marginal income
What is marginal income in simple words. Formula for calculating margin with examples and comments
Analysis of an organization’s financial activities is a very important tool for monitoring and assessing quality and efficiency
Sample order for granting leave
Vacation order form T-6 and T-6a (download form)
For which holidays is it necessary to issue an order? A vacation order must be created for the following types
Sample order for transfer to another position
How is an order to transfer an employee to another position issued?
In the activities of each structure, situations arise when it is necessary to transfer an employee from one position to
application for transition to the usn
How to reflect the transition from the simplified tax system to the OSN in 1C Accounting 8 edition 3
How to switch from the simplified tax system to the general taxation system (OSNO) Reasons for switching from the simplified system
Place of work
We fill in the place of work in the employment contract without consequences
One of the mandatory conditions that must be specified in the employment contract when concluding an agreement
Brand, trademark and trademark: meaning and functions
The trademark designation represents a special recognizable symbolism made using words, images, symbols, images.
Agreement on assignment of rights of claim: sample 2020, what is it
Agreement of assignment (assignment of the right to claim) with an act and a letter (notification) You are owed money
profit from product sales is the formula
How to take into account income and expenses from the sale of manufactured products (works, services) for income tax
Definition: Sales profit is the difference between the revenue received by the company from the sale of those
Photo 3
Who is entitled to leave for hazardous working conditions? Art. 117 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Annual additional paid leave for employees engaged in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions
Not all employees of large organizations and enterprises are aware of hazardous working conditions and
An example of an employee’s absence from work report
Certificate of absence from work - Sample and form 2020
What is considered absenteeism? The legislation of the Russian Federation regulates that absenteeism is an employee missing more work
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