Working day and working week in the USSR and Russia. Dossier
The concept of a six-day working week, legislative framework Chapter 16 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the establishment
Labor Code.
When I was fired, my salary was not paid: where to go, how to write a complaint?
Home / Labor Law / Dismissal and layoffs / Dismissal Back Published: 01/12/2018 Time
Bank guarantee - how to take it into account in accounting?
How are rights and obligations distributed when issuing a bank guarantee? A bank guarantee is an obligation
Successful Business Development Director
Job description of the head of the development department
Business lawyer > Labor law > Responsibilities of the business development director, responsibilities and nuances
How are salaries and advances paid? Order
Features of issuing an advance to a new employee in the first month of work
How to correctly pay an advance in 2019-2020 according to the Labor Code The concept of “advance” by labor legislation
Receiving additional pay for length of service is possible only after completion of service
Pensions of state civil servants for length of service
Conditions for receiving a pension for civil servants Conditions for receiving a pension for civil servants are regulated at the legislative level. According to Art.
Floating holidays in an employment contract
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Rules for fixing working conditions in an employment contract
Working conditions in the workplace are an important aspect of the labor relationship between employer and employee.
Sample application for awarding a letter of gratitude
Do you want to reward an employee or partners? Formalize your gratitude correctly
Sample of gratitude for work Home — Business organization — Personnel — As
Order on collective liability
Sample. Order to hold the employee financially liable
The procedure for applying financial liability Based on the established procedure for bringing an employee to financial liability, the employer
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