housekeeper at work photo
Job description of a housekeeper: rights and responsibilities
Who is a castellan The word “castellan” comes from the Latin “castellum” (castle). It was used to indicate
An example of an audit report drawn up in cases where the audit report drawn up by an auditor for whom the audit task is the primary audit (appendix to the federal law)
Who conducts the audit Employees of third-party specialized companies may be involved in conducting the audit
Reserve capital
Accounting for reserve capital posting (account 82)
When creating your own business, you must follow a number of sequential actions, the order of which is monitored by the relevant
Contract of employment
The main differences between an employment contract and an employment contract
An employment contract is a fundamental element of labor law. Dear readers! The article talks about typical methods
The first days of working as an accountant of a budgetary institution
Legal status of the organization The Civil Code divides organizations into commercial and non-profit. The main purpose of commercial
Memo about sending on a business trip: sample
The time an employee spends on a trip is determined by travel documents that the employee provides to the employer upon the fact
Features of the design of waybills for construction equipment
For what types of equipment can it be used? Total in the Russian nomenclature of construction machines, as well as
Form p 3 statistics instructions for filling out 2020
Along with tax reporting, enterprises must submit statistical reporting that allows Rosstat to obtain information about
Digital signature for individual entrepreneurs: how to get a digital signature for the tax office
Electronic digital signature (EDS) is a tool necessary for electronic document management, interaction with regulatory authorities
From September 9, the notification procedure for foreign workers will change
Federal Law No. 409-FZ of December 1, 2014 “On the introduction into the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and
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