Consumer rights
Is driving allowed after buying a car without compulsory motor liability insurance? Regulatory acts establish a ban on driving
April 23, 2020 Accounting Olga Strelkova Often, beginning entrepreneurs confuse such concepts as lost
Collecting a debt against a receipt is a headache for many lenders who have issued a transfer of money
By turning to Yandex Taxi services, customers hope to receive quality service and save money. However
What is a passport office in a management organization? Under a management agreement, a management organization on the instructions of the owners
When lending money, most are confident that the money will be returned on time. On practice
Various situations may arise in life, including when you have to refuse a paid
What is important to know about the work of collectors Collection agencies are legal entities whose activities
Types of illegal advertising Based on Russian legislation, the types of illegal advertising can be classified as follows:
The Supreme Court clarified the nuances of collecting a penalty in case of violation of deadlines for completing work. Judicial Collegium for Economic