All-Russian classifier of forms of ownership (OKFS 16)


The All-Russian Classifier of Forms of Ownership is part of the Unified Coding System of the ESKK of the Russian Federation.
Objects of classification: state, municipal, private and other forms of ownership; classification principle – name of the type of owner. The OKFS code ensures the compatibility of statistical information, automation of the process of its processing and the provision of analytical recommendations on the basis of it for the management of economic and social spheres.

The classifier contains 3 reference applications: • A – explanations for each position of OKFS codes; • B – codes given in alphabetical order; • B – codes given in numerical order.

How to find out the OKOPF code of an organization/individual entrepreneur by TIN online?

Until recently, it was possible to obtain an OKOPF code from Rosstat during a personal visit and with a written application. Today you can find out OKOPF by TIN (taxpayer identification number) or by OGRN/OGRNIP/OKPO on the page of the official website of Rosstat.

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By clicking on it, you can save the received information to your computer, as well as save a notification about the assignment of statistics codes.

Other statistics codes for business: OKOGU, OKATO, OKPO, OKTMO, OKFS, OKVED.

OKFS code

The OKFS code serves to objectively solve statistical, economic and fiscal national problems, to develop practical recommendations for regulating the economy; its use in various areas of collecting, processing and analyzing information greatly facilitates automated forecasting of most social processes.

With the help of OKFS, today the most important information resources are being formed about subjects of civil law, about the technical and economic guidelines of the economic activities of enterprises of all forms of ownership.

Why is OKFS needed?

The classification of forms of ownership of business entities is enshrined in Resolution of the State Statistics Committee No. 97 dated 30/03/99. Classifier OK 027-99 has been used since 01/01/2000.

OKFS is intended for:

  • formation of a database of registers, cadastres, which contain data on subjects of civil law;
  • analysis of statistical data, tax accounting, and other economic and managerial areas affecting the disposal of property;
  • creating conditions for database compatibility, the possibility of automated processing of technical, economic and social information;
  • simplifying analytical work in the economic and property sphere, forecasting socio-economic phenomena, creating recommendations for regulating processes in it.

The classifier is basically based on the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Constitution - they establish the forms of ownership of the Russian Federation. In addition, the OKFS takes into account the provisions of federal laws relating to certain forms of ownership in Russia (Federal Law No. 3085-1 of 06/19/92 “On Consumer Cooperation”, Federal Law No. 7 of 01/12/96 “On Non-Profit Organizations” ", Federal Law No. 135 dated 11/08/95, etc.).

The form of ownership, or otherwise - property relations, as a result of which property is assigned as the property of a certain owner at the legislative level, is subject to encoding in the OKFS according to a certain algorithm.

The classifier takes into account that the owners can be not only legal entities, but also private individuals, the Federation as a whole and its subjects, and the fact that the property can be:

  • private;
  • state;
  • municipal.

Form of ownership according to OKFS

The OKFS classifier is intended for state, municipal, private and other forms of ownership. Determining the code required for filling out statistical reporting by individual entrepreneurs takes place in this order.

An individual entrepreneur is every citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of 14 and who has expressed a desire to engage in entrepreneurial activity without forming a legal entity.

According to the explanations for the positions of the classifier, citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to private property, which means that OKFS for individual entrepreneurs has code 16 “Private property”.

How to use the All-Russian Classifier of Forms of Ownership

The legislation prescribes certain requirements for all forms of ownership that must be fulfilled by enterprises, organizations, individuals and public associations carrying out economic activities.

When entering into legal or economic relationships, you need to understand within what framework a particular entity can carry out its activities, and whether there are direct prohibitions on its actions. This cannot be determined by the name or address of the legal entity.

Name OKFS 16

OKFS code 16 is called “Private property”. Let's note some features of this code.

Firstly, in the process of privatization of state and municipal enterprises, their property is transferred to citizens and legal entities and an appropriate organizational and legal form is established; in this case, such enterprises are recorded using code “16” of the All-Russian Classifier.

Secondly, the OKFS code “16” takes into account limited partnerships, that is, business entities whose association does not imply a merger of capital.

However, if individuals, founders of open/closed joint stock companies or limited liability companies, are citizens of the Russian Federation, but permanently reside abroad, then they are required to use the OKFS code “18” in their statistical reports.

OKFS for individual entrepreneur

Since the objects of OKFS are legal entities and individuals conducting business activities, their knowledge will be required during registration.

If we talk about individual entrepreneurship, then, based on the norms of Russian legislation, every citizen who has reached the age of fourteen can engage in individual entrepreneurial activity. Since at the same time the law guarantees him the right to private property, then, in accordance with the classifier, this corresponds to code 16, that is, private property.

form of ownership according to OKFS 16

OKFS 16 “Private Property” can identify any legal entities in the establishment of which individuals took part.

Code “16” also includes private individual enterprises, production cooperatives, farmer and collective agricultural enterprises (including those created after the reorganization of collective and state farms), family enterprises, LLCs and joint-stock companies, as well as artels, cooperatives and homeowners’ partnerships.

The classifier also includes various author's studios, workshops, studios of members of the Unions of Architects, Artists, Cinematographers, etc. as private property.

When and how is it assigned?

The code is assigned by the state statistics service after applying for state registration of citizens and organizations. The territorial body of the Federal Statistics Service sends a notification by mail about the code assigned to a specific person. Such information can be obtained by directly contacting the state statistics service or through its official website.

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Based on the information presented, we can come to the conclusion that OKFS 16 is irreplaceable in the performance of financial activities. This code is used to designate both organizations and entrepreneurs. You may not know the form of ownership that is designated by OKFS 16, but with all this you can firmly remember which category of persons it belongs to.

Decoding OKFS codes

The OKFS classifier contains a complete decoding of all positions listed in the code names: reference Appendix A.

The explanations begin with the categories included in the concept of “Russian property”, then state and municipal property, as well as the property of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, private, foreign, mixed and joint property are described.

Each transcript has a link to an article of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation or to the corresponding Federal Law (“On Public Associations”, “On Public Organizations”, etc.). For example, for OKFS “23” the decoding will include explanations of the concept of ownership of foreign legal entities in accordance with current legislation, etc.

Important aspects

One of such classifiers is OKFS. It was created and put into operation in 1993.

It contains information not only about business entities, but about all objects registered in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The basis for the creation of such a classifier was changes in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, according to which several forms of ownership in the economic sphere appeared in the state. Until this point, most of the facilities belonged to the state.

What is it (transcript)

OKFS is an all-Russian classifier of forms of ownership. This is a directory containing codes that determine the forms of ownership of business entities.

It is mandatory and allows you to distribute subjects according to a certain criterion. It allows:

  • determine changes in the financial position of SPD;
  • organize automatic information processing;
  • come to the conclusion about the need for changes in certain areas of the economy.

It is assigned to all subjects regardless of their status. Speaking about this classifier, it is worth understanding the question of what the form of ownership is.

A form of ownership is a type of property relationship that is regulated by law, which makes it possible to assign an object of property to a specific person or entity.

In this case, the owners can be individuals, legal entities, municipalities, other entities, as well as states.

According to the legislation, the following types of forms of ownership are distinguished:

PrivateOwned by individuals or legal entities
MunicipalProperty of a settlement, city, region or other municipal structure
StateOwned and listed on the balance sheet of budgetary organizations provided by the state
JointDivided into shared ownership, in which the owners can be individuals or legal entities and government organizations at the same time

The above forms belong to the first group of FS, which belong to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. It is also worth noting that property owned by foreign entities and structures is located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

These include property:

  • international companies;
  • diplomatic missions;
  • individuals - foreign citizens and LBG;
  • etc.

According to the legislation, a third group of assets is also distinguished, the ownership of which is equal between foreign and constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Such ownership may involve ownership by foreign owners and private individuals or the state.

What is its purpose

OKFS allows you to conduct analytics and solve problems in the field of statistics, taxation and economics:

  • simplifies the formation of information resources;
  • automate information processing;
  • provides analysis and determination of process forecasts;
  • leads the development of methods for regulating the economy;
  • establishes relationships between information systems;
  • allows you to create a list of sources containing data on individuals, legal entities and government entities.

All of the above functions relate to the use of OKFS by regulatory authorities of government.

For the subjects themselves, OKFS is necessary when registering economic activities. It is indicated on the form to be filled out and submitted to the Federal Tax Service.

Normative base

The main regulatory acts that influenced the formation of the OKFS were the Civil Code and the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which define the forms of ownership established by law.

In addition, when working with the classifier, the following federal laws are taken into account:

  • “On consumer cooperation in the Russian Federation”;
  • “On foreign investment in the RSFSR”;
  • “On public associations”;
  • “On trade unions, their rights and guarantees of activity”;
  • “On charitable activities and charitable organizations”;
  • “On freedom of conscience and religious associations.”

It is worth noting that the classifier itself acts as a unique form of a normative act that is approved by law.

Decoding OKFS 34

OKFS code 34 “Joint private and foreign property” is assigned to the property of privately owned enterprises (for example, limited liability organizations or joint stock companies), the founders of which are Russian and foreign citizens or legal entities.

According to the collection algorithm, code 34 is included in the amount of code 30 “Joint Russian and foreign property” along with federal, municipal and property of constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Classifier OKFS 16

OKOPF code structure

The OKOPF code consists of five digits, for example:

  • individual entrepreneurs (IP) - OKOPF code 5 01 02 (50102);
  • limited liability companies (LLC) - OKOPF code 1 23 00 (12300);
  • public joint stock companies (PJSC) - OKOPF code 1 22 47 (12247);
  • non-public joint stock companies - OKOPF code 1 22 67 (12267);
  • unitary enterprises - OKOPF code 6 50 00 (65000).

The first digit is the classifier section:

  • 1 00 00 - organizational and legal forms of legal entities that are commercial corporate organizations;
  • 2 00 00 - organizational and legal forms of legal entities that are non-profit corporate organizations;
  • 3 00 00 - organizational and legal forms of organizations created without the rights of a legal entity;
  • 4 00 00 - organizational and legal forms of international organizations operating on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • 5 00 00 - organizational and legal forms for the activities of citizens (individuals);
  • 6 00 00 - organizational and legal forms of legal entities that are commercial unitary organizations;
  • 7 00 00 - organizational and legal forms of legal entities by non-profit unitary organizations.

The second and third numbers are the type of organizational and legal form.

The third and fourth numbers are the type of organizational and legal form.

Code of ownership according to OKFS

The code of ownership according to OKFS has a two-digit digital expression and name. Some grouping positions of the classifier also have a collection algorithm - the sum of codes that are included in a given type of property.

For example, code 17 “Mixed Russian property” is the sum of code 40 “Mixed Russian property with a share of state ownership” and code 49 “Other mixed Russian property”; code 40, in turn, also has a collection algorithm, etc.

For the purpose of compatibility of information from different periods, the names of the OKFS classifier codes mostly coincide with the names of the FSC codes, which it suspended on March 30, 1999.

Important content details

Since September 2020, Law No. 99-FZ of 05.05.14 came into force. He made amendments to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation regarding the name and content of some FS. OJSC and CJSC - open and closed companies of shareholders - were excluded.

The new name implies freedom of circulation of securities of organizations, but has some differences. Their information policy should be more open: meetings are convened more often, checks are carried out, decisions are made. This applies to the introduced Art. 66 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation to the forms of NJSC and PJSC (non-public and public shareholder companies).

To maintain a list of shares, you need to hire a specialist registrar. Meetings of shareholders must be certified by an auditor, and the requirements for conducting audits have been increased.

Changes in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation affected many large organizations of the Russian Federation. For example, in 2020, the updated Charter of the Rostelecom organization was registered. With a new organizational and legal form “PJSC”.

Detailed review

In the classifier, asset types are divided into numbered groups. There is also their internal numbering. So, the classification includes two numbers: group number and intragroup number.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation distinguishes four groups of FS:

Group 1Russian.
Group 2Other countries operating in the Russian Federation.
Group 3Mixed (owners from different countries, including Russia).
Group 4Property belonging to private owners and the state in various proportions.

FS according to OKFS are given in the table:

State. It is managed through authorized government agencies 11
Subjects of the Russian Federation13
Municipal. Managed by settlements and other municipalities 14
Private. Provides the right to own, operate, and dispose of an object. Risks lie with the owners: legal entities or citizens. 16
Citizens of the Russian Federation living abroad18
Consumer cooperation19
Social and religious structures15
Charitable societies50
Political associations51
Trade Union52
Social associations53
Mixed RF. Objects belong to a legal entity. They combine several types of FS 17
Mixed Russian Federation with the state part40
Joint Russian Federation with the federal one. The property belongs to a legal entity of the Russian Federation. Contains different types of pharmaceutical substances 41
Joint Russian Federation with some constituent entities42
Joint Russian Federation with parts of the federal and constituent entities43
Other mixed RF49
Foreign. The objects are located in the Russian Federation, and the owner lives abroad 20
International companies21
Other countries22
Foreign legal entities23
Foreigners and stateless persons24
Mixed foreign. Assets of a citizen of the Russian Federation is formed by the merger of several objects of the FS of a foreign entity 27
Joint Russian Federation with foreign30
Joint federal and foreign: property of the Russian Federation and foreign individuals and companies31
subjects of the Russian Federation jointly with foreign32
Municipal, along with foreign33
Private, along with foreign. Involves the general use of property of organizations, individuals of the Russian Federation and foreign 34
Joint social and religious structures and foreign35
State corporations61

General transcript

Each codifier position contains the following components:

  • collection algorithm;
  • FS name;
  • digital cipher

Algorithms include some categories within others. For example, the algorithm of group 1, denoting state property of the Russian Federation, contains codes 12 and 13. They denote federal and constituent assets. Algorithms are designed to provide detailed disclosure of data implied in any proprietary form.

The classifier deciphers all positions listed in the code names (Appendix A). First, a breakdown of the categories included in the definition of “Russian property” is given, then - state, municipal, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, private, foreign, mixed and joint.

Each description contains a link to an article of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation or a federal law. To find out the code of the form of ownership, you need to use sources with current information, since they are regularly updated.

In 2020, the OKFS code is assigned based on the OK 027-99 codifier adopted by Gosstandart Resolution No. 97 of March 30, 1999.

Explanations for positions

RussianProperty owned by citizens and legal entities. persons of Russia, the Russian Federation, constituent entities, other municipalities in the Russian Federation and abroad.
FederalProperty of the Russian Federation.
Subjects of the Russian FederationProperty of territories, regions, republics, cities, autonomous administrative units.
MunicipalProperty of settlements, municipalities.
PrivateProperty of citizens and legal entities, except for individual assets that cannot belong to them.
Citizens of the Russian Federation permanently living abroadTheir property, except for some that cannot belong to them.
Consumer cooperation in the form of societies and unionsTheir property, formed from shares, income, and other legal sources.
Organizations of public and religious spheresTheir property, confirmed by title.
Charitable structuresAssets they own.
Mixed RFProperty of Russian legal entities, formed from assets of various forms of ownership of the Russian Federation.
Mixed Russian Federation and stateProperty of Russian legal entities persons formed from the assets of different Federal Laws of the Russian Federation with a state share.
Mixed Russian Federation with FederalProperty of Russian legal entities persons formed from the assets of different Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation with a part of the federal, but without part of the property of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
Mixed Russian Federation with the property of the subjectsAssets of Russian legal entities persons formed from the property of different Federal Federal Laws of the Russian Federation with some constituent entities, but without the federal one.
Mixed Russian Federation with parts of constituent entities and federalAssets of Russian legal entities persons formed from property of different forms of ownership of the Russian Federation with a share of federal and constituent entities.
Other mixedAssets of Russian legal entities persons formed from the property of different Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation without the participation of the state.
Foreign on the territory of the Russian FederationAssets of international companies, foreign states, legal entities and citizens of the Russian Federation permanently residing abroad.
Property of international companiesTheir own assets.
Property of other countries, their legal entities. persons, foreigners and stateless persons Their property.
Mixed foreignAssets of Russian legal entities entities created by the merger of property of foreign owners of different forms of ownership.
Joint Russian-foreignLegal property entities of the Russian Federation, created from the merger of assets of foreign and Russian owners.
Joint federal and foreign propertyProperty of the Russian Federation, foreign legal entities. persons and citizens.
Mixed subjects of the Russian Federation with foreign onesAssets that are mutually owned by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, foreign individuals and companies.
Joint municipal and foreignProperty owned equally by municipalities and foreign legal entities. individuals and companies.
Joint private and foreign (citizens and legal entities)Private property owned by them in common.
Joint public and religious companies and foreignProperty that is jointly owned by social and religious organizations of the Russian Federation and foreign companies and citizens.


The procedure for determining the OKFS for a Limited Liability Company (hereinafter referred to as LLC) begins with an analysis of the composition of the founders and participants in terms of the citizenship of individuals or the country of registration of legal entities. Founders are individuals and legal entities who make the initial decision to create an LLC; after registration, they become its participants, that is, the concept of “founder” is used only during the registration process.

Participants can change during the organization's activities, but founders cannot. This feature must be taken into account when choosing the OKFS code. If the founders of the LLC were initially foreign citizens or legal entities, the reporting uses the components of the code 20 “Foreign Property” collection algorithm; if the enterprise partially becomes the property of Russian citizens or legal entities, codes 30 to 35 will be used, respectively, LLCs owned exclusively by Russians citizens or legal entities must have code 16 or 18 (in case of permanent residence of private individuals outside the country).

How to recognize him?

Obtaining a statistics code for individuals and legal entities is required to open an account in a banking institution, open a branch, when changing an address and when carrying out export-import operations.

To find out the required number, you need to visit the official website of the State Statistics Service. In the appropriate section you need to select your region of residence, and then go to the desired page. The user should select the section for individuals or legal entities in accordance with their status.

On the page that opens, you can search for the code. To do this, legal entities must indicate their own TIN, OGRN and OKPO. Individual entrepreneurs must indicate TIN, OKPO and OGRNIP. After entering the confirmation code, the user will be able to find out the necessary information.

Citizens and entrepreneurs can contact the regional department of Rosstat in person or by phone to find out their number.

In addition, this service is often offered by third-party sites. Using the Internet will allow you to access anywhere and save time. In this case, obtaining information will really take no more than a few minutes.

If you are interested in how to fill out the UTII-2 form, read this material.

Read about what insurance coverage for a pension is here.


The unified coding system of the EKKS also includes OKOPF - a classifier of organizational and legal forms.

In its structure and scope of application, it is similar to OKFS: it has two-digit positions, names and an algorithm for collecting some forms; contains reference applications with explanations, explanations and an alphabetical index of codes; serves to collect, summarize, systematize and analyze economic and social information, for the compatibility of this information and a practical approach to its processing.

The objects of OKOPF are the forms of economic entities - individuals and legal entities engaged in business activities.

Watch video: All-Russian classifiers

How often is it updated?

OKFS codes undergo state registration, after which information about them is transferred to the Federal State Statistics Service from the tax service. Territorial authorities enter information into the database. Basically, the information is updated several times a month .

Individuals and businesses should stay tuned for updates at the beginning and middle of the month.

Situations often arise when citizens urgently need codes, but the data is not available in the database. This problem can be solved by contacting the territorial statistics office. It is worth visiting the institution located at the place of registration. You will have to spend your free time on this, but citizens will be able to get the most reliable information.

Making mistakes when entering a number can lead to documents being considered invalid, since they contain out-of-date information. If you learn the new code, this will avoid unpleasant situations and additional waste of time.

Why is a classifier needed?

The decoding of OKFS is considered to be the name - All-Russian Classifier of Forms of Ownership.
The classifier is based on legislative acts of the Russian Federation. OKFS is used when:

  • information is required for property registers, cadastres, registrars, as well as for filling relevant resources;
  • regulate economic processes, make economic forecasts and recommendations for further actions;
  • process data related to the economic, social and technical spheres in an automated way;
  • information is needed when searching for solutions to problems related to the management and disposal of property.

All-Russian classifier of forms of ownership in .doc (Word) format

Abbreviation OKFS

What is OKFS

OKFS is the abbreviated name of the All-Russian Classifier of Forms of Ownership. The classifier is included in the Unified System of Coding and Classification of Social and Technical and Economic Information of the Russian Federation. An All-Russian classifier of forms of ownership has been developed in accordance with federal laws and the Civil Code of Russia. Also, when compiling the OKFS, the practical use of the Classifier of Forms of Ownership, which was approved by the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia, was taken into account.

The objects of classification are the forms of ownership that are established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code and Federal Laws:

  • “On foreign investment in the RSFSR” dated July 4, 1991,
  • “On consumer cooperation in the Russian Federation” dated June 19, 1992,
  • “On public associations” dated May 19, 1995 N 82-FZ,
  • “On charitable activities and charitable organizations” dated August 11, 1995 N 135-FZ,
  • “On trade unions, their rights and guarantees of activity” dated January 12, 1996 N 10-FZ,
  • “On Amendments and Additions to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Consumer Cooperation in the Russian Federation” dated July 11, 1997 N 97-FZ,
  • “On freedom of conscience and religious associations” dated September 26, 1997 N 125-FZ,
  • “On Amendments and Additions to the Federal Law “On Public Associations” dated July 19, 1998 N 112-FZ.

Forms of ownership are understood as property relations regulated by law, which characterize the assignment of property to a certain owner by right of ownership.

Property owners can be individuals and legal entities, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the Russian Federation.

How to identify and decrypt?

There are several different sources where you can find the code:

  1. When registering an enterprise or entrepreneurial patent, a letter from the statistical authorities is issued, which will indicate all the necessary statistical codes.
  2. Independently contact the statistical authorities with the presentation of a number of documents:
      For legal entities - copies of TIN, charter, extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, certificate of state registration, passport details of the director.
  3. For an individual entrepreneur - copies of a passport, TIN, extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur.
  4. On the website of the Federal State Statistics Service based on TIN or OGRN data.

Let's look at the most common property codes.

The OKFS code is uniform and is assigned by statistical authorities when registering an enterprise or entrepreneur. In cases of change of owners or changes in constituent documents, resulting in changes in the form of ownership, the code will be changed accordingly.

>Disassembly of OKFS 16 - what is this code and what is its importance?

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