Sample order for approval of job description

An order approving job descriptions is a local regulatory act of the organization. It determines the procedure for putting into effect documents containing information about the rights and responsibilities of employees holding a certain position. Its preparation is mandatory for some organizations.

Personnel records management consists of many documents that many clerks are not even aware of. For example, not all managers know that job descriptions must be approved by order. It would seem that all the functions, rights and responsibilities of employees can be spelled out in employment contracts, and if separate descriptions of functionality are created, then why create a separate administrative act on their approval? In reality, everything is far from so simple.

The role of job descriptions in an organization

In accordance with the current labor legislation and, in particular, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, job descriptions, and therefore the order to put them into effect, are not mandatory. This means that each commercial company finds the answer to the question of whether an order is needed to approve job descriptions independently. But for budgetary organizations, state and municipal institutions, it is overwhelmingly positive. The obligation to draw up local acts listing the functions and rights of employees is enshrined in departmental regulations. And without an appropriate approval order, such documents cannot be considered valid and have no legal force.

Making changes to official documents

Most often, job descriptions are subject to changes when adjustments are made to the scope of job responsibilities. Or if the technological and organizational working conditions at enterprises need to be changed.

The procedure for making changes to job descriptions is not precisely established at the legislative level.

This means that each organization has the right to independently develop the procedure for this procedure. The order itself is fixed in one of the local documents. The main thing is to consider a couple of factors when making changes.

Character. Do the changes affect the main, important points in an individual or collective employment contract?

The method of execution of the document itself, which requires adjustment. Changes can be issued either as a separate document or as attachments.

Creating an additional agreement will be the best solution if the instructions themselves are an appendix to the main employment contract.

Or you can create a new edition of the instructions, if the latter are drawn up in a separate document, and the changes themselves do not concern the main provisions of the contract.

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Heads of HR departments must definitely evaluate how appropriate it is to introduce instructions and new provisions to them. At the next stage, each employee expresses an opinion to management.

If necessary, joint revision of the document is organized. If the persons who signed and approved the document are fired, there is no need to change the details. After all, instructions last for a long time.

In an order according to job descriptions, filling in the details occurs in the same way as in other ordinary orders.

The difference appears only in the content of the ascertaining, administrative part. One order can approve not only one instruction, but several at once.

Sample order to change a job description.
Sample order to change a job description.

In what cases is an order needed?

Typically, the form of the order is approved at the very beginning of the activities of the organization or institution. But sometimes such an order has to be formed already in the process of carrying out the activity. This is necessary in case:

  • creation of new staff units in the structure of an institution or organization;
  • changes in legislative acts regulating the labor function of employees;
  • changes in technological approaches and requirements.

Also, an order to introduce new job duties or adjust old ones may come from higher organizations or ministries. Businesses may change the functions associated with a particular position at will at any time. The main thing is that appropriate changes are made to employees’ employment contracts.

How to place an order

There are no uniform standards for the execution of an order, as well as for its content: it can be written on a simple blank sheet of A4 or even A5 format, either by hand or printed on a computer.

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Important condition: the order must contain the original signature of the director or other employee authorized to endorse the company’s administrative documents.

Also, the employees responsible for its implementation should be familiarized with it against signature.

Registration procedure and sample

There is no unified form of this local act. But some departments have approved the recommended forms of the document. For example, this is provided for by the orders:

  • FSIN of Russia dated 06/05/2008 N 379;
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated January 12, 1998 N 19.

In fact, an order approving job descriptions in a school will not differ from a similar document, for example, in a hospital or fire department under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Each of them has the same structure:

  • a header indicating the name of the organization, the name of the local act, its number and date of preparation;
  • the essence of the order;
  • a list of DIs that need to be approved, indicating the full name of each position separately;
  • indication of persons responsible for the execution of instructions;
  • signature of the manager indicating his full position and full name.

The annex to the order usually contains the text of all approved job descriptions.

The rules for maintaining document flow in a preschool organization differ little from the document flow of a school, and the order approving job descriptions in a preschool educational institution was created according to the same scheme.

Please note that it is not necessary to introduce such legal acts to the organization’s employees under signature. This document simply introduces new documentation, which employees should be familiar with. If new functional responsibilities are added to the DI, then you must act according to the rules of Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Why do you need an order approving job descriptions?

Theoretically, most employer firms can do without job descriptions. But in practice, they are needed for effective personnel management, since they establish the rights, duties and responsibilities of employees according to their positions. By signing the job description, the employee officially recognizes them.

As for the order, it gives the mechanism for applying job descriptions in the company legal force. Job descriptions issued to employees without management issuing a corresponding order may be declared invalid by a court or labor inspectorate, and this is fraught with significant risks for the business. Thus, if a person was fired for repeated violation of job duties specified in instructions not officially agreed upon with the employee, he has a good chance of being reinstated at work through the court.

Beginning of development of functional characteristics of the position

Some large state corporations, in which there are many divisions and subsidiaries, such as Gazprom or Russian Railways, issue separate regulations on the procedure for developing the job responsibilities of employees. Such documents indicate:

  • a list of requirements that must be taken into account during development;
  • procedure for approving developed documents;
  • the procedure for making changes to the current descriptions of employee functionality;
  • deadlines;
  • responsible employees.

For example, the order approving Gazprom’s job descriptions and the procedure for their development lists a number of performers responsible for carrying out the manager’s orders.

And such an administrative act must be familiarized with signature to all authorized officials who are indicated in it. Commercial organizations that have branches and separate divisions can use a similar form of document.

Can it be stated differently?

When issuing local acts, in particular, the same job description, it is recommended to use GOST R 6.30-2003, where clause 3.16 states that the document can be approved in two ways, namely:

  • by issuing an administrative act, that is, an order;
  • by affixing the stamp “I approve” with the signature of the head of the organization.

That is, it is not necessary to issue an order for the approval of the DI if the instructions have already been approved by the specified stamp.

However, in some industries, special provisions have been developed that not only contain the procedure for issuing instructions and the procedure for making changes, but also determine the mandatory issuance of an order.

If the company does not belong to government agencies, management has the right to determine the procedure for approving instructions independently, that is:

  • if the organization’s staff is small, a stamp will be enough;
  • if we are talking about a large institution with many structural divisions, it is more advisable to issue a general order to approve the DI, rather than to endorse each one.

Sample order on the development of job descriptions of the Republic of Belarus

The journal, as a rule, is under the control of one of the employees included in the immediate circle of management: a secretary, the head of the personnel department or a lawyer. If necessary, the journal helps to prove the very fact of creating an order, as well as quickly find the required document.

No special conditions are imposed in relation to the storage of the order. But to organize order in this matter, you should file the document in a folder with other similar papers, where it should remain for the period established by law or the period specified in the company’s regulations of at least three years.

Order to create instructions

An order is a piece of administrative paper that is needed to regulate these provisions:

  • Employees responsible for the formation of instructions.
  • Setting a specific task for the employee.
  • List of positions for which instructions are being created.
  • Development task completion date.
  • Persons who will be responsible for implementing the provisions of the order.

The order recommends providing references to regulations that need to be relied upon when developing instructions. In particular, these may be methodological recommendations, Classifier OK 016-94, GOST R 7.0.97-2016.

The purpose of drawing up an order is to delegate the task of developing instructions to certain persons. The administrative document indicates all the information accompanying the development of the internal act. Until 2013, organizations had to draw up an order in a certain form. After 2013, companies have the right to issue orders in free form. But at the same time it is necessary to comply with the rules of office work.

How to store an order

An order is usually created in a single copy and then registered in the journal of internal documents of the organization. During the period of validity, the order must be kept together with all other administrative documentation of the company in a place to which access must be limited. After losing its relevance, it is transferred to the archive of the enterprise, where it is stored for the period established by law or local regulations of the company (but not less than three years), after which it can be disposed of.

Functions of the job description

The job description is distinguished by these functions:

  • Effective distribution of work responsibilities.
  • Reducing the time spent working on tasks.
  • Meeting deadlines.
  • Prevention of conflict situations arising due to incorrect distribution of responsibilities.
  • Establishing employee rights.
  • Formation of personal and collective responsibility.
  • Ensuring uniform workload of employees.

The job description gives an idea of ​​what kind of work a particular employee will be faced with.

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