Chief engineer - the professional standard in the form of a separate document for this position has not been developed. However
What is it? The term “staffing table” refers to an internal document of the enterprise that approves the structure, numerical
Rules and example of filling out the act of writing off a car OS-4a For writing off vehicles with
Home / Labor Law / Work record book Back Published: 05/22/2020 Reading time: 6
According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the number of working hours cannot exceed forty hours per week.
Commission on Electrical Safety at the Enterprise The purpose of creating this commission is that in
Job description of a pediatrician [organizational and legal form, name of organization, enterprise] [position, signature, full name of the head
Payers Insurance premiums for injuries in 2020 are paid by all employers operating in the territory
When you may need a certificate of current current accounts A similar certificate from the tax office may be required
Why do you need to calculate the headcount? As stated above, the value under consideration implies the total number of employees