document specialist 1st category job responsibilities
What does a document specialist do: job responsibilities
Who is a document specialist? The vacancy “document specialist” is usually present in large companies, where to work with
harmful production factors
Disability pension in 2020 - preferential, list of professions 1 and 2, exit, how to calculate
The concept of harmful factors In many plants and factories, production is associated with constant exposure to
Aho specialist job responsibilities
AXO-2. Housekeeping positions. Functionality and a brief indication of their development
General information About any company we can say that there are several functions that can be done without.
Regions where an investment income tax deduction was introduced in 2020
Tax legislation provides for an investment deduction for income tax. Regions that have adopted the relevant law
How many days of additional leave should be provided?
Home / Complaints, courts, consumer rights / Services and consumer protection Back Published:
How is unpaid leave indicated on the time sheet?
How working hours are recorded This procedure consists of regularly reflecting the peculiarities of the working regime
Calculation of leave after maternity leave billing period
Is vacation possible after maternity leave, and how will it be paid for by the employer?
Answers to common questions Question No. 1. Does the head of a company have the right to refuse to provide an employee with
Harmful working conditions class 3.1 and 3.2: benefits and compensation for the employee
Article 14. Classification of working conditions 1. Working conditions according to the degree of harmfulness and (or) danger
category of severity of the driver's work
Category of severity of work performed in the production characteristics form
Determining the category of severity of work performed The above-mentioned conditions of the body are manifested in physical and mental labor.
simplified tax system 6 percent
How to quickly calculate the amount of tax for an individual entrepreneur using UTII using an online calculator
How to make the calculation The procedure for calculating the tax of the simplified tax system “Income” is regulated by Art. 346.21 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. For
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