Amount of child benefit in 2021 in Chuvashia
One-time benefit for the birth of a child Until 2021, the minimum wage depended on the size of the minimum wage. IN
Home / Compensations / List of benefits that can be monetized to a labor veteran in the Sverdlovsk region
Payments to families with children in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug
The level of income and expenses in regions that are in special climatic conditions differs from
Organization of pension provision
Issues discussed in the material: What is social protection for the elderly? What legislative acts regulate
Who is entitled to: Honored workers with an officially assigned title have the right to receive a monthly cash
Home / Consultations / Social payments for the birth of a third child from 2021 in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug
The number of benefits provided to large families is regulated by law at the national level, as well as at the regional level.
How much does a kindergarten cost in Moscow in 2021? The above services must be provided in a timely manner
Resolution of the Board of Administration of the Kemerovo Region dated October 28, 2014 No. 439 “On amendments to the Resolution of the Board of Administration of the Kemerovo Region dated 10.08.2011 No. 374 “On approval
Home / Housing issues / Regional maternity capital in Kemerovo for 3 children amount
Expectant mothers are reminded at the Ministry of Family, Demographic Policy and Social Welfare of the Ulyanovsk Region
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