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By the way, this does not affect the traceability of documents.
And can you answer the question on what grounds (documentedly established) magazines are bound and their pages are numbered? Kolesnikova Tatyana » May 22, 2009, 11:44 There are separate instructions that were issued by individual ministries, etc. But do not forget that there are such documents as DSTU GOST, etc.
on business management namely: DSTU 4163-2003 and many other instructions, as well as ISO/TR 15489-1, ISO/TR 15489-2, etc.
• have a hard cover and no metal parts (to comply with storage terms and conditions); • have an adhesive binding (to prove the impossibility or difficulty of removing or adding a sheet to an existing journal); • have pages numbered from beginning to end; Maxim Vetrov » May 22, 2009, 12:29 pm Why this is being done is clear.
What occupational safety journals should an organization have?
OHS logs are used to systematize the necessary information, exercise operational control in the field of OHS at the enterprise and record information on compliance with deadlines for mandatory personnel briefings.
In accordance with the specifics of production processes at enterprises, logs can also be used: A log of occupational safety orders is necessary at enterprises with operating production shops (sites) to record all orders issued by management related to:
- to employee training;
- permission to perform work independently;
- transfer of powers to carry out orders to responsible persons;
- payment of incentives, announcement of disciplinary sanctions, etc.
The form of such a magazine is not regulated by law, so it can be issued in the form of an ordinary A4 book printed in a printing house (taking into account Art.
How to staple documents correctly
In this case, the sheet will need to be certified with the inscription “Believe Corrected”, signed by the responsible person and sealed.
The basic requirements for a secretary and clerk are described in the proposed instructions. Consistent and error-free filling out of the labor contracts registration log is given in this article. Prepare the following tools and materials:
- Paper glue.
- A sheet of blank paper.
- Needle. Select the size depending on the thickness of the documents being stapled.
- Paper, cardboard folder.
- Threads. It is better to use nylon ones.
It should be said that if you need to stitch a larger number of sheets at the same time, you need to make at least 4 holes.
Correctly filling out training logs
To conduct induction training you will also need to have:
- Introductory briefing program on labor protection, Instructions for conducting introductory briefing on labor protection.
As a rule, an organization maintains one log of induction training, but: Information to fill out.
- A list of labor safety instructions in force in your organization; Instruction programs; Labor safety instructions.
upon the introduction of new or amended legislative and other regulatory legal acts containing labor protection requirements, as well as labor protection instructions; when changing technological processes, replacing or upgrading equipment, devices, tools and other factors affecting labor safety; when employees violate labor safety requirements, if these violations create a real threat of serious consequences (industrial accident, accident, etc.)
What are the basic rules for maintaining documentation for office work: rules for firmware, numbering, what journals and accounting books are needed?
The third is internal information and reference documentation:
- internal correspondence (reports, official, explanatory notes);
- other documents (protocols, plans, acts, reports, etc.)
Accounting for information and reference documents Documents can be received by the organization by mail, fax, e-mail, telegraph, or by courier delivery.
Work with incoming documents is structured according to the following scheme:
- reception;
- sorting;
- management review;
- direction to performers.
Situation: Which orders relate to orders for personnel, and which - to orders for the main activity? Orders for personnel should include orders that document labor relations - hiring, transfer, relocation, dismissal, vacations, business trips, etc.
Journal of occupational health and safety instructions: registration rules
The safety journal confirms that the employer, in compliance with the Labor Code, promptly and regularly conducts various types of briefings to subordinates. There are five of them in total: The content of magazine pages and their design are carefully studied during various inspections by regulatory agencies.
The presence of this document and its competent maintenance indicate the issuance of instructions on health and safety to employees of enterprises. The format of the magazine is unified, so there is no need to think long about its preparation.
A sample document is presented in the appendix of the new GOST (12.0.004-2015).
It is recommended to divide the table into 12 columns: Another 3 columns are devoted to internships organized for work. place. Indicated:
- number of shifts;
- signature of the employee certifying that the internship was completed;
- confirmation from the instructor that the employee is allowed to work.
The main document regulating employee health issues is the Labor Code. Article 212 clearly states the employer's obligation to notify its employees of possible health risks . The same article states that the employer is obliged not to allow employees to work who have not undergone safety training.
Article 225 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that every employee of an organization, including managers, must know safety rules.
Read more Order on assigning job responsibilities
If a person is just starting a job, the manager is obliged to educate him about these rules. The employee must listen to all safety briefings and then sign in the logbook.
Journals are the most convenient form of reporting , therefore they are used everywhere. They are filled in manually. Requirements for keeping logs can be found in GOST 12.0.004-2015.
Numbering of safety magazines
Before we begin to consider the issue of design and numbering of the occupational safety briefing logbook, it is necessary to make a few introductory remarks about the essence and procedure for carrying out this event.
- Employees who refuse to undergo safety training cannot be allowed to work by their employer.
local regulations of the company; technical documentation for equipment operation; general instructions on occupational health and safety.
Despite the fact that the procedure for conducting classes may vary from company to company, there are Sample training plans developed by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, which are recommended to be taken into account when preparing an employee training plan.
It should be especially noted the need to consult with representatives of the trade union body, if one operates in the organization. This is determined by Art. 372 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
The safety briefing logbook is intended to record the fact of conducting all types of occupational safety training sessions.
This situation is determined by clause 2.1.3 of the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of January 13, 2003 N 1/29. Most often, the standard form of the registration log takes the form of a table, which includes the following columns: Let us now consider the features of the design and maintenance of a log of safety briefings.
- When each page has a serial number, the possibility of unauthorized removal of pages is eliminated;
Page numbers are written in black pencil at the top of the page, on the right.
Filling procedure
Previously, GOST was specified, according to which it is recommended to keep all logs. But it is only a recommendation . There is no uniform standard for recording occupational safety measures. What is important here is not the form, but the content of the report. Nevertheless, several informal rules for record keeping can be identified.
There is a standard form for the safety log. This is an A4 size book , a sample of which can be found on the Internet. Such books are sold in stationery stores. It is better to immediately take them with a reserve, because you can make mistakes during the first attempts to fill out the journal.
The pages of the magazine must be stitched and numbered if it was printed on a printer. It should begin with a title page, which indicates the full name of the organization, as well as the date the document was maintained. Numbering is done in black ink on each page in the right corner.
How to flash a logbook?
After all, you don’t know where to start and how to properly stitch a magazine, or how to approach it in general. But working with subsequent documents will be an ordinary routine manipulation and nothing more.
How to flash a magazine? A sample can be seen in the photo below; a visual aid always works better than thousands of written words. The modern market is oversaturated with goods; you can easily buy a beautifully numbered magazine right away.
This is, without a doubt, convenient, because writing down numbers from one to one hundred is not the most exciting activity. An ordinary thread, like the one we sew on buttons and use in everyday life, is not suitable for work.
If you take a thin sample, then over time the thread may break, and then you will have to stitch the magazine again, and this is far from a matter of minutes. Most often, the clerk has in his arsenal a nylon thread, which is so strong that it is simply impossible to tear it with bare hands; it will definitely keep all the sheets together, even if the magazine accidentally falls.
How to make holes?
You can make holes in a thin magazine or notebook with an awl, and gradually, step by step, page by page, pierce all the sheets. But if you have to deal with a multi-page copy, then they usually take a drill to help. It’s especially fascinating to watch how deftly the fragile girl accountant can handle the tool. And yet, when resorting to such heavy artillery, it is better to enlist male support.
To make your magazine look neat, do not pierce the cover, even if you really want to. The holes should be made as close to the spine (binding) as possible, then when opening the pages the threads will be practically invisible and they will not take up the useful area of the graph.
How to staple documents correctly
It comes in different sizes and qualities. To staple standard documents, a regular A4 format binder is used.
Envelopes are also numbered in documents. In this case, the envelope is numbered first, followed by the sheets and photographs that were in it.
If an error was made when numbering documents, it is crossed out with one line and numbering continues. In this case, the sheet will need to be certified with the inscription “Believe Corrected”, signed by the responsible person and sealed. Prepare the following tools and materials:
On the specifics of maintaining journals and books on labor protection
They provide explanations for filling out each column and line of the journal. Person responsible for maintaining the journal Position initials, surname In journals that are kept continuously (outside of the calendar period), instead of indicating information about the person responsible for maintaining the journal, it is advisable to indicate as follows:
Total in _____year __________ were registered, of which _____ ____ Signature Explanation of signature The printed pages of the magazine are bound on special equipment or stitched together using lacing, which will subsequently be used to protect the magazine from attachments and withdrawals.
Correctly filling out training logs
Full name, position, signature_______.” The journal is signed by the person authorized to keep this journal; sealed with the seal of the organization.
We place the seal so that its imprint is both on the sticker and on the cover/sheet of the magazine to which the ends of the lacing are glued.
See picture. Let us dwell in more detail on some aspects of filling out logs related to the registration of briefings.
Journal form: recommended - Appendix 4 “GOST 12.0.004-90. Interstate standard. System of occupational safety standards.
Organization of occupational safety training.
General provisions." Who fills out the log (conducts instructions)? Occupational safety specialist or employer, or employee assigned this function by order of the organization.
Information to fill out.
Why should they be conducted?
An employer's key obligation is to ensure employee safety. Within the framework of Art. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation it is noted that there is a certain list of responsibilities in terms of maintaining documents necessary to inform personnel about basic regulatory requirements. Therefore, each company must have a personally developed system and rational procedure in relation to record keeping.
The occupational safety journal serves as a fundamental document . It is used to record the briefings carried out. Within the organization, it is necessary to ensure the development of a registration procedure, as well as appoint a responsible person. An important role is played by compliance with storage periods, which are determined by the order papers.
All this is necessary to ensure operational control in the area under consideration. Paperwork is maintained in accordance with GOST 12.0.004-90. Documents of this kind are mandatory and special in nature .
How to lace occupational safety magazines
Inspectors study the TB documentation available in the administration.
Let's take a closer look at the different types of such documents and find out how many journals an enterprise should have.
Forms of occupational safety journals can be divided into several categories, depending on the training provided: In turn, they can be combined into 2 groups: mandatory and additional. For all enterprises, it is necessary to have the following set of occupational safety logs available: For most enterprises, in addition to the list of mandatory accounting books given here, additional occupational safety logs are often required for professions associated with high risk during the performance of production duties.
There are additional logs that are required by some organizations. You will find the form of the occupational safety knowledge testing protocol here.
Where to buy magazines?
By the way, now there are a lot of portals on the Internet that can offer you to purchase any sample for little money and in a short time. The advantage of such a purchase is that the magazines will already come to you with holes for thread or even already completely stitched, and you will not need to think about how to stitch the magazine yourself.
Engineers for the protection of life and health of workers are usually interested in how to flash a labor safety log, but there is no special wisdom here - all these documents are laced according to the same principle. By the way, the occupational safety journal is one of those that the employer must “groom and cherish”, because if something happens to an employee at work, the first thing the regulatory authorities will ask about the book is where these same employees read the safety rules under their signature.
What occupational safety journals should an organization have?
Before you start filling out, all pages of the magazine must be numbered, starting with the title, and stitched. The title page indicates the name of the enterprise, the start and end dates of its operation. Inside the magazine is laid out in such a way that it is possible to indicate:
- notes.
- place of work (structural unit, department);
- number;
- job title;
- Full name of the employee to whom the certificate is issued;
- date of issue of the certificate;
We invite you to familiarize yourself with a sample register that records training activities on occupational safety.
The cover of the magazine looks like this: accounting for occupational safety classes (workshop, department, laboratory, structural unit, site) Start of training: “___” ____________ 20__ End
Some results
Let us repeat the basic rules stated above:
- Before work, carefully study the instructions on how to flash the magazine.
- Decide on a “piercing” tool.
- Do not pierce the cover (only the sheets themselves).
- Do not make holes far from the cover - the magazine will be inconvenient to open.
- The thread must be strong.
- Do not miscalculate the length of the thread, so as not to redo everything again.
- Number the magazine.
- Paste a control sheet, which will indicate the number of pages to be stitched and the date of stitching.
- Seal it.
We hope that after reading the article you have no questions about how to flash the logbook and similar documents.
How to properly stitch and seal a logbook for recording the movement of work books
After the journal form is ready, you need to number all available pages with serial numbers, then you can start stitching it. The standard procedure most often used is as follows:
The main thing is to complete the stitching, you need to pull out the edges of the thread or cord that was used, approximately 6-8 centimeters, and secure it to the inside back wall of the magazine.
To do this, the end of the thread is glued with ordinary office glue to the wall of the magazine, and a small square of ordinary thick paper is glued on top of it, with the seal and signature of the person in charge, as well as indicating the date of the firmware.
How to lace and number correctly
Due to rational stitching, papers are subject to systematization. In addition, the likelihood of their substitution, counterfeiting, damage or loss is reduced. For firmware and numbering, standard rules of the state standard GOST are used.
- Despite the lack of clear instructions in the legislation, one should rely on the individual requirements of the organization.
- You should familiarize yourself with general tips for organizing the systematization of documents that may be useful for carrying out procedures.
- Firmware in multi-page documentation is carried out using a classic needle and thick thread.
- For stitching, bank twine, ordinary stitching threads or Mylar tape are used.
- You need to start the process by preparing holes (3-4 pieces) in the sheets using a hole punch.
- First, the needle is inserted into the middle hole, and then the thread is distributed to the sides - above and below relative to the middle hole.
- After each “cycle” you need to return to the middle. It is best to use a dual firmware scheme.
- When the process is completed, the needle and thread are inserted into the central hole and brought out to the “wrong” side of the bound papers. The remaining tip is tied with a knot.
Magazines must be correctly numbered. Classic standards used:
- numbers are written on the leaves in Arabic using a simple pencil, in ascending order, as in books and ordinary magazines;
- the number is indicated at the top right, while the text of the document remains untouched;
- numbering of attachments is carried out within the framework of the general procedure, and as for auxiliary letters, the number is affixed to the envelope and only after that - on the sheets;
- if a document is presented in several volumes, they are numbered separately;
- applications that are separated into a separate volume are also subject to separate numbers.