When is a characteristic required for employee certification?
Sample characteristics of a teacher for the highest qualification category
In what cases is it necessary? For the development of an organization, it is necessary to identify employees who have or do not have
Distant work.
Employment contract with a remote worker: sample 2020
Law on the possibility of remote work An employment contract can only be signed with a group of workers who are capable
surveyor job description
Knowledge to work as an assistant surveyor. Why is a surveyor's assistant so in demand?
Who is a surveyor? A surveyor is a specialist who holds a position of the same name in production and performs various
Occupational safety instructions log form
How to correctly fill out a logbook for issuing labor safety instructions for workers - sample for downloading
When conducting inspections, the State Labor Inspectorate (GIT) pays special attention to the availability and systematization of
How much do non-technical specialists in IT companies get paid?
Lawyer's answer: The law does not establish a mandatory form of staffing for commercial organizations. Recommended to use
Why was the professional standard for a teacher-psychologist established and its key points?
The concept of the professional standard of a psychologist and the functions of a specialist according to the document Some professional standards are enshrined at the legislative level.
Is it possible to sign documents with a black pen?
Requirements for pen color when signing documents
How often does everyone face the problem of finding the necessary documentation. Having entered the cycle of bureaucratic
Practical recommendations for issuing a certificate for calculating sick leave upon dismissal of an employee
When receiving temporary disability benefits, the employee must understand that the payment does not come from
Certificate of the total number of full-time employees
How to issue a certificate of number of employees - sample and rules
Certificate of headcount The form of certificate of headcount is approved at the legislative level by the Federal Tax Service of Russia. She
Personal protective equipment when working in production
Personal protective equipment (PPE), English. Personal protective equipment (PPE) - specially designed
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