about the life of each of the pupils) about the attitude of the family towards the child (children) and whether the parents cope with their responsibilities.
  4. Other opinions.

When communicating with work colleagues, he is attentive, gets along well with the team, and is responsive. For his kindness and rational approach, he enjoys well-deserved respect among the service team. I had no conflicts or complaints from management.

Adopted child: psychological characteristics

Raising a child is a very difficult and time-consuming task. Persuasion, explanation, giving examples and, of course, love are used. But there are children who, for some reason, are deprived of the last component of the educational process. These are orphans. In recent years, the issue of adoption has become quite common. But not every family understands what an adopted child is and what psychological characteristics of their new son or daughter they will have to face. This is what we will talk about in this article.

Some children immediately begin to call their parents “mom” and “dad,” but this should always be the child’s decision. Adopted children should ask the child what he wants to call them and suggest them themselves. But be sure to make it clear that this is only his choice, which will definitely be accepted.

26 Jan 2021 etolaw 695

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Family characteristics: features, rules of composition and sample

  • A large family with a pronounced patriarchal bias. The father is a provider and an example for the younger generation.
  • The hidden structure determines the family's preference to spend free time in a narrow circle.
  • The financial and planning functions are performed by the father, and the economic and educational functions are performed by the mother. The attitude towards both parents is equally friendly and respectful.
  • The educational function is carried out conscientiously, children see in their parents an undeniable authority and an example of correct behavior.
  • The security function is expressed in sincere parental love and care. Children are not afraid to talk about their problems.
  • Mother is a housewife. Almost all the time he is in direct contact with children. My father works, but spends a lot of time at home.
  • The family has no financial difficulties; children and parents are provided with everything they need.
  • The family has strong traditions; they maintain contact with relatives, but do not see each other.

The characteristics of the family for the award should undoubtedly serve as an example for others. In this regard, the attitude of parents towards the child is extremely important. The description of this item may look like this:

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Characteristics of a foster family example

_____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

Could you please provide a link to specific regulations on two points: 1 - regarding the obligation of the adoptive parent to provide an in-depth medical examination of the adopted child (in our agreement, organizing annual scheduled examinations of adopted children is the responsibility of the guardianship authorities); 2 - on drawing up an inventory of property acquired by the child, with the subsequent transfer of this property to him (where is the transfer procedure prescribed?).

Family characteristics: recommendations for compilation, structure, how to collect information

As with all types of similar documents (from a school, for a student, for receiving financial assistance, if we are talking about a large family), it must contain a certain list of requirements (a sample is provided). The description must be drawn up in a correct form, restrained, specifically describe the situation in the family and written in the present tense on behalf of a third party. All the facts that the characterization contains are described not on the basis of emotions, but on the existing state of affairs and the real situation.

There are situations in life associated with both professional and social nuances when an institution or individual requires a family reference. This is an official document form provided from an educational institution, workplace or social organization, which describes an individual citizen or an entire family.

Characteristics of a foster family example

— the work of parent-educators in a foster family is paid depending on the number of children taken into care in accordance with the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Those who take care of young children, disabled children, and a sick child receive increased pay;

The priority form of family education for orphans and children left without parental care is undoubtedly adoption; it is an individual form of family education and is of an indefinite nature. Moreover, such a device presupposes the emergence of long-term, indeed lifelong, relationships between the child and strangers.

Features of compilation for individual groups of workers

Student intern

How to write a reference for a student from an internship? The approximate text consists of the length of stay in the company and a general assessment of the trainee’s professional level.


“Student Ivanov I.I. During his internship from... to... he showed himself on the most positive side.

In the course of completing the assigned tasks, I applied the theoretical knowledge gained during my studies at the educational institution in practice.

His diligence, accuracy and attentiveness became the key to successful work with documents, equipment and office equipment.

He has proven himself to be a competent and efficient employee. He freely adapts to working in a team, is sociable, sociable and correct.”

At the same time, the upper and lower parts of the characteristics, where personal data and signatures of responsible persons are indicated, remain unchanged.

Now that you have learned how to obtain a reference from a place of work for a student intern, let's talk about how to obtain this document for submission to commercial organizations.

For commercial organizations

How to write a job description for a person? Depending on the request, the specification may include or exclude some items.

If the request is intended to formally confirm that the employee is on the staff of the enterprise for a given specific period of time, then information about personal qualities and achievements can be omitted.

To provide government agencies

What does a job description look like that needs to be provided to government agencies? If the request is sent from government authorities, the characterization must include as much information as possible from the broadest range.

IMPORTANT! In the case of a request sent from the court, before drawing up a reference it is worth talking with the lawyer representing the interests of the employee. This is done in order to exclude information in the reference from the place of work to the court, which could harm the latter. In some cases, a negative reference from the place of work is drawn up for a bad employee, which can subsequently be presented to the court or to any other body upon request

In some cases, a negative reference from the place of work is drawn up for a bad employee, which can subsequently be submitted to the court or any other authority upon request.

As needed for future employment

What does a job description look like that needs to be provided for a future job?

The most complete version of the characteristics.

Here the achievements and level of competence are described in as much detail as possible, and the nuances of the psychological and professional sphere are also covered in detail.

The characteristics for the head of the unit note organizational skills, readiness to make independent decisions, a tendency to take initiative, etc.

For the performer, the emphasis is on readiness to carry out assignments, the degree of diligence shown, authority among colleagues, etc.


“The employee (position/full name) has a vast amount of knowledge in his specialty. He constantly monitors innovations and changes in his profession.

Possessing excellent communication skills, he has successful negotiation experience. During his work, he has established himself as a competent specialist who achieves maximum results. He quickly reacts to changing situations and promptly makes the necessary decisions.

Responsible in completing tasks and ready to work in different conditions, including irregular working hours. Punctual, demanding of himself and his subordinates, respected by them and by management.”

In conclusion, it is worth recalling that the characteristic acquires final legal force after the date of its issuance is stamped on it.

Sooner or later, the need for this document may arise in almost any person.

Your future career largely depends on what is written in it.

USEFUL INFORMATION: Can a child choose who to live with?

It makes sense to try to ensure that no one is left disappointed by the information that appears there.

First of all, you yourself.

We hope the article helped you figure out how to write a job description; the samples presented above helped you find out what this document looks like.


  • 5. A foster family is an individual form of placement, because The upbringing and protection of the rights of an adopted child are carried out by a specific individual. In connection with this, legal relations regarding the functioning of a foster family are characterized by a personal-trust nature, obliging the foster parent to personally fulfill obligations under the contract.
  • 6. A foster family is a family form of arrangement in which children (children) are raised in natural home conditions. When placing a child in a foster family, as well as when establishing guardianship and trusteeship, the task of raising children in a family environment comes to the fore.
  • 7. Foster family is a contractual form of placement. The legal basis for the establishment of a foster family is an agreement. In accordance with Article 152 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, a child is transferred to a foster family for upbringing on the basis of an agreement, i.e. the contract is the last, basic legal fact necessary for the emergence of legal relations for the functioning of a foster family.

Thus, we can confidently state that, on the one hand, a foster family is a family in the generally used sense, but on the other hand, it is characterized by such individual characteristics that distinguish it from the parental family, the adoptive family and the guardianship family, which do not allow us to speak about their identity.

Psychological Characteristics of an Adoptive Family

The characteristics are written by educators together with an educational psychologist at the request of the guardianship authorities. The description provides information about the personal characteristics and relationships with others of both the child and his mother, the emphasis is on the relationship between mother and child, and also describes the mother’s attitude towards her parental responsibilities.

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The material will be of interest primarily to class teachers. Characteristics of the family of an 8th grade student. It reflects the role of each family member in raising and educating the child, and also describes the living conditions in which the girl grows up. Trying to create an accurate picture, all the details of everyday life were described.

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