Qualification of an enterprise employee: what is it?

What an employee’s qualifications are and the procedure for determining them are reflected in the labor and administrative legislation of the Russian Federation. The employee’s level of competence is a fundamental factor when hiring for a vacant position, indicating his professionalism and experience, while in order to develop and improve production processes, enterprise management is interested in improving the qualifications of employees. Read more about this in our article.

What is the employee's qualifications?

Concept of qualification and professional standard

An employee’s competence reflects his ability to perform job duties within a particular specialty or position. Art. 195.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation defines qualification as the totality of an employee’s education, his skills, abilities, and experience in professional activities.

ATTENTION! The general and special training of an employee is confirmed by documentation approved by law (certificate, diploma, certificate, etc.).

Article 195.1. Concepts of employee qualifications, professional standards (Federal Law No. 197)

A professional standard is a characteristic of the qualifications required to perform work within a specific position (Federal Law No. 236 of December 3, 2012). It is a list of requirements for employees to perform quality work.

Table 1. Qualification characteristics

Qualification levelCompleted stage of continuous professional education, which is confirmed by relevant documentation
Skill levelThe degree of professional skills within a certain qualification level. Characterized by the volume and quality of skills, knowledge, and abilities of personnel (for planning, organizing work, adapting to changing conditions, developing technologies, and so on)

Requirements for various qualification levels of individual specialties and professions are approved by local documentation in the certification and tariff system.

The concept of qualification and regulatory regulation of its assignment

Video - How to fill out the employee qualification form?



Regulatory features of advanced training courses for teachers: we’ll figure it out in 3 minutes

Every teacher understands that in order to remain a sought-after and qualified specialist, he needs to constantly improve his level of professional skill. To do this, he must not only teach his subject and work with children, but also take advanced training courses for teachers, follow all educational trends and technologies, and also know his rights, responsibilities and all regulations relating to his teaching practice.

However, a teacher does not always have free time to study in detail all the regulatory documents he needs, so in this article we will look at the regulatory and legal aspect of obtaining additional education for a teacher in just 3 minutes.

What documents regulate the professional activities of a teacher?

The work activity of a teacher is regulated by a number of regulatory documents, such as:

  • Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation.”
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 6, 2009 No. 373 “On the approval and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education.”
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 15/17/2012 No. 413 “On the approval and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for secondary (complete) general education.”
  • Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated August 26, 2010 No. 761n “On approval of the Unified Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees”, section “Qualification Characteristics of Positions of Education Workers”.
  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2001 No. 197-FZ.
  • Employment contract of a specific educational organization and internal documents.

What is additional education for a teacher?

According to Art. 76. Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, additional education is vocational education carried out through the implementation of additional educational programs, such as:

1) Advanced training courses

— educational programs aimed at improving and acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary for professional activities within the framework of an existing profession.

2) Professional retraining courses

— educational programs aimed at obtaining the knowledge and skills necessary to perform a new profession.

The minimum number of hours for advanced training courses for teachers starts from 16 hours, for professional retraining as a teacher - from 250 hours. You can complete such educational programs full-time, part-time, or remotely.

What is the right of a teacher to additional education?

Based on clause 2, part 5, article 47 and art. 48 Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, every teacher is obliged to systematically improve their professional level and take advanced training courses at least once every 3 years, and in accordance with clause 5. Part 3. Art. . 28 - the educational organization itself determines the frequency of advanced training for teachers and must facilitate the acquisition of additional education and create all the conditions for this. She also does not have the right to require her employee to take courses or professional retraining to become a teacher at her own expense, unless this is stipulated in the employment contract.

You can read about why a teacher needs to take advanced training courses more than once every three years in our article.

So, we told you about the features of obtaining additional education for teachers in 3 minutes. We hope this article helps you better understand your rights and responsibilities!

PS Little trick: refund

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for a refund of 13% of the cost of training to those citizens who paid the cost themselves, and, if they have not reached 24 years of age, to those who are their close relatives or guardians. The main thing is that a citizen of the Russian Federation is officially employed, and that the educational organization that provides advanced training courses has a valid educational license and has drawn up an agreement with you on the provision of educational services. You can submit documents for a refund every year, and in this way recover part of the funds spent on both full-time and distance learning courses for teachers or professional retraining courses. Good luck :)

Educational process and scientific qualifications

After acquiring knowledge at a higher or secondary educational institution, a person is issued a document of the established form, which indicates the specialty assigned to him (diploma, certificate, certificate). The latter indicates receipt of the education required for the profession. Qualification also presupposes work experience in this field. In many educational institutions, students undergo internships. This is how the first professional experience is formed. Qualifications are also influenced by a person’s individual qualities: diligence, quality, labor productivity, and so on. Higher education in the Russian Federation includes several levels. This structure is due to the adoption of European standards (according to the Bologna principle); training differs in duration, volume of knowledge acquired, and complexity of programs.

Table 2. Levels of higher education (academic degrees)

Bachelor's degreeHe appears to have completed higher education. The duration of the course is 4 years. The level of education is considered lower than that of graduates of other categories; the program provides fundamental training. Training is available to those who have completed secondary general or secondary vocational education. After completing the course and obtaining qualifications, a person has the right to work in his profession or study further in a master's program
SpecialtyIt is a traditional form of education in the Russian Federation, the duration is 5-6 years. Available to those who have completed secondary general and secondary vocational education. The programs are focused on practical experience in a specific job field. After completing studies and receiving a qualification document, a person has the right to work in his specialty or study further in a master's or postgraduate program
Master's degreeAn in-depth educational program that is available to bachelors and specialists. The duration of the course is 2 years. The program involves preparing students for research work. After completing education and receiving a qualification document, a person has the right to work in his specialty or study further in graduate school
Postgraduate studiesInvolves training of scientific and pedagogical personnel. Available for specialists and masters. The programs contain theory, practice, teaching work and research work. The duration of full-time education is from 3 years, part-time – from 4 years. As a result of defending a dissertation, the student receives 1st degree - Candidate of Sciences. Possible admission to the 2nd degree - Doctor of Science. An analogue of postgraduate study in educational organizations affiliated with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is postgraduate study
InternshipPostgraduate training for graduates of medical universities. Represents an internship in a medical institution for a year
ResidencyThe final stage of personnel training in a number of medical (pharmaceutical) areas. Holders of higher medical education are allowed to study. The duration of the in-depth theoretical course with relevant practical training is 2 years. Upon completion of training, a qualifying exam is held
Assistantship-internshipTraining of highly qualified workers in the field of arts. Available to specialists and masters. The program contains an individual training plan, implemented under the supervision of a supervisor and the head of the department. The course lasts up to 2 years. The qualification is awarded after the presentation of the final work (presentation, speech, show, exhibition, etc.)
Doctoral studiesForm of training of scientific personnel. It is not a level of higher education, it is classified as a scientific field (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 267 of April 4, 2014). Only persons who have completed their postgraduate studies and defended their thesis can apply for a second-level degree (Doctor of Science). Training is carried out exclusively in full-time form. The duration of the course should not exceed 3 years. A scientific degree is awarded after successful defense of a doctoral dissertation by voting of the dissertation council

Subsequently, after a person is hired, the qualifications are approved by authorized bodies at the place of employment.

Features of the educational process

You receive knowledge in an educational institution, higher or secondary specialized. After graduating from an educational institution, you are issued a certificate or diploma that indicates your specialty. But your specialty only indicates your knowledge. The qualifications of the personnel also presuppose the work experience that is yet to be gained. In many educational institutions, students undergo internships, where they gain work experience in a given specialty. After this, the qualifications of the young employee begin to be influenced by his personal qualities: the ability to perform this type of work, the quality of the workforce.

It should be noted that graduates of the same educational institution are differently prepared for work. Therefore, when hiring, the employer conducts a personal interview with the future employee to establish his qualifications. In addition, we must take into account that educational institutions have different levels of accreditation. If an educational institution has the second level of accreditation, it trains specialists with incomplete higher or secondary specialized education. The third level of accreditation says: the qualifications of the personnel are such that graduates will have a complete higher education. The fourth level is assigned to higher educational institutions that have master's and postgraduate programs in their departments.

Naturally, employers try to hire graduates from the country's leading universities as employees, since they produce highly qualified personnel.

Determining the employee's skill level

Approval of an employee’s competence is regulated by the administrative and labor legislation of the Russian Federation. For this purpose, a system of generalized indicators is used. Determining the level of qualification of an employee of industrial, construction, agricultural and other organizations, the certification commission evaluates his professional activity and assigns a rank. At industrial enterprises in the Russian Federation, a 6-digit system is used, where the first is considered the lowest, the sixth is considered the highest. In other areas of activity (research, medical), to determine the qualification level of personnel, categories have been introduced that directly affect the amount of wages. To calculate the salary, tariff coefficients are used that increase the total amount of income. In this case, the first category indicates the highest qualifications of personnel. When assigning a qualification level, quantitative and qualitative indicators of labor are assessed:

  • experience in a specific activity (experience), a set of knowledge and skills;
  • availability of education (general and special);
  • measure of responsibility for the assigned task, and so on.

To regulate the relationship between employer and employee, the legislation provides for job descriptions and qualification requirements. The first is a list of a person’s professional responsibilities within the framework of his specialty. Qualification requirements represent a set of knowledge and skills that personnel must have to perform specific work activities. When applying for a job, a person is provided with both documents for review.

Qualification requirements (example)

ATTENTION! If the responsibilities required of an employee by the employer are not included in the job description, or the skill requirements differ from those listed in the qualification requirements, the employee has the right to refuse to perform the job assignment. In this case, dismissal of a person or reduction in salary is unacceptable.

However, the employer can make changes to the job description, which the employee must be informed of in advance. Labor legislation indicates the employer’s obligation to approve the qualifications of hired employees. However, the exception is the entry to work of students who do not have vocational training. In this case, they are not awarded the qualification.

Video - Why should an employer send an employee to undergo an independent qualification assessment?


Labor organization is a system of measures that ensure the rational use of labor, including the placement of people in the production process, division and cooperation, rational methods and techniques of labor, rationing and stimulation, organization of workplaces, their maintenance and necessary working conditions, vocational training , retraining and advanced training of personnel.
However, for the normal functioning of an enterprise, it is not enough to solve only organizational issues; the enterprise must be managed. [p.5] The labor and personnel plan includes a plan for increasing labor productivity, calculating the planned number of personnel, wage fund and average wage, as well as determining the need for labor and a plan for training and advanced training. [p.85] The head of the quality control department is appointed by a higher organization on the recommendation of the director from among process engineers and chemists who know production well. He is administratively directly subordinate to the director or chief engineer, but in his work he is closely associated with the quality inspection, which provides methodological guidance. All QD employees are subordinate to the QD chief, and not to the shop managers. The head of the quality control department is obliged to organize the activities of the quality control department, selection and placement of personnel, technical training and advanced training of personnel, resolve disagreements between employees of the quality control department and workshops on issues of product acceptance, inform a higher authority or quality inspection about cases of product non-compliance with established requirements, etc. [ p.126]

Calculation of additional personnel requirements, determination of sources for recruiting new employees, forms of training and advanced training of personnel. [p.203]

In modern conditions, with the rapid introduction of scientific and technological progress, high demands are placed on the knowledge and skills of workers. Improving the qualifications of personnel allows you to quickly master new equipment, make fuller use of its capabilities, and improve product quality. In the activity of a highly qualified worker, the share of mental labor is increasing, and its func- [p.201]

In the Eleventh Five-Year Plan, a further increase in the level of qualifications of labor resources is planned. 10.5 million workers with higher and secondary specialized education must be trained. Vocational educational institutions should graduate about 13 million skilled workers, which will be 1.6 times higher than in the tenth five-year plan. Training and advanced training of personnel directly in production are being improved. [p.202]

The ongoing quantitative and qualitative changes in the composition of personnel in the oil and gas industry place high demands on the correct identification of needs and the organization of training of specialists of the appropriate profile and qualifications. Workers in basic and cross-cutting professions for the oil and gas industry are trained in vocational and technical schools. The number of simultaneously studying in vocational schools and technical colleges operating on the basis of industry enterprises is about 120 thousand people. [p.204]

The number of employees by category, profession and grade is determined similarly when drawing up a plan for departments and is reflected in the plan for training and advanced training of personnel. The number of workers who must undergo training or advanced training courses is calculated based on plans for new technology, commissioning of new capacities, etc. When planning the need for more highly qualified personnel, students in correspondence technical schools, universities, and evening schools for working youth are taken into account. [p.200]

The fourth direction is the development of initiative and creative activity of workers in production management. It is necessary to increase control from below, accountability and transparency in the work of economic bodies, the role of labor collectives in resolving issues of improving the qualifications of personnel, working conditions and living conditions of workers, strengthening discipline and in fostering a communist attitude towards work. It is necessary to improve the organization and effectiveness of socialist competition. [p.262]


The most important functions of personnel management. Planning, marketing, recruitment, utilization and release of personnel. Training and advanced training of personnel. Motivation, career and social security of workers. Formation and support of production culture. Personnel records management and information management. Control over personnel, ensuring discipline and organizational order. Personnel management. [p.437]

PLANNING PERSONNEL COSTS is the basis for the development of production and social services. indicators of the organization. The share of personnel costs in the cost of products and services tends to increase, which is due to the lack of a direct relationship between labor productivity and personnel costs. The introduction of new technologies places higher demands on the qualifications of personnel, which become more expensive. Changes in labor laws, the emergence of new tariffs, and increased prices for essential goods also increase personnel costs. When P.r. On the item, you should keep in mind the following cost items: basic and additional wages, social contributions. insurance, expenses for business trips and official travel, expenses for training, retraining and advanced training of personnel, expenses associated with additional payments for public catering, housing services, culture and physical activities. education, health care and recreation, provision of child care facilities, purchase of special clothing. It is necessary to plan expenses for labor protection and the environment, for creating more favorable working conditions (compliance with the requirements of psychophysiology and ergonomics of work, technical aesthetics), a healthy psychological climate in the organization, and costs for organizing workplaces. If there is a high turnover of personnel in an organization, then additional costs arise associated with the search for a new workforce, their instruction and mastery of work. With high staff turnover, the amount of overtime pay increases, defects and downtime increase, the level of morbidity and industrial injuries increases, and early disability occurs. All this increases the costs associated with personnel, leads to an increase in the cost of products and services and a decrease in the competitiveness of the organization. As market relations develop, it becomes necessary to take into account when planning new types of costs associated with the participation of employees in the profits and capital of the organization. At the same time, wage costs, the so-called. "basic costs" usually account for less than half of total labor costs. In foreign practice, information is required to be published in the annual reports of enterprises [p.250]

IMPROVEMENT OF PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS - training of personnel in order to improve knowledge, skills and abilities in connection with increased requirements for the profession or promotion. [p.253]

Requirements for training and advanced training of personnel Forms, methods and terms of professional training, prospects for professional growth [p.286]

SOCIAL-LABOR SPHERE - an integral part of social. market economy, the basis of which is social and labor relations (see). The key role in the formation of the structure and development of S.-t.s. belongs to social state policy. In the center of S.-t.s. there is a person interacting with the market environment regarding the organization of the labor process, the conditions for the growth of its productivity, the formation of employee income, and the provision of social services. protection, etc. To the main branches and components of S.-t.s. include social and cultural complex (health care, education, science, culture, etc.) labor market employment and unemployment labor motivation (needs, interests, motives, incentives, wages, income, bonuses, dividends, etc. social . protection of the population social security social insurance social partnership stabilization of the standard of living of the population training, retraining and advanced training of personnel, including the unemployed). The listed blocks and components are different in levels, essence and content, place and meaning in the unified structure of S.-t.s. Only their comprehensive, integrated consideration gives a complete picture of S.-t.s. In the process of market reforms in the Russian Federation, S.-t.s. suffered and suffered negative deformations to the greatest extent. This is evidenced by a sharp drop in the standard of living of the population, an increase in unemployment, the loss of motivation for work by many citizens, a decrease in labor productivity, etc. [p.347]

The sixth group of concepts is devoted to the technology of personnel management and its development. The full cycle of work with personnel is considered - recruitment, selection and hiring, business assessment of personnel at all stages of their activities, career guidance and labor adaptation, use of personnel, organization of a system of training, retraining and advanced training of personnel, management of business careers and professional advancement of personnel , dismissal for one reason or another and in connection with retirement. [p.456]

For the enterprise as a whole, mutual coordination and synchronization of the work of workshops and services, centralization, specialization and increasing the level of technical equipment of support services, improving the enterprise management structure, training and advanced training of personnel, etc. are of paramount importance. At the workplace, the main attention should be paid to the design of labor processes, rational division and cooperation of labor of performers and improvement of its conditions. [p.110]

In modern conditions, great importance is attached to economic education in training and advanced training of personnel. Assignment of ranks to workers, promotion to positions of specialists and managers is carried out taking into account their economic training and mastery of the necessary level of economic knowledge. Economic education of workers is carried out according to uniform curricula and programs developed for various categories of workers. [p.134]

Management of training and advanced training of personnel in production is carried out by the chief engineer. Subordinate to him are departments (bureaus) of industrial and technical training or individual employees performing similar duties, as well as training centers. [p.135]

Party, Komsomol and trade union organizations of the enterprise play an important role in organizing staff training and creating a reserve for promoting personnel. [p.135]

In this section, we consider the issues of depreciation of fixed assets both in the electrical industry and during the operation of electrical products for consumers. The quality of production of funds depends primarily on the degree of perfection of design solutions, adherence to technological discipline, the quality of the resulting materials, semi-finished products and components, personnel qualifications, etc. [p.34]

Labor organization covers the following range of issues: cooperation and division of labor, work and rest schedules, organization of workplaces, study and dissemination of advanced labor methods, creation of healthy and safe working conditions, training and advanced training of personnel. Based on technical standardization and supported by rational payment, the improvement of labor organization becomes a powerful factor in the steady increase in productivity. [p.64]

Training and advanced training of personnel in production [p.78]

Planning to cover labor needs and improve staff qualifications [p.212]

The planned staff may differ from the actual one in number, professional and qualification composition. Therefore, it is necessary to provide measures for quantitative and qualitative changes in the contingent of workers. For this purpose, a plan is drawn up to cover additional labor requirements, as well as a plan for training and advanced training of personnel. [p.212]

The plan for training and advanced training of the enterprise's personnel is drawn up taking into account planned changes in the qualification composition of employees. It includes individual and team apprenticeship, [p.212]

Refusal to attract external workers significantly reduces the required amount of work on training and advanced training of personnel, since the proportion of workers who do not have qualifications is very small in the composition of the enterprise personnel. [p.213]

A socialist state production enterprise and, in particular, a state industrial enterprise is an organized collective of workers, endowed by the state with the means of production and carrying out the production of industrial products in accordance with the needs of the national economy. The main task of the enterprise team is to ensure the production of products needed by the national economy with the maximum use of production resources. To achieve this, the enterprise acquires the necessary means of production, improves equipment, technology and organization of labor and production, and selects, trains and improves the qualifications of personnel. [p.23]

In our country, much attention is paid to the systematic improvement of personnel qualifications. This applies to both engineers and employees, as well as workers. [p.283]

The wide network of educational institutions, courses, faculties, and schools for advanced training in our country contributes to the solution of these complex tasks in the economic education of personnel. Currently, there are about 500 sectoral and inter-industry institutes for advanced training, 150 faculties at universities and more than 500 courses at research and design institutes, enterprises, universities and technical schools in the country. The Institute of National Economy Management has been operating for several years, providing retraining for management personnel. [p.284]

Sources of financing for industrial and technical training activities, amounts and types of expenses for organizations and enterprises are established by ministries and departments. For example, for organizations of the Goskomnefteprodukt of the RSFSR, funding for training and advanced training of personnel is carried out at the expense of distribution costs. The amount of financing is agreed upon with the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR when approving the balance of income and expenses. [p.214]

Preparation for industrial development of e- and u- At this stage, a project is developed, technical specifications are issued, orders for new equipment (or modernization of existing equipment), for fixtures, instrumentation and control devices and other necessary equipment, instructions for installation are given and movement of equipment, industrial wiring, etc., training (retraining or advanced training) of personnel is organized. [p.44]

In the first case, the production control department is divided into a number of physical, analytical, physico-chemical, and physico-mechanical laboratories. The research department may include both these laboratories and laboratories of precision analysis methods (x-ray, spectral, luminescent, electronoscopy, etc.), synthesis laboratories, and pilot installations. In other cases, it is advisable to have one laboratory of each type, and in them, as needed, research groups, while identifying one or more laboratories for synthesis, catalysis, anti-corrosion coatings, etc., common to all CL workers. The latter depends on the range of products, the level of specialization and scale of production in general and for individual products, as well as the availability and qualifications of personnel. [p.51]

Forms for establishing qualifications for employment

Determining the competence of an employee when concluding an employment relationship with him can be carried out in the form of:

  • documentary establishment - qualification is confirmed by a diploma, certificate, certificate, certificate. For workers, the basis is an entry in the work book about the assignment of a rank;
  • testing - involves testing the knowledge and skills of an employee, his suitability for the position. It is permissible to include it in an employment contract only with mutual approval of the parties. The test period should not exceed 3 months. However, it does not include the employee’s time on sick leave or other absences for valid reasons. The test is unacceptable when hiring employees under 18 years of age, disabled people, workers for seasonal and temporary work, when transferring a person to another area and in other cases provided for by law. When a test is included in an employment contract, each party has the right to terminate it before the expiration of the agreed period by notifying the other party 3 days in advance, or at the end of the period. If the employer is dissatisfied with the employee’s professional performance, he announces the reasons for the decision to terminate the employment relationship. The employee can challenge it in the Labor Dispute Commission (CLC) or in court;
  • medical examinations - sometimes a medical examination is required when applying for a position. It affects minor citizens, employees involved in difficult and hazardous working conditions, in transport maintenance, the food industry, working in medical and preventive organizations, and so on. The measures are aimed at checking the compliance of the person’s health status with the position held and qualifications;
  • internship - used when hiring young specialists, transport drivers, law enforcement officers, and so on. Aimed at clarifying personnel qualifications, developing adaptation measures, and increasing the level of professional training of personnel. Internships are mainly reflected in local acts of organizations. Qualification is approved by an authorized commission;
  • test, exam - the employee confirms qualifications by completing tasks. They are presented in the form of theoretical questions, exercises, practical tests;
  • interviews are a common form of agreeing on the terms of an employment contract between an employee and an employer. During the conversation, the employee’s qualifications and suitability for the vacant position are established.

Groups of personnel, in accordance with assigned qualifications

To determine and approve the competence of an employee within a specific profession, a single tariff scale is used. There are 4 main groups of personnel, depending on the level of qualifications:

  • unskilled (laborers). Characterized by a lack of special skills and knowledge among staff. This includes positions as a cleaner, loader, and so on;
  • low-skilled. Short-term specialty training is typical (for example, 1 month). The staff performs simple tasks;
  • qualified. Personnel undergo training for 1-2 years and act as practicing specialists. Perform complex professional activities and can manage a group of employees;
  • highly qualified. The personnel have higher education, significant work experience, and often occupy leadership positions.

The division of personnel into groups is quite arbitrary, since during the course of a person’s working life a transition occurs from one category to another (upgrading qualifications, retraining, a complete change of activity and mastering a new profession, and so on).

Types of advanced training

Increasing the amount of knowledge and improving professional skills is useful not only for the employee, but also for the organization as a whole. Improvement of employee qualifications can be:

  • short-term - mainly carried out at the place of work and takes up to 72 hours. Often carried out in the form of knowledge transfer from highly qualified personnel to newcomers. After successfully passing the exam, employees are issued certificates of advanced training;
  • medium-term - the course duration is 72-100 hours. It is used when introducing new technologies at an enterprise, changing or expanding the scope of activity. Training is carried out in the form of seminars, trainings, and outside experts are actively involved;
  • long-term - advanced training is advisable for experienced employees to perform practical tasks using new knowledge. It is possible to carry out the training separately from their professional activities, sending workers for training to other cities. At the same time, the position and salary of the employees are preserved.

Advanced training can be initiated by both the employer and the employee himself. The need and regularity of training depends on the intentions of the employer and employee, as well as the field of activity. For example, regular expansion of knowledge and practical skills is necessary and mandatory for teachers, doctors, pharmacists, and transport workers. They are required to periodically confirm (improve) their qualifications and professional suitability with certificates and certificates after completing the training course.

Degrees of qualification

Currently, the division of university graduates into bachelors, specialists and masters has come to us from Europe. A student can receive a bachelor's degree after 4 years of study. This definition is new, and many believe that a bachelor is worse than a specialist, who will have to study for 5 years to obtain a diploma. The training of a bachelor and a specialist is fundamentally different. The division into bachelor and specialist occurs already in the third year of study, which allows for an analysis of the educational process. A bachelor's degree may have good qualifications to work as a manager, marketer, accountant, etc.

A specialist who receives a diploma after 5 years of study can work as an engineer of the highest category.

The specialist's knowledge is aimed at practical work. If you intend to qualify to work as a scientist, you must study for 6 years to obtain a master's degree. In different countries, the concept of bachelor has different meanings. In France, for example, a bachelor is a name given to high school graduates. In the USA, the title of bachelor is supplemented by specifying what science you specialized in: bachelor of history, bachelor of chemistry, etc.

A final year student of an educational institution must write a final qualifying thesis and defend it. This is a graduate’s research work, which makes it possible to judge his scientific and practical skills and assign him a certain qualification upon graduation. This type of thesis is written by graduates of both universities and secondary specialized educational institutions. When entering a job, the qualifications of the employee are already assigned by special bodies at the place of duty.

Training and retraining of personnel

Initial training of a person in a profession and assignment of qualifications to him is carried out in secondary and higher educational institutions. The level of his future qualifications depends on the student’s preparation: for managers it is necessary to obtain a higher education, for working specialties a secondary specialized education is sufficient. Training is also provided directly on the job, since theoretical knowledge needs to be supported by practical skills.

Retraining of personnel is carried out when an employee masters a new or related specialty, that is, in fact, he receives a second profession. Training takes place on or off the job site. Retraining at the enterprise is carried out under the guidance of a mentor (foreman, head of department, etc.) and includes an internship period. Sometimes retraining is a necessary measure. For example, when a person’s previous qualifications become unavailable due to health reasons (due to injury, disability). The employee is offered another position, for which he undergoes training.

ATTENTION! Training and retraining are not the employee’s responsibility and are carried out on a voluntary basis. They are regarded as auxiliary measures that help improve the quality of work and qualifications of a person within his position.

The rights and obligations of the employer regarding the training and retraining of personnel are implemented by concluding an agreement with the employee (Article 197 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). An employer also has the right to refuse a person's request for training.

Article 197. The right of workers to training and additional professional education, to undergo an independent assessment of qualifications (Federal Law No. 197)

An employee’s qualifications are a measure of his competence within a particular profession. Its level affects the employee’s career growth, his value in the enterprise, and the amount of income received. The employer’s tasks are to determine and verify the qualifications of a person upon admission to the organization, his compliance with the requirements of a specific position. The employer is interested in developing the activities of the enterprise and increasing its competitiveness. An important factor in this case is the training of personnel, increasing their qualification level, which helps to improve the qualitative and quantitative performance indicators.

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