How to fill out an application for travel expenses - a sample application for an advance payment
The concept of travel expenses Travel expenses are expenses recorded by an employee, necessary for the correct completion of a business trip.
Inflation allows an employee's salary to remain at the same level as rising prices
How are vacation pay indexed when salary increases?
What about salary increases? Increasing wages is a common procedure carried out by employers.
Can I demand compensation for the delay in calculating and issuing labor upon dismissal?
On the day of termination of the employment contract, the employer is obliged to issue the employee a work book and carry out
Sample. Decision of the labor dispute commission regarding a reprimand for being late for work
Regulations on the labor dispute commission (filling sample) 5.3. An employee of the Company or his representative
Sample memo for writing off material assets
How to draw up a memo for writing off material assets
Reasons for writing and purpose of memos This business correspondence tool is especially popular in companies
Does an individual entrepreneur need a work book?
Entry into the work book of an individual entrepreneur
Do I need a work book for an individual entrepreneur? Typically, this document is needed in practice for two
Insurance premium accounting card: what should the sample look like in 2020
Source/official document: attachment to letters No. AD-30-26/16030, 17-03-10/08–473 dated 12/09/2014 Submission method: paper
Budgetary and monetary obligations in government institutions
What are budgetary and monetary obligations? According to Art. 6 Budget Code of the Russian Federation budgetary obligations –
individual legal acts of public administration
Concept and types of legal acts of management. The procedure for adoption, content and significance of legal acts of management
Act - concept, structure, design An act is a document drawn up by several persons (commission) with
How much is the actual payment request? How long is the validity period of a payment order?
What is a payment order? A payment order is a financial document drawn up in accordance with the law.
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