Power of attorney for another person to receive salary As a rule, employers transfer employee salaries to
Inventory of accounts receivable “Accounting in budgetary and non-profit organizations”, 2012, N 24 Article
How to fill out a performance characteristic for ITU A sample of this document is usually provided to the employee by ITU employees
What do the numbers in the OKUD code mean? Each document flow process is accompanied by a standard form. She has
Assigning the duties of chief accountant to the general director is not such a rare procedure. Often this
In recent years, the number of donors has increased significantly. Donating blood, plasma, and other cells becomes an honor.
A mechanic is a general specialist responsible for the technical condition and repair of equipment at
Basic rules for filling out the application All information about the founders and general director must be filled out exactly
Dear friends. Today I continue to publish instructions that are necessary for occupational safety and equipment
Article 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation explains in detail the rights of the employer with legal justification for independent