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Sale of fixed assets - postings The company may decide to sell fixed assets at the most
Home / Labor Law / Work record book Back Published: 05/22/2020 Reading time: 5
How is the INV-23 magazine used? A journal compiled according to the INV-23 form, which was approved by the State Statistics Committee
Payment of pension contributions for individual entrepreneurs through Sberbank Online The best option would be to pay using a receipt,
Reinstatement of an employee under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation Oblige the employer to reinstate the worker in his position on the basis of article
The role of certification Timely and regular testing of employees makes it possible to determine the degree of their professional training,
Interdependent persons for purposes of tax legal relations in 2020 according to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation -
Inventory structure In order to guarantee the continuity of the production process and meet management needs
A very specific account 09 “Deferred tax assets” (DTA) occupies line 1180 in the first section