Benefits for Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Receiving a Survivor's Pension

Spouses of persons, deceased employees and military personnel have the right to a survivor's pension upon reaching 55 and 50 years of age (men and women, respectively), and those caring for a child of the deceased who has not reached 8 years of age have the right to the specified pension regardless of age , ability to work and whether they work or not, including whether they are in military service, serving in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, institutions and bodies of the penal system, the Federal Service of the National Guard of the Russian Federation or not. .

Regardless of whether they are dependent on the breadwinner, a pension is assigned to disabled children, disabled parents and a spouse if, after the death of the breadwinner, they have lost their source of livelihood, as well as to the spouse and parents or other family member of persons who died in the line of duty.

There are quite a few common cases when an applicant is denied a request to receive a certain amount of financial support. Refusal can be obtained not only in lump sums, but also in payment for funeral services and payment for installed monuments.

  • Resolving all issues related to paperwork;
  • Morgue services;
  • Transportation of the body to the crematorium or cemetery;
  • Expenses for making a coffin, bringing an urn, making wreaths;
  • The process of burying a body or cremation.

Recipients of benefits

  • children of the deceased breadwinner, including adopted children, younger sisters, brothers and grandchildren, until they reach adulthood. It is important to take into account the main condition - the absence of able-bodied parents. If the parents are pensioners or disabled, benefits will be paid;
  • the same category of persons while undergoing full-time studies until the age of 23. From 2021, full-time study is allowed not only in the Russian Federation, but also in a foreign country (read more in the article “Survivor’s pension after 18 years”);
  • the same category of children who have reached adulthood but are disabled, but the disability was acquired before the age of 18;
  • disabled relatives supported by the deceased - spouse, parents, disabled grandparents, but on the condition that there is no one else to care for them;
  • a disabled spouse and parents who were not previously supported by the deceased, but due to circumstances have lost their main source of income;
  • a relative of the deceased, whose ability to work and age do not matter, who has taken upon himself the upbringing of the children of the deceased, including younger relatives, until the youngest child turns 14 years old;
  • children left without both parents;
  • children raised by a deceased single mother.
  • the applicant has not provided all documents;
  • the application contains corrections or is impossible to read;
  • the applicant for benefits provided inaccurate information;
  • The legislation does not provide for the benefits that the applicant is claiming.

To some extent, MFC branches can facilitate the process of receiving benefits. They work on the principle of extraterritoriality and accept applications for the provision of state and municipal services, regardless of the place of residence or registration of the applicant (subject to the presence of all documents that the recipient of the service must provide independently).

Tax benefits

An insurance pension is assigned when the deceased had at least 1 day of insurance work experience, and the dependent is not recognized in court as being involved in the death of the breadwinner. To calculate the amount of the insurance pension, you need to multiply the number of pension points accumulated by the deceased breadwinner during his work activity by the cost of one point and add a fixed additional payment (the basic part).

If not all papers were collected, then the applicant must provide the necessary information within 3 months. If this is done later, the day of application for financial support will be considered the day the application was received.

The amount of pension benefits must be compared with the minimum subsistence level for a certain category of subjects, approved for each region of residence. If this amount is less than the established level, then a social supplement is calculated up to the required figure.


Single mothers have the right to receive benefits for utilities. In a number of regions, it is allowed not to pay for garbage removal until the child is 1.5 years old, others set a discount from 200 to 500 rubles from the total amount of the receipt from housing and communal services. In addition, they are entitled to personal income tax benefits: a 2-fold reduction in the tax deduction from the taxable base.

  • Pension Fund - you can contact here regarding the payment of cash benefits and compensation;
  • Social Insurance Fund - issues of issuing funeral benefits, transferring the funded part of the deceased’s pension and other insurance payments are resolved here;
  • Department of Social Protection of the Population - on issues of in-kind assistance, registration of social benefits (free travel and food, distribution of medicines).

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It is possible to apply for benefits in the event of the loss of the sole breadwinner by contacting the Pension Fund of Russia with an application. In this case, it is necessary to collect a basic package of documents that will confirm family ties with the deceased.

Which authorities provide it?

Registration of benefits is possible only in case of personal application to the relevant authorities. If the payment concerns minor children, then the applicant is the second parent, guardian or authorized representative.

    Obtaining a medical certificate. It is issued to family members within 24 hours by the medical institution that established the cause of death. Contacting the registry office at the place of death, obtaining a medical certificate or the latest registration of the deceased. You need to take this certificate and passports with you: yours and the deceased’s. Obtaining a death certificate from the registry office on the day of application. It is required to file a survivor claim.

If a woman worked during her husband’s lifetime and, say, for some time after his death, but then quit or was fired, she is not entitled to a survivor’s pension, since she is not considered a dependent. She had to be disabled at the time of her husband's death and be his dependent.

Conditions of appointment and who is eligible

IPC is an individual pension coefficient. For each year that a citizen has worked with contributions to the Pension Fund, points are added to his Pension Fund account. Then the moment comes when you can use the points. In the case of a survivor's pension, this is the death of the point holder and the filing of an application by his relatives to receive this type of payment. The points for each year are summed up, and the more they are in the end, the greater the amount of payments will be.

Also, the benefits provided are of a material and intangible nature. Material payments to pensioners are expressed in an additional allowance in the amount of 15 thousand rubles. monthly. Benefits for the loss of a breadwinner, in addition to pensions, are as follows:

Benefits for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

If a person joined the queue for improved housing conditions before March 1, 2003 (16 years ago), then he can become the owner of free living space. True, it will not be his property. And under a social tenancy agreement. The exception is disabled people of groups 1 and 2.

In addition, vacations in sanatoriums owned by the department cost former police officers 75% less, and this is the percentage that the ministry reimburses. And if being there is considered to be further treatment of the consequences of old wounds or diseases, then 100% is compensated.

Benefits for public transport are provided differently in different regions of Russia - it all depends on the decision of the regional authorities. For example, in the capital, travel on public transport is provided free of charge for former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who have retired. In the northern capital, on the contrary, only travel tickets are provided to pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at discounted prices.

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Despite dismissal from the authorities, former employees retain the opportunity to use medical care in institutions under the authority of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In addition, he retains the right to purchase vouchers to sanatorium-resort institutions, again through the Ministry of Internal Affairs, for a quarter of the total amount.

Benefits for orphans

  • the housing left behind by the parents, or part of it, goes to the child. If the parents of an orphan child did not have their own housing or it is impossible to stay in the existing one, the state, upon the child reaching the age of majority, provides housing out of turn on the right of ownership or a social tenancy agreement (Article 8 of the Federal Law No. 159);
  • free education in higher and secondary educational institutions;
  • priority right when enrolling in studies, but only after passing exams;
  • the right to receive a state social scholarship up to 23 years of age on an equal basis with the state academic scholarship of an educational institution. But if there are arrears on exams, the payment of the scholarship is suspended. The scholarship continues to be paid during internship, academic leave, and maternity leave. Cannot be lower than the minimum scholarship for other students;
  • for completing industrial practice, a salary of 100% is accrued;
  • allowance for the purchase of clothing, shoes, and other necessary items;
  • For the purchase of textbooks and office supplies for students of educational institutions, an allowance in the amount of a three-month social scholarship is provided.
  • Paid within a month after the start of the academic year;
  • benefits for free food, medical treatment;
  • free recreation in children's camps and other recreational institutions, including transportation costs for a two-way trip;
  • the right to social protection from unemployment through assistance in finding a job, obtaining a specialty and professional knowledge;
  • free legal assistance and protection of the rights of orphans in court.

Any citizen of the Russian Federation who has lost part of their income after the death of the person who provided for him has the right to receive a survivor's pension. Registration of benefits and benefits involves performing certain actions.

A different benefit amount may be assigned. For example, if the breadwinner had one dependent relative, the pension will be half that indicated above. In all other cases it is paid in full.

Survivor benefit amount in 2021

The size of the benefit and the number of benefits provided depend on the social status assigned to persons who have lost their breadwinner. For example, pensioners and children who have become orphans receive additional guarantees in the form of benefits, not excluding regional ones. Their list is determined in each individual case and approved by the social support service.

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Your question has been processed. To answer your question, you need to know the specifics of the legislation of St. Petersburg. To clarify your question, you can contact the social protection authorities at your place of residence.

For example, Article 34 lists the categories of persons for whom social support measures are established in the field of recreation and recreation. One of the categories that receive support measures in the field of recreation and recreation are children from single-parent families.

- free visit to the zoo, payment at reduced prices for visits to museums, cultural and recreation parks, exhibitions and cultural and educational events in the specified cultural institutions run by the Moscow Government, and once a month - free visits to museums (children from 7 to 18 years old ).

Upon admission, the same preferential conditions apply as at the university. Applicants who have lost their sponsor are given the right to be enrolled on a priority basis. Yes, they take exams together with other applicants, but enrollment in the course is carried out out of turn.

  • if she is retired and disabled;
  • a disability has been confirmed that makes it impossible to work;
  • there is no permanent place of work;
  • the official source of income has been lost, despite the fact that she was not previously a dependent;
  • the children or grandchildren of the deceased are in their care.

Where to go

When collecting information about what benefits a child has for the loss of a breadwinner according to the law, it should be remembered that students of universities and colleges after the school program also have the right to count on government assistance in material terms. This applies to all full-time students in higher and secondary educational institutions. They receive social payments and preferential accruals up to 23 years of age inclusive.

The state will not provide benefits to every relative. If parents have been deprived of their parental rights, are in prison, or have simply lost their jobs but have not lost their ability to work, the state will not provide the right to receive benefits.

Benefits for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2021: what is required by law

  1. participants and heroes of the Great Russian War;
  2. men with at least 40 years of work experience;
  3. persons who have diplomas and merits on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation;
  4. citizens awarded insignia and medals for labor;
  5. women with at least 35 years of work experience.
  • Article 407 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (tax benefits);
  • Federal Decree No. 342 “On service in internal affairs bodies”;
  • Federal Law No. 247 “On social guarantees for employees of internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and introducing modifications to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”;
  1. Funeral at state expense (the list of services provided by the state in this case is specified in Federal Law No. 4202-1).
  2. Receiving insurance payment.
  3. Registration of pensions for dependents upon the death of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  4. Receipt of the remaining part of the funded pension.
  5. Compensation for part of utility bills.
  6. Reimbursement of part of the funds spent on heating payments.
  7. Treatment in boarding houses of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at a discount.

1. Approve the attached Procedure for paying travel to employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and members of their families, as well as paying monetary compensation for expenses associated with paying for travel to family members and parents of a deceased (deceased) employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.

Who is entitled to

The state pension insurance body, the Pension Fund, is responsible for assigning benefits to the relevant persons. Applicants must appear at the territorial office and submit a package of documentation. It includes:

What benefits is a child entitled to for the loss of a breadwinner besides a pension?

  • pensions and benefits in accordance with the loss of a breadwinner are not paid if the dependent is the murderer of a supporting relative;
  • Not only relatives, but also adopted children under 18 years of age (or 23, if they are university students) have the right to receive appropriate support;
  • If dependents have a large and stable income, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation stops social payment of benefits in connection with the death of a relative, regardless of the age of the recipient. For example, if a minor child gets a job.

A person in loco parentis, or a father/mother who is involved in maintaining and raising a child after the death of the breadwinner, seeks help. You must write an application and submit documents; their list is separate for each type of assistance. The application is considered by a special commission, which submits a proposal to social security. Based on it, a decision is made, which serves as the basis for further actions by the social protection authorities. Cash payments can be issued in the form of social benefits or subsidies. Social benefits are issued free of charge from the budget in the form of a certain amount. The subsidy is targeted and fully or partially covers the payment for social services provided by family members.

  • federal from the Pension Fund, if material support (MS) is below the subsistence level in Russia and the region;
  • regional, established by social protection if the Moscow region is lower than the cost of living in the region, and that is higher than the federal one.

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The age of eligibility for benefits is limited to adulthood or 23 years if the child is receiving education. Those who become disabled before adulthood retain benefits throughout their lives. The following categories of dependents are distinguished: disabled people who have lost one parent, and orphans. They use help, regardless of the presence of relatives who may support them. After the death of a parent, it is not necessary to prove that the children were dependent on him, unless they are adults or became fully capable before their majority.

The amount of payments may be a much smaller equivalent, for example, if the deceased breadwinner had only one relative in need of support. In this case, it will be 50% of the above amounts. If there are two or more people left who are unable to feed themselves, the pension is paid in full.

The survivor's benefit in 2021 is the main state assistance paid to families in which a person working to support the family died (or went missing). The presented social payment is called a survivor's pension (benefits) and is paid from the pension savings of the lost breadwinner.

Who is the survivor benefit for a child intended for?

  1. Documents proving the identity of each member of the family who has lost their breadwinner;
  2. Official certificate of loss of the deceased;
  3. Work record book of the breadwinner;
  4. Certificate from the place of employment about the income of the breadwinner for the last 2 months.

The pension is issued through the Pension Fund by personal submission, or through the employer, or by mail, or through the MFC (if there is an agreement between the territorial departments of the MFC and the Pension Fund), through the Unified Portal of Public Services or through a personal account on the Pension Fund website (clause 4 of the Rules, approved By Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 884n dated 17.,2014, Administrative Regulation No. 16p). To do this, you will need to provide the entire set of required certificates. According to the general rules, until the dependent has reached the age of 18 or 23, if he continues to study, he receives a pension, as well as a social supplement in the absence of adulthood or legal capacity.

Benefits for the loss of a breadwinner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

In addition to the above regulations, Federal Law No. 4468-1 . Accordingly, compensation cannot be obtained if you refuse treatment in a commercial sanatorium. You can take advantage of the benefit (rest in a sanatorium or receive a payment) only once a year based on the appropriate application and priority. When a voucher required by a pensioner becomes available (if it’s their turn), the candidate is informed about this no later than 2 weeks before arrival. At the same time, the maximum cost of such a voucher and services for it is determined annually, and therefore the amount of compensation in case of refusal, as well as other nuances, for example, the amount of the cost of a voucher for relatives of a pensioner.

Article 105 of the RF Housing Code. Provision of living quarters in dormitories .1. Living quarters in dormitories are provided at the rate of at least six square meters of living space per person.2. The rental agreement for residential premises in a dormitory is concluded for the period of employment, service or training.

  • In the armed forces or in state internal affairs bodies;
  • The time spent working in government bodies, civilian ministries and organizations/personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is also taken into account.
  • State Fire Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, before their appointment, replaced by ordinary personnel of the State. fire service;
  • The time of serving the sentence/maintenance of military personnel, commanding officers in custody, as well as those unjustifiably brought to justice or
  • The pension is assigned for the period of disability, which is established by the medical examination institution.
  • The pension is also granted for life if a disabled person has reached 60 years of age or a disabled woman has reached 55 years of age. Moreover, his re-examination of these categories can occur with their own consent.

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The legislative framework

Documents for registration. Documents usually ask for an application, a copy of the passport and a copy of the death certificate, but the list may be different depending on the university. It happens that documents are accepted only within six months after the death of a parent or only in the first quarter. It is better to clarify these details with the university.

What benefits exist for the loss of a breadwinner?

  1. Application with consent to the processing of personal data from the child or his representative.
  2. Birth certificate - for children under 14 years of age.
  3. Passport - for children over 14 years old.
  4. Original certificate from the place of study.
  5. Original certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation confirming the assignment of a pension.
  6. If the documents are submitted by a representative, then his passport or other identification document is needed.
  7. Certificate of registration in St. Petersburg.
  8. Photo format 3 × 4 cm.
  9. SNILS and its copy.
  • if the military breadwinner died during service or within three months after demobilization;
  • if a serviceman was fatally wounded during his service;
  • if the breadwinner suffered from a man-made or radiation disaster;
  • if a citizen fell ill with radiation sickness due to the Chernobyl accident;
  • if a citizen has become disabled due to a nuclear accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • if the deceased was an astronaut;
  • if the deceased was a test instructor and died while on duty.
  • a document that will confirm that there was a family connection with the deceased breadwinner;
  • a certificate that will confirm the income of the deceased person;
  • a document that will confirm the insurance experience of the deceased breadwinner;
  • a document that will confirm the death of the breadwinner;
  • a document that will confirm the identity of the person, his citizenship, place of residence and age of the minor;
  • a document that will confirm the identity of the person representing the interests of the minor;
  • a document that will confirm dependency;
  • a document that will confirm that the minor was raised by a deceased single mother;
  • a document that will confirm that the person is a full-time student;
  • a document that will confirm that the person is caring for the siblings and children of the deceased person under fourteen years of age.
  • a document that will confirm that the breadwinner has been declared missing or dead.

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Social pension

This type of pension payment can be paid if the minor does not receive any income on his own. If a citizen who has not reached the age of eighteen works independently, then he loses his right to receive payments and benefits established by the state.

  • take part in the “Housing” program (operating until 2021) to purchase an apartment;
  • the newborn is given a set of clothes for discharge from the maternity hospital;
  • a dairy kitchen for children is provided free of charge;
  • reimbursement of the cost of maintaining a kindergarten and compensation for additional education for the child;
  • benefits for admission to preschool (kindergarten), school, and vocational educational institutions;
  • free (preferential) treatment in sanatoriums.

If not all papers were collected, then the applicant must provide the necessary information within 3 months. If this is done later, the day of application for financial support will be considered the day the application was received.

Single mother

  • providing your own housing (apartment, house) or concluding a social tenancy agreement by the time you reach 18 years of age (if the orphan’s parents did not have their own living space);
  • free medical treatment;
  • issuance of a voucher to a summer health camp, including free delivery to and from the vacation spot;
  • support with employment and career guidance;
  • retraining in a situation where the organization has ceased to exist or has reduced staffing levels;
  • free education at a college or university.

The state helps all children who are left without care as a result of the death of one of their parents in accordance with Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ “On State Social Assistance.” Support is not only in monetary terms, but also in other in-kind expressions.

What benefits are available to pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

After an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has served the required number of years in the law enforcement system, he has the right to retire. The pension provision of a former police officer depends on salary, position, rank and some other factors.

It should be noted that pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have the right to receive housing only if their need for improved housing conditions during their service in law enforcement agencies has been established. In this case, a social rental agreement for residential premises may be concluded with them.

Survivor's pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The growing rate of inflation led to the fact that the Government decided to assign a one-time payment to all needy citizens receiving a pension, including for the loss of a breadwinner . This is the so-called 13th pension . In 2021, the one-time payment amounted to 5 thousand rubles. The same amount is planned to be transferred in 2021.

  • minor children left without one or both parents;
  • full-time students over 18 years of age, but under twenty-three years of age, left without one or both parents;
  • guardians of minor orphans under 14 years of age;
  • widows of military personnel who died in the line of duty;
  • pensioner parents who lost children during military service or in the performance of official duty.
  • passport;
  • military ID;
  • private bussiness;
  • order on enrollment in service;
  • photo;
  • information about awards;
  • a certificate from a medical professional if an injury or injury was sustained;
  • archival extracts, copies of orders and other documents confirming participation in hostilities.
  1. Submission of documents to the pension department at the place of service.
  2. Review within 10 working days.
  3. Making a decision - assigning payment or refusal.
  4. In the case of length of service and disability - issuing an order on dismissal from service.
  5. Assignment of monthly deductions. The grounds for termination of payments may be the death of a citizen - during length of service, cancellation of disability, loss of the right to receive.
  6. Transfer of pension. Done on the specified date to the card at any bank or through Russian Post branches.

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Where to go

  • death certificate of the person who provided financial support;
  • pension-type certificate (it should be borne in mind that as of April 1, 2021, an insurance certificate is no longer issued; instead, a document has been introduced that confirms registration in the personalized accounting system - Part 2 of Article 16 of Law No. 27-FZ dated 04/01/1996, clause 6, article 1, article 7, 9 of Law No. 48-FZ of 04/01/2021);
  • documents on family composition and the birth of children, including adoption;
  • work book of the breadwinner, or other documents confirming family relationships;
  • a savings book or bank account used in the future for transfers of pension payments.

What privileges do children who have lost their breadwinner have?

  • all documentation confirming the need for social support is collected;
  • information about the deceased is collected;
  • there is an appeal to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence;
  • An application must be submitted along with a package of documents.

You can apply for benefits for children receiving a survivor's pension, as well as for pensioners, through the pension fund, multifunctional center and through the State Services portal. Survivor's pension benefits are awarded from the date of death of the parent or guardian, but an application must be made to the pension fund no later than 12 months after death.

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The child has the right to receive a deduction for the benefit received by his official guardian. The minimum tax reduction is allowed by 1,400 rubles, and after the third child, the deduction increases to 3 thousand rubles. Children with disabilities have the opportunity to receive a tax refund of 12 thousand rubles.

Benefits when entering a university

  • allocation of an apartment, house or execution of a social tenancy agreement before the age of 18;
  • provision of free medical care;
  • providing vouchers to summer health camps free of charge;
  • assistance in training and employment;
  • free education in universities, schools, colleges.

For many dependents, the pension may not even reach the established level of the subsistence level in the region, which is why the Government of the Russian Federation in the form of the state provides additional payment to children who have received survivor benefits.

From the point of view of the Government of the Russian Federation, represented by the state, citizens who, for various reasons, have lost their breadwinner, experience difficulties not only financially, but also morally. It is for this reason that the developed state policy is primarily aimed at realizing social needs.


  • the applicant's identity card;
  • birth certificate - if the child is under 14 years old, if older - passport;
  • SNILS of the deceased breadwinner;
  • death certificate;
  • work book of a deceased person.

In each case, it will be necessary to document the existence of the right to a benefit, and if the members of the commission decide to provide a preferential place, then the student enters the university on a budgetary form of education. The legislative framework is constantly undergoing changes and it is possible that the list of persons who can count on preferential admission to a university will be expanded.

Benefits for the widow of a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and a military serviceman in 2021

The State Duma is now considering options for increasing payments to the subsistence level. In addition, the government still faces many tasks to implement its plans. It is an undeniable fact that many people need government support. With regards to the “Afghans” we are talking about those people who sacrificed their health and much more to perform a very important and difficult task.

Let us remind you that, according to the current version of the law on social guarantees for employees of internal affairs bodies, a number of benefits are assigned to widows or widowers of those killed as a result of injury received during the performance of service. But spa treatment and medical care are not included in this list.

Benefits for public transport are provided differently in different regions of Russia - it all depends on the decision of the regional authorities. For example, in the capital, travel on public transport is provided free of charge for former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who have retired. In the northern capital, on the contrary, only travel tickets are provided to pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at discounted prices.

Employees who do not fall under these characteristics have the right to retire upon reaching the age stipulated by law for all other citizens, without claiming additional benefits, as employees of the Ministry are no longer such.

Benefits for disabled relatives

The main principle of providing benefits is the targeting of the recipient, that is, assistance is sent to specific categories of citizens. For example, benefits have been established for children receiving a survivor's pension, measures are being taken to provide social support for the elderly, etc. An indicator of the need for additional social assistance is the subsistence minimum (ML) in certain regions of the country. If a citizen’s PM is lower than established, then assistance is prescribed.

What exactly such a document provides depends on regional legislative characteristics. Registration is carried out in Multifunctional centers or municipalities of social protection. A list of documentation required for processing is also issued on site.

People are used to living for today, sometimes making plans for the future. It is certainly bright and cloudless, which in itself is correct, because no one is going to die prematurely. But, unfortunately, our life is unpredictable. Sometimes, completely unexpectedly, a tragedy occurs in a family, and a child is left without one of the parents. In such a difficult life situation, the state provides him with financial assistance. Everyone who has not escaped the misfortune needs to know what benefits (except for pensions) children are entitled to after losing a breadwinner.

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In this case, the collected documentation must be submitted to the educational institution. Exactly the same as in the situation with the university. Each application will be considered individually. Based on the results, a decision is made. The amount of accruals and the time of payments are established by the educational institution.

In the event of the death of a breadwinner liable for military service outside of service (for example, illness or other accident), all family members are given a payment of 7,440 rubles. If an employee died while performing his duty to his homeland, then all family members who lost their breadwinner are entitled to 9,920 rubles.

  • free prescription medications for children under 3 years of age;
  • dairy products and nutritional formula for children under 2 years of age;
  • dairy products - for chronic diseases that are included in the list for children under 15 years of age;
  • free public transport during the period of pension payment;
  • free visits to government institutions - zoos, exhibitions, museums, parks for children under 7 years of age;
  • preferential visits to government institutions - zoos, exhibitions, museums, parks for children from 7 to 18 years old. For full-time students - up to 23 years old;
  • free 2 meals a day in school canteens;
  • receiving free school textbooks;
  • free meals for students in vocational educational institutions.

Receiving benefits

Tax benefits

The amount of the subsidy varies depending on the region of residence of the dependent. But despite this, the amount of payments that the child will receive cannot exceed 50% of all income that the parent had during his lifetime.

In accordance with the law, children belong to a socially vulnerable group that is provided with government guarantees. In the event of the loss of the person providing for them, they are entitled to additional financial assistance. In addition to pensions, children are provided with benefits:

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To do this, you should write an application, collect the necessary documents and contact the social and pension security authorities. In this case, the pension will be issued to the Pension Fund, and benefits, additional assistance and guarantees will be issued through the social security authority.

Design rules

Any citizen of the Russian Federation who has lost part of their income after the death of the person who provided for him has the right to receive a survivor's pension. Registration of benefits and benefits involves performing certain actions.

  • the child comes of age;
  • after the student graduates from university or upon expulsion;
  • a relative of the deceased who had a dependent child under 18 years of age upon reaching that age.
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