Inventory of material assets Ideally, all material assets and obligations of the enterprise should, in fact,
Inventory of fixed assets. • •Section 1. Non-current assets •Topic 1.1. Accounting for fixed assets •1.
An important document confirming a person’s professional activity is a work book. According to existing legislation, it starts
Home Services Personalized accounting Definition of personalized accounting The procedure for maintaining and providing information about personalized accounting
Home page • Blog • Online cash registers and 54-FZ • Correction check at the online cash register Check
For which holidays is it necessary to issue an order? A vacation order must be created for the following types
Entry in case of refusal to pick up a shopping mall What to write in the book if you give it directly to a shopping mall
Initial briefing on labor protection. Introductory part This article contains information that relates to
When hiring a new employee, the employer always stipulates the range of responsibilities that he must
Features of the profession A specialist will easily find a job, because people of this profession are in demand in small,