The services of banks are used by all organizations and entrepreneurs carrying out economic activities. Most of the service
Differences in calculating dividends under different tax regimes Comparative table combining all tax regimes
Advantages of the Unified Agricultural Tax Initially, the agricultural tax was conceived as a system that was designed to make accounting and payment of contributions
Is it possible to go to work on sick leave? From a legal point of view, a person is sick and
Legislative justification The employee continues his work activity during a business trip. His work does not stop.
Calculation of the effective tax rate for income tax Your profit: 4,500,000 –
Who pays excise taxes Legal entities, individual entrepreneurs (IP), importers and exporters who carry out transactions
When necessary In most cases, an accounting certificate about the availability of fixed assets also shows them
What is R&D? According to Article 769 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, in business practice there is a distinction between contracts for
Before determining whether per diem is subject to insurance premiums, here are some key points to remember about business travel. Employer