Published: December 13, 2014 | Author: Evgeny Sakharov | Category: Uncategorized | Tags: email marketing,
Business trip accounting: basic procedures Employee participation on a business trip is a process that consists of the following
The category “working time” occurs when we are talking about labor relations, that is, relations
General provisions 1.1. The loader belongs to the category of workers. 1.2. A person is appointed to the position of loader
Accounting statements are perhaps the most important thing that an enterprise can have, because
The chief accountant is one of the leading employees in any organization, since his work is closely
Home / Labor Law / Occupational Safety and Health Back Published: 04/27/2020 Reading time: 10
EGAIS (Unified State Automated Information System) is an automated system designed for state control over the volume
Just as in the case of fixed assets, the cost of an intangible asset is compensated
How to temporarily “freeze” a company: suspending the activities of an LLC. What a company owner should know about