Informal employment: is it possible to work without a signed employment contract, responsibility
When concluding an employment relationship, all requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation must be observed; in case of violation of the established
Collective means of protection - transport isolation box
Sample of filling out a personal registration card for the issuance of personal protective equipment
What are protective equipment? This is property that is used by workers to reduce the negative impact
Order on sending on a business trip in 2020. Sample and form No. T-9
Why do you need a business trip order? An order to send an employee on a business trip is the primary accounting
Why is certification needed?
Attestation sheet for suitability for the position held: sample
Employee certification: why is it needed? Certification is carried out to determine the qualifications of personnel. Procedure
What specialties should there be?
The role of the tariff scale in determining workers' wages
What specialties should there be? In order to decide on positions that, according to work activity
Who is required to submit a certificate of average number of employees?
Average number of employees - KND form 1110018
Features of the document Legislation requires that all organizations and private entrepreneurs using in their activities
02/15/2018 The professional standard for HR specialists is ready
Regulatory framework Issues related to the direct regulation of prof. standards are regulated within the framework of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation,
Archive form 9 sample. Validity period and rules for issuing a family composition certificate
It is according to the data contained in it that the Pension Fund inspector calculates and issues a pension. No book
Adding a staff unit to the staffing table: sample order
An order to introduce a new position into the staffing table is a mandatory document to fill out when
Download the Regulations on the occupational safety and health management system in the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
What tasks are solved by the local act on the occupational safety management system in the organization All employers
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