Accounting: account 15 “Procurement and acquisition of material assets”
Inventory structure In order to guarantee the continuity of the production process and meet management needs
Position of contract manager under 44-FZ: responsibilities and appointment procedure
What is a contract service? This is a group of customer officials who work in the field of government procurement
Calculation of VAT on advances received in 1C: Accounting 8th edition. 3.0". We correct errors, reduce taxes
VAT on the received advance payment Upon receipt of partial payment (advance payment) towards the upcoming delivery of goods,
Sample book of purchases and sales 2019
Procedure for filling out a purchase book - sample
What is a purchase book and what is it for? A purchase book is a summary
Order on approval of the Regulations on remuneration - sample
Order on approval of the wage regulations - a document after which this regulation is signed
Invoice for internal movement of fixed assets OS-2
Transfer of OS in 1C 8.3 Accounting - registration of sale of OS
Internal movement of fixed assets - document flow In total, Resolution No. 7 approved 14 forms of primary
submission of a single simplified tax return
UNIFIED (SIMPLIED) TAX DECLARATION (Form according to KND N 1151085) (Appendix No. 1 to Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 10, 2007 N 62n)
For various reasons, individual entrepreneurs and organizations may not operate during the tax period.
Deadlines for submitting reports for 2018 - table
Deadline for filing income tax returns in 2020 - 2020
Income tax: deadlines for filing returns 2020 The general rule for filing returns by taxpayers is enshrined in paragraph.
Account 52 in accounting - postings and subaccounts
Specifics of application of account 52 “Currency accounts” Account 52 - Currency accounts Chart of accounts
VAT on gratuitous transfer of goods, property, fixed assets, inventories
The gratuitous transfer of goods, works, and services in the context of the taxation of this operation with VAT causes an ambiguous interpretation.
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