Minutes of the meeting of the certification commission for suitability for the position held

The role of certification

Timely and regular testing of employees makes it possible to determine the degree of their professional training, evaluate their theoretical knowledge, as well as practical skills.

During the certification process, it is determined to what extent an employee corresponds to the position held at a given time.

If a non-compliance is detected, the enterprise administration can take measures aimed at solving this problem, for example, by demoting an employee, or sending him to advanced training or retraining courses. The option of dismissing those personnel representatives who have not passed certification is also not excluded.


Nuances for teaching staff

The certification commission, which works in the teaching staff, has a number of features. Based on the results of its work, the administration may receive recommendations regarding the appointment of a specific employee to a position that does not correspond to his work experience or qualification category. Information of this kind must necessarily be reflected in the minutes of the commission meeting.

In order for a teacher to have the opportunity to obtain a qualification category, he must submit an application indicating his desire to undergo certification for this purpose. In this case, the commission is appointed not by the employer, but by the authority to which the educational institution is subordinate.

If the protocol, which relates to the certification of suitability for the position held, is a document that is not made public and is a secret to outsiders, then information about the assignment of a new qualification, on the contrary, should be made public, for which the authority issues an administrative act.

Who should not be tested

There are certain groups of employees who cannot be tested for prof. suitability. These include:

  • pregnant workers,
  • those who have been working in their specialty for less than one year,
  • mothers caring for children under three years of age,
  • people on sick leave (exceeding a 14-day period),
  • full-time students.

All other employees, including those who have various scientific degrees, long experience and other credentials, can be subject to verification at any time.

Order of conduct

  1. In order to carry out certification of employees according to all the rules, the first thing the company issues is a corresponding order. It specifies the employees who will be checked.
  2. A commission is appointed by a separate order. It can include both company employees and outside experts.
  3. Next, a certification meeting is held, during which members of the commission study the materials provided by the specialists being tested and ask them questions about their specialty.
  4. Based on the results of the inspection, the commission makes a decision on each employee regarding his suitability for his position. This data is recorded in the employees’ certification sheets, and the entire process is recorded in the minutes of the meeting of the certification commission.

Familiarization of employees with the results of the inspection

Since the general protocol contains information about the certification of several employees at once, to familiarize yourself with the individual results, an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the certification commission is prepared. A certified specialist must leave his signature on it no later than within 3 working days. This document contains:

  • full name, surname, patronymic of the person being certified;
  • his position indicating the department in which he works;
  • date of certification;
  • the final voting result of the commission members;
  • verbatim decision of the certification commission.

An extract confirming the fact that the employee is familiar with it is kept in his personal file.


In conclusion, we can advise you not to engage in unnecessary creativity when drawing up a protocol for employee certification (a sample can always be found in the legal section of the Internet). This will only lead to confusion, non-compliance with standards, and violations of personnel records. Such actions may even lead to the imposition of an administrative penalty and other troubles.

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What is the protocol for?

The role of the document is extremely important. It accurately records the entire procedure of the meeting of the certification commission, which further limits the employer from unfounded claims from employees dissatisfied with the results of the inspection and regulatory structures. That is why the drafting of a document must be treated with the utmost care, without excluding the possibility that at some point it may become a legally significant document required for submission to the court.

Rules for drawing up minutes of a meeting of the certification commission

There is no unified sample protocol for the certification commission, so enterprises and organizations can write it in free form or according to a template developed within the company and approved in its accounting policies. The protocol must contain certain information:

  • the name of the organization whose employees are being tested,
  • information about the members of the certification commission,
  • and tested workers,
  • the result of control actions.

The list of questions asked during the certification process can be included directly in the protocol, or can be attached to the document as a separate appendix.

Rules for drawing up the protocol

You can keep the document by hand, or print it on a computer using a simple A4 sheet, or company letterhead.

Regardless of how exactly the protocol will be drawn up, it must contain the original signatures of all members of the commission, as well as the secretary who prepared it.

A protocol is drawn up in several copies : one for each of the interested parties. After registration and endorsement, one copy is transferred for storage to the archive of the enterprise, which contains the time established for such documents.

Who's cooking?

Even at the stage of creating the certification commission, a secretary is necessarily included in its composition, whose main function is to document the entire procedure - from preparing forms to filling them out, not to mention notification or collection of signatures. The specified member of the commission is also responsible for maintaining the protocol, carefully recording all aspects of the employee’s assessment in accordance with the existing protocol form.

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Sample minutes of a meeting of the certification commission

  1. First, the full name of the document is written in the middle of the line, then the date of its preparation is indicated.
  2. After this, the form contains a link to the order that served as the basis for the certification of employees (its number and date) and the full name of the company.
  3. The next thing to note in the minutes is the items on the agenda. In this case, this is the certification of the company’s employees - here you need to indicate their last names, first names, patronymics, positions, as well as an assessment of their suitability for the positions held.
  4. Next, the certification results for each specific employee are entered into the protocol, and the fact of passing the test is also recorded.
  5. Finally, the protocol must be signed by the chairman, as well as members of the certification commission and the secretary, who thus certify that all the information included in it is correct.


MINUTES No. 1 of 01/20/2016

Meeting of the certification commission

Venue: MBDOU ds OV No. 6

Date: 01/20/2016

Time: 13.30 h.

Prapro Elena Aleksandrovna – Chairman of the Attestation Commission

Kramar Elena Aleksandrovna - Deputy Chairman of the Attestation Commission

Chumchenko Nina Yurievna – secretary

Pedosenko Inna Sergeevna – Chairman of the PC

1. Conducting certification for compliance with the position of teacher of MBDOU ds OV No. 6 - Galina Ivanovna Vysotskaya.

1. Prapro E.A. , chairman of the certification commission. She read out the application for the teacher Galina Ivanovna Vysotskaya, who claims to be eligible for the position of “educator”.

2. Listened to Pedosenko I.S. – member of the certification commission. In her speech, she focused on the fact that Galina Ivanovna, a creative teacher, solves program educational tasks in the process of joint activity of a child with an adult, independent activity, both in the course of continuous educational activities and during routine moments in accordance with the specifics of the work of a family group. Teacher Vysotskaya G.I. has a fairly high speech culture, pedagogical tact, is sociable, and knows how to find an individual approach to students and parents.

3. Chumchenko N.Yu. In her speech, she focused on the fact that the teacher has a good level of training in the field of implementation of subject competence, pays attention to the promotion of pedagogical knowledge among parents on the issues of education and development of children of primary preschool age. She characterized the professionalism of G.I. Vysotskaya and noted that she is improving her educational level in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard.

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Based on the information available to the teacher Vysotskaya G.I. professional competence corresponds to the position of a teacher.

Decision of the certification commission:

1. Confirmed compliance with the position of teacher Galina Ivanovna Vysotskaya.

Voted: for 4 people, against -0 people, abstained - 0 people.

Date of drawing up the protocol: 01/23/2016.

With an extract from protocol No. 1 dated January 20, 2016. meeting of the certification commission familiarized with ___________________(_________________________) date____________

MINUTES No. 2 of 01/20/2016

Meeting of the certification commission

Venue: MBDOU ds OV No. 6

Date: 01/20/2016

Time: 13.30 h.

Prapro Elena Aleksandrovna – Chairman of the Attestation Commission

Kramar Elena Aleksandrovna - Deputy Chairman of the Attestation Commission

Chumchenko Nina Yurievna – secretary

Pedosenko Inna Sergeevna – Chairman of the PC

1. Conducting certification for compliance with the position of teacher of MBDOU ds OV No. 6 - Olga Leonidovna Mayskaya.

1. Prapro E.A. , chairman of the certification commission. She read out the application for the teacher Olga Leonidovna Maiskaya, who claimed to be qualified for the position of “educator”.

2. Listened to Pedosenko I.S. – member of the certification commission. In her speech, she focused on the fact that the teacher skillfully revealed modern approaches to planning educational work with children in the senior speech therapy group, plans work in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education and is based on the educational program of the preschool educational institution, which meets certain principles of developmental education. In her work she uses original games with older children on speech development. To improve the quality of the educational process, it introduces the principle of integration into continuous educational activities and routine moments.

3. Chumchenko N.Yu. in her speech she focused on the fact that the teacher improves his professional level: he studies normative and methodological documents on educational issues, improves his educational level in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. Takes an active part in building the subject-spatial environment of the group. Skillfully supports the independent activities of preschoolers in play activities, determined by the target guidelines of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

4. Kramar E.A. a member of the certification commission added that Olga Leonidovna in her work uses information technology in the educational process, the Internet in the educational process, and attracts parents to the information space of the preschool educational institution. Participates in competitions and seminars at various levels.

Based on the information available to the teacher, Mayskaya O.L. professional competence corresponds to the position of a teacher.

Decision of the certification commission:

1. Confirmed compliance with the position of teacher Olga Leonidovna Maiskaya.

Voted: for 4 people, against -0 people, abstained - 0 people.

Recommendations of the certification commission:

Continue to interact with the families of pupils using various forms of work, be active and present work experience through participation in competitions, seminars at the municipal level, and productively increase the growth of professional competence.

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