How to receive the insurance part of the pension in a lump sum?

Since 2014, there has been a big surge in the popularity of such a service as a one-time receipt of the insurance portion of a pension. This popularity continues to this day. Not all persons can receive this service.

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A one-time payment of the insurance part of the pension is issued only for:

  • Citizens who receive an insurance pension for disability or in the event of the loss of a breadwinner, or under state support. Citizens have not yet reached retirement age
  • Citizens whose savings portion is 5% The size of the lump sum payment is calculated on the basis of pension savings funds, which are accounted for in an individual personal account.

To receive this payment, you must contact the Russian Pension Fund at your place of residence with a completed application (you can also come to the NPF with the same application). The application must be accompanied by documents that confirm your rights to payment.

An application to the Pension Fund can be submitted in person, by registered mail or online through the Pension Fund website. To authorize on the fund’s website, you need to be registered with government services. The period for collecting information on a lump sum payment of an insurance pension is one month. After this period, you will be given a receipt informing you of the results.

If the result is positive, then the funds are paid over the next two months. In total, it turns out that the entire procedure for receiving a lump sum insurance pension may take you no more than three months.

Last year, 742 residents of the republic received one-time payments from pension savings, including those formed under the State Co-financing of Pensions Program.

Starting from 2020, changes are being made to the deadlines for applying for a lump sum payment. From January 1, 2020, it will be possible to apply for a lump sum payment no more than once every five years. At the same time, the five-year period for citizens to re-apply for a one-time payment of pension savings should be calculated from the moment of application after January 1, 2020.

If a citizen applied for a payment in 2014, then he will have the right to apply again in 2020, provided that new savings appear in his individual personal account, and he can apply for the next lump sum payment no earlier than in five years.

In 2020, the Pension Fund will continue to pay pension savings to citizens. If a citizen is already a pensioner or has the right to receive a pension and at the same time has funds for pension savings, including those generated within the framework of the State Co-financing of Pensions Program, then he should contact the Pension Fund for the appropriate payment.

If a citizen forms his pension savings through a non-state pension fund, then an application should be submitted to the relevant non-state pension fund.

From what funds is the pension paid?

Simultaneously with reaching retirement age (this may include early retirement), a person acquires the right to receive monthly payments, the source of which is:

  • insurance funds;
  • funds of the accumulative part;
  • fixed payment from PF funds.

At the same time, the possibility of forming pension payments from accumulated funds is provided only for citizens who have funds accumulated in an individual account at the time of retirement, i.e., during the period of their working activity, the employer or the employee himself had to make certain contributions. Only in this case the question of how to receive a lump sum payment of the insurance part of the pension will be relevant.

how to receive the insurance part of your pension in a lump sum


Insurance payments are savings that lie in the pensioner’s bank account , and they are paid in one of the following ways. The method is chosen by the citizen himself, the recipient of the pension, and certain requirements are also imposed on him. Savings can be received monthly in a certain amount, or you can receive a one-time payment of all savings.

A one-time payment of savings is a one-time payment of the entire amount of accumulated insurance contributions.

Attention! If a person chooses to pay the funds monthly and dies before the funds run out, then the right to receive this money passes to the heirs of the deceased or to his closest relatives.

General requirements for recipients

Federal Law No. 400 provides for the following types of insurance pension:

  • for old age - assigned to citizens upon retirement;
  • for disability - established for citizens who, in accordance with the conclusion of a medical and social examination, have been assigned one of the existing disability groups, including for citizens with an indefinite group;
  • for the loss of a breadwinner - assigned to disabled dependents who have lost a family member who supported such citizens before his death.

Where to receive the insurance part of the pension, as well as who and in what cases can count on it, depends on the type of payment. Based on the same law, the general conditions for assigning payments that are mandatory for each type of payment are determined. Article 4 designates persons who have general grounds for receiving an insurance pension. The law includes Russian citizenship and an individual insurance account opened in the citizen’s name. In addition to Russian citizens, foreigners and stateless persons can count on it, provided they live on the territory of the Russian state.

Old age insurance pension

Before the introduction of the latest changes, the right to receive payments upon reaching retirement age arose: for women - from fifty-five years of age, for men - from sixty. Due to recent changes in legislation, the age has been increased to 60 and 65 years, respectively.

In this case, the period of insurance service required to assign a pension is fifteen years, and the required IPC value is thirty.

It is important to note the following current issues:

  • the increased retirement age does not apply to all categories of citizens, since the pension reform adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation provides for a gradual transition of Russians to a new system;
  • the right of certain categories of persons to allow early retirement (for example, based on length of service) still remains; this category of persons often has the question of how to receive the insurance part of a pension for a working pensioner, since after receiving length of service people continue to work;
  • as of 2020, the required length of work experience is nine years, the required IPC value is 13.8.

Such relaxations are associated with the gradual transition of the current pension system to a new level, the full completion of which is planned no earlier than 2025.

Where to apply for an appointment

You need to apply for payment of funds to official funds

Provided that a citizen transfers funds to the account of the Pension Fund of our country, an application containing a request for the transfer of funds must be submitted to the territorial body of this fund according to the location of your:

  • accommodation;
  • registration.

In addition, bypassing a specific authority, you can immediately contact the Multifunctional Center.

Provided that the formation of the funded part of the pension was carried out in a non-state pension fund, the fund in question will continue to issue funds accumulated by the citizen during his life. Accordingly, you will need to contact it after collecting the relevant documents (also for registration, as well as payment of urgent and one-time financial payments).

Go for payment as soon as you become eligible to receive it

After you receive the right to receive a pension, you can appear at the desired organization at any time that is convenient for you, not immediately after the right comes into force, but after that after any amount of time.

Assignment of disability payments

How to receive the insurance part of a disability pension and in what cases can you count on it? When assigning this type of payment, the mandatory condition is the following: recognition of a citizen as disabled, regardless of the group assigned to him and the reason for its assignment.

In this case, a citizen who does not have any work experience at the time of applying for a pension is assigned a social pension for disability. The main differences between these types of pensions are the amount of the assigned monthly payment and the frequency of its indexation, and therefore citizens who worked before the onset of disability have clear advantages over disabled people who did not work. This advantage lies in the presence of work experience and insurance premiums deducted during the working period.

How long does it take to process an application?

It’s convenient that you don’t have to wait long for a decision to be made on whether payment from the funded part of the pension is due or not. The review period is strictly regulated. Ten days are given to make a decision.

The amount of money is paid starting from the date of application. If the envelope was sent by post, then the countdown begins from the date affixed to the postmark.

You can receive a funded pension within the period specified in the application. When a person has not made any instructions regarding the insurance part, these funds are paid along with the savings payment.

Assignment of survivor benefits

Is it possible to receive the insurance portion of the deceased's pension? In the case of the appointment of this type of payment, the status of the person applying for its appointment is taken into account. In this connection, only disabled dependents of a deceased citizen from among his family members are granted this right. At the same time, a dependent who has committed an act against his breadwinner, provided for by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which resulted in his death, has no right to claim this payment. Recognition of a citizen as missing in court is considered as the loss of a breadwinner and entails the same legal consequences as his death.

At the same time, the law indicates that the assignment of this type of pension is made regardless of the period of work experience of the deceased breadwinner, and in its absence, the dependent has the right to count on the assignment of a social pension.

Where to check the level of pension savings

There are several methods to obtain accurate information regarding existing savings. It is worth studying all the proposed methods and choosing the most suitable one.

On the Internet

The State Services website will help with this. For those who have not yet registered on the state general portal, you should register and create your own account . And then start working with the site.

Expert opinion

Evgeniy Belyaev

Legal consultant, financial expert


Using the State Services portal, you can not only find out the exact amount of pension savings, but also successfully use other functions of the state Internet resource.

To find out the amount of your pension, you should use the following instructions:

  1. Log in to the system.
  2. Check the Pension savings option.
  3. Get information. They can be sent to an email and then printed.

The difference between the funded and insurance part of a pension

With the help of the employer

The employer has full access to data on all pension savings and contributions of the insured person. To obtain the information you are interested in, you should visit the accounting department of the organization/production and fill out the appropriate application. Then read the statement issued to you.

In the Russian Pension Fund

Persons who are poorly versed in the online space should obtain all the necessary information regarding pension contributions from the local Pension Fund branch. To do this, you should seek advice from the Fund’s employees, having your passport in hand. Employees will help you register with the State Services and provide you with the necessary information.

In the Pension Fund you can also find out the funded part of the deceased person’s pension. This money will be divided in equal parts among all relatives who applied for it . To find out the exact amount, you should consult with PF employees, having the following documentation in hand:

  • applicant's passport;
  • death certificate;
  • insurance certificate of the deceased.

Expert opinion

Evgeniy Belyaev

Legal consultant, financial expert


Relatives receive accumulative pension money within six months from the date of the person’s death. After this time, you will have to go to court to get the money.

Options for managing the funded part of your pension

Procedure for calculation and payment of insurance pension

Federal legislation does not limit the time limit for persons entitled to apply for such a payment. They have the opportunity to submit an application at any time after such a right arises. How to receive the insurance part of the pension?

Subject to compliance with mandatory requirements, the amount of payment to be paid monthly is calculated on the basis of a written application. This is the main way you can receive the insurance part of your pension.

For the calculation, an individual coefficient (IPC) and its cost (SPK) are used. Based on these indicators, the calculation formula is as follows:

Insurance pension = IPK * SPK + FV (fixed payment).

At the beginning of this year, the current values ​​of the cost of a pension point and a fixed payment were 81.49 rubles and 4982.90 rubles, respectively. In turn, the number of points depends on the pensioner’s work experience and the amount of insurance premiums paid by his employers.

The fixed payment provided as an additional payment to the amount of the accrued pension, as well as the value of the individual pension coefficient, are indexed annually by the state.

How is a funded pension paid?

A funded pension is paid to a citizen when he reaches retirement age, but only after he himself applies for it . You can submit an application for its payment at any time after reaching this age to the Russian Pension Fund or NPF .

  • If a pensioner transferred his savings to a management company, then the Pension Fund .
  • NPF will assign and pay it .

The insured person has the right to choose one of two types of payment - urgent or unlimited. Also, under certain circumstances, a one-time payment of all savings may be prescribed at once.

One-time payment of pension savings

In accordance with Article 4 of Federal Law No. 360 of November 30, 2011 “On the procedure for financing payments from pension savings”

It is allowed to pay out all pension savings available on a personal account at one time:

  • insured persons whose monthly funded pension is 5% (or less) than the amount of the established old-age insurance pension;
  • disability or survivors' pensions ;
  • persons receiving state social old-age pension , since they do not have the required length of service or the value of the individual pension coefficient (IPC).

If the insured person was paid all the savings in a lump sum, but the citizen continues to transfer funds to the fund, then these savings begin to form anew, but you can apply for a lump sum payment again only after 5 years.

Urgent payment of funded pension

When applying for a funded pension, the insured person can choose its immediate payment . In this case, the citizen himself determines how long the savings will be paid to him. But here, too, there is a limitation - the duration of the term cannot be less than 10 years (120 months). The urgent payment is calculated as follows:

SP = PN / T,


  • SP – fixed-term pension;
  • PN – amount of savings;
  • T – the period during which payments will be made.


Anastasia Konstantinovna Kruglova entered into an agreement with a non-state pension fund several years ago. During this time, she regularly transferred a certain amount of money to the NPF, which was invested by the selected NPF. In this regard, savings in the amount of 600 thousand rubles were formed on her personal account.

This year, Anastasia Konstantinovna retired, and she was assigned an insurance monthly pension in the amount of 15 thousand rubles. Since she has reached retirement age and has savings in her account, citizen Kruglova turned to her non-state pension fund for an urgent savings payment. She indicated the duration of the term in her application for appointment as 120 months.

The NPF made a calculation using the above formula:

  • 600000 / 120 = 5000 rubles.

This money will be paid to her along with the old-age insurance pension every month until August 1 (before adjustment). After adjustment, the amount of this payment will change in accordance with the law.

Thus, Anastasia Konstantinovna’s monthly monetary support amounted to 20 thousand rubles.

Every year from August 1, the amount of the fixed-term pension is subject to adjustment according to the formula:

SV = SVk + PNk / T,


  • SV – urgent payment;
  • SVk – previous size of SV;
  • PNk – the amount of savings on the first of July;
  • T – term reduced by 12 months.

If a citizen applies for an emergency pension later than the due date, the amount of funds paid will be higher .

Unlimited (lifelong) payment of pension funds

Unlike a fixed-term pension payment, when choosing a permanent pension payment, a citizen receives his savings every month until the end of his life . The size of this payment depends on the expected period, the duration of which is determined annually by the state based on official data on life expectancy in our country. In 2020, this period is 258 months.

To calculate monthly payments, you need to divide the total amount of pension savings by 258 months.

Appointment dates

Depending on the type, the terms and methods for receiving the insurance part of the pension differ somewhat. Art. 22 Federal Law No. 400 provides for the following payment periods:

  1. If the basis for assigning pension accruals is age, payments are established for an indefinite period, that is, indefinitely.
  2. For disabled people, a pension is assigned for a period established by a medical and social examination. If this period is not determined, a citizen has the right, upon reaching retirement age, to apply for old-age payments and choose one of the types provided for by law.
  3. The duration of payment of the survivor's insurance pension is equal to the period during which the recipient is considered disabled, and if there are grounds, the pension is assigned indefinitely.

Types of payments

3 types available:

  • one-time
  • urgent,
  • cumulative.

Let us consider in more detail who and how can withdraw the accumulated money.


You can receive the entire savings amount immediately:

  • applicants whose savings turned out to be less than 5% of the amount of the accrued old-age pension;
  • pensioners who were unable to meet the legal requirements for minimum length of service and pension points, but have reached the required age to receive the funded part.

The recipient can manage the finances at his own discretion. This is not regulated by law in any way. But, as a rule, the funds are small, you definitely won’t be able to buy an apartment or go on a trip. After 5 years, the pensioner has the right to re-apply for a lump sum. For example, if he continues to work, and the country has lifted the moratorium on pension contributions.

If a funded pension has already been established, a one-time payment is not paid.


People who have met the conditions (age, length of service and pension point) for accruing an old-age pension can count on urgent payments. At the same time, they must form a savings part from one or more of the following sources:

  • maternal capital,
  • voluntary contributions of the future pensioner or his employer,
  • contributions under the co-financing program.

The recipient of the funds can choose the period during which the money will be paid to him. But not less than 10 years. The monthly amount is calculated using the formula:

Urgent payment = Savings amount / Payment period


This type is designed for the bulk of recipients, i.e. people who meet the requirements for receiving pension savings. Upon retirement, they will receive a portion of the accumulated funds every month indefinitely. The monthly amount is calculated using the formula:

Cumulative payment = Amount of savings / Payment period

The payment period is inserted into the formula in months. It is defined as the expected survival period. From 2020, that's 21 years or 252 months. And from 2020 it will be 258 months. This does not mean that money from the accumulated portion will only be paid during these months. Payments are of an indefinite nature.

To encourage later retirement, the law established a recalculation of the payment period. A working pensioner can reduce the denominator of the formula by 12 months for each year of not applying for savings.

To assignees

Unfortunately, not everyone lives to see their well-deserved rest. This will become especially true after the retirement age increases. And if the insurance portion after death goes to the Pension Fund budget, then the funded portion is inherited.

The future pensioner can himself appoint a successor in his application to the Pension Fund or Non-State Pension Fund. If this is not done, then the following will have the right to receive savings:

  • first priority – children, husband/wife, mother/father;
  • second line – brother/sister, grandmother/grandfather, grandchildren.

Relatives can apply to receive them within six months after the death of the owner of the savings. If the deceased person turns out to be lonely, then the entire amount accumulated during life will be listed in the insurer’s reserve (PFR or NPF).

Funds will be paid to legal successors if death occurs:

  • before the appointment of payments to the insured person;
  • after the appointment of urgent payments, if there is an unspent balance;
  • after a lump sum payment has been assigned for 4 months, it can be received by relatives and disabled dependents living with the deceased.

If death occurs after monthly payments have been made, then there will be no transfer of unspent funds to the heirs. That's what the law says.

The paid amount does not apply to maternity capital funds. Only the spouse and children of the deceased mother under 18 years of age are entitled to receive them (up to 23 years of age in the case of full-time study at an educational institution).

If the heirs missed the 6-month deadline for applying for money, it can only be restored by court.

Is it possible to receive the insurance part of a military pension?

Not so long ago, representatives of law enforcement agencies, having received their length of service, went on a well-deserved rest and had the right to only one state payment provided for by law. Upon reaching retirement age, according to the general rules, they could convert their military pension to a civilian one, but they did not have the right to claim two payments at once. Later, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation recognized this provision as unlawful. Since 2008, if the conditions stipulated by law are met, military personnel upon reaching retirement age have the right to additional payments. The required length of service has been taken into account since 2007. The methods for obtaining the insurance part of a pension for a law enforcement pensioner are no different from civilian ones. The action is carried out on the basis of Federal Law No. 400.

Subtleties of managing the funded pension part

Based on current legislation, each person participating in the pension insurance program has the right to independently determine the fate of their investments . To do this, you should draw up an appropriate application to the Russian Pension Fund and select the most suitable management option for yourself. For example:

  1. A management company (MC) accredited by the Pension Fund.
  2. Investment proposals from the State Management Company (state management company) of Vnesheconombank.
  3. NPF (non-state pension fund).

What influences the increase in funds

Over the entire period of working life, the amount of pension savings from investments can be significantly increased thanks to smart investments. All invested money is used by the selected company for effective investments. This could be shares of successfully developing enterprises, government bonds and other areas of increasing investments.

Expert opinion

Evgeniy Belyaev

Legal consultant, financial expert


In order to be guaranteed to get a good profit from the funded part of your pension, you need to choose a fund that deals with investments wisely.

Who is entitled to the funded portion?

Selecting a non-state pension fund

When determining the company where it will be decided to invest the funded pension portion, it is worth understanding that the insured person remains registered with the Pension Fund, and the organization chosen by him receives the right to dispose of funds for investment. According to experts, the highest level of return can be obtained through cooperation with non-state pension funds . But the choice of an investment organization should be approached responsibly, paying attention to some important nuances:

  • reviews of persons collaborating with this fund;
  • stable and reliable financial rating indicators;
  • a base of active clients who have already invested their pension there;
  • the length of time the organization has been operating on the stock market;
  • the presence of positive ratings according to statistics from independent expert agencies.

Transfer of funded pension

Each applicant can use the opportunity to transfer to another fund to continue cooperation. You should visit the selected organization with your passport and SNILS to formalize the contract. And then fill out an application for the transfer of savings contributions to the Pension Fund. Consideration of the application and its execution lasts until March 31 of the following year.

Expert opinion

Evgeniy Belyaev

Legal consultant, financial expert


Insured citizens have the right to annually transfer their funds to various funds. And receive investments (without loss of profitability) every five years.

Organizations managing invested contributions have the authorized right not to issue dividend payments if the insured violates existing rules . If the transfer is carried out at a time unprofitable for the organization, the savings become less than the nominal value.

How to receive the insurance part of the pension in a lump sum?

Does current legislation even allow you to claim such a payment? A detailed study of the provisions of the current law “On Insurance Pensions” shows that insurance pension provision excludes the possibility of a one-time receipt of insurance contributions deducted during the period of employment. Such an opportunity, if there are grounds established by law, is provided only within the framework of the funded system. The same applies to the question of how to receive the insurance part of the pension after the death of the testator. Successors in certain situations have the right to receive it.

How to receive payments from a pension fund

Pensioners tend to believe that each of them has the right to savings payments from their personal account. But in fact, there are a lot of subtleties that need to be taken into account in this matter.

What categories of citizens are entitled to

To qualify for a one-time payment, citizens must meet a long list of conditions:

  • reach retirement age;
  • apply for an old-age pension;
  • participate in the state co-financing program;
  • enter the age limit - men born in 1953 and later, women born in 1957 and younger.

This list also includes persons receiving the following types of pensions:

  • on disability;
  • for loss of a breadwinner;
  • on state pension provision.

When assigning a payment, factors such as:

  • the attitude of a pensioner to the category of workers;
  • call time.

According to the law, a citizen can write an application for payment:

  • simultaneously with registration of an insurance pension;
  • at any time after.

Citizens who began their working career in 2014 have a chance to influence the size of the funded portion by distributing employer contributions across insurance and funded areas.

If the Pension Fund previously received an application for a funded pension, it will not be possible to issue a one-time payment. This is prohibited by current regulations.

Where to go for pensioners

It all depends on where the insurance premiums were transferred: to the Pension Fund or non-state funds. It is also possible to resolve the issue through the MFC and personal account on State Services.

The applicant comes in person with a package of documents. If you cannot come on your own, you can use one of the following options:

  • send papers by mail;
  • choose a trusted person.

The latter method requires the preliminary execution of a power of attorney through a notary.

It is more convenient to contact the Pension Fund by appointment. In this case, the applicant will not have to wait in queues. Registration is carried out through an account on the official resource of the Pension Fund or through the State Services website.

Package of documents

The concept of a funded pension, methods of its formation and the procedure for assigning it

The personal account of the insured person contains a special part in which contributions deducted to the funded part of the pension are taken into account.

The pension system at the expense of additional funds from citizens started in 2002 and currently continues to exist. A significant difference between the original system and the current one is the order in which savings are formed; in particular, the list of funds that are the source of such savings has now been significantly narrowed.

Today, a funded pension is formed from funds voluntarily transferred by the insured person, as well as funds allocated by the state to recipients of maternity capital certificates. In addition, the future pension includes the profit received by the NPF as a result of investing citizens’ savings contributions.

The general grounds for assigning a funded pension coincide with the general grounds for assigning insurance types of pensions. An additional requirement is the following: the presence of funds accumulated during the period of labor activity in the insured person’s account. A funded pension is the own funds of each individual citizen, the right to receive which arises upon compliance with the conditions established by the Federal Law “On Funded Pension” (No. 424-FZ of December 28, 2013). The law includes the following:

  • reaching retirement age, including by persons entitled to early assignment of pension payments;
  • the citizen has accumulated funds in an amount exceeding five percent in relation to the calculated amount of the insurance pension, taking into account the additional fixed payment.

If the specified conditions are met, a citizen leaving for a well-deserved retirement has the right to apply for a funded pension, regardless of whether he has been assigned other types of pension payments or not.

The amount of payments that will be made from the pensioner’s savings is calculated using the formula: funded pension = citizen’s pension savings: number of months in which the funds are expected to be paid.

Thus, monthly payments to the basic pension from funds accumulated during life are good financial support for retired citizens.

In what forms can you receive your accumulated share?

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, this payment can be provided in four forms:

  1. provision of the accumulated share of your pension in full;
  2. an amount calculated as a monthly share of your accumulated funds;
  3. any share from your savings portion;
  4. payment of funds from a deceased citizen who did not receive his accumulated portion in full (or did not receive it at all).

Below we will look at each of these cases and tell you who has the right to apply for this financial assistance, as well as what documents are needed to process each type of payment.

Refund in full from the accumulated part of the pension.

As you might guess, this payment is in most cases a fairly large amount. You should contact her only in cases of extreme need. This privilege is the sum of absolutely all contributions that you or your employer have ever made to the Russian Pension Fund to your personal account.

In addition, it also takes into account your voluntary contributions to any other insurance organizations. Disabled people of the first, second and third groups can receive such material support.

In addition, you can take advantage of this privilege in the event of the loss of a breadwinner. Thus, this payment is provided mainly to disabled citizens.

To apply for it, you will need to provide the Pension Fund:

  1. SNILS;
  2. identification;
  3. a document confirming the right to receive benefits (for example, a certificate of loss of a breadwinner);
  4. application for a one-time payment.

Monthly pension payment in 2016-2017

Almost all citizens of the Russian Federation can receive this type of financial assistance. The legislation makes the following requirement for them: the funded part must be formed, and it does not matter how - voluntary contributions or mandatory from your employer.

Thus, there are no special restrictions on this form of financial assistance. However, it is a very small amount.

This should not be confused with the monthly amount of your future pension - this amount will be significantly less. As already mentioned, pension payments are made up of a mandatory part (material assistance guaranteed by the state) and a funded part (that is, those funds that you and your employer save during your life in the Pension Fund).

The funded part is then calculated for each month - this is exactly the amount you will receive when you apply to the state fund with such an application.

As in the previous case, SNILS and your personal document must be attached to the application.

Unpaid savings portion of a deceased citizen

If a citizen passes away without receiving his accumulated share in full (that is, there are funds left in his personal account in the Pension Fund), then the right to this money passes to his legal successor - that is, the first heir

In general, the closest relative becomes the legal successor, but you can also establish a testamentary disposition according to which anyone can be appointed as legal successor.

This payment can be received even if the citizen has not yet retired and died before reaching retirement age. Thus, the right to all his accumulated funds passes to the legal successor. Moreover, you can receive them in the form of a one-time payment.

To receive the funds accumulated by the deceased, you need to contact the Pension Fund at the place of his residence and submit documents giving you the right to this money - that is, a citizen’s death certificate, as well as papers with the right to succession.

Pension savings are formed from mandatory insurance contributions from your employer and your voluntary contributions within the framework of the State Co-financing of Pensions Program, as well as from other sources (Article 5 of the Law of December 28, 2013 N 424-FZ; Part 2, Article 3, Article 6 Law of November 30, 2011 N 360-FZ).

Note! Until 2020, there is a moratorium on the formation of a funded pension, in connection with which the amounts of insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance are fully allocated to finance the insurance pension (Clause 4, Article 33.3 of the Law of December 15, 2001 N 167-FZ; Article 6.1 of the Law of 04.12.2013 N 351-FZ).

Your savings are accounted for in your individual personal account with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or in a pension account with a non-state pension fund (NPF), if you transferred these funds to it.

From pension savings you can get (Article 2 of Law No. 360-FZ):

  • one-time payment of funds in full;
  • monthly immediate pension payment;
  • funded pension;
  • a one-time payment of funds to the legal successors of a deceased person.

Before you receive your old-age insurance pension, you can only receive your pension savings in the form of a lump sum payment. Moreover, only when a disability of group I, II or III is established, as well as in the event of the loss of a breadwinner (Article 4 of Law No. 360-FZ).

  • The remaining payments are made upon retirement from old age (including early retirement).
  • To receive a particular payment, certain conditions are established.
  • How to receive a lump sum payment of pension savings

A one-time payment in full amount can be received by:

  1. disabled people of groups I, II, III and persons who have lost their breadwinner. You can apply for payment after the appointment of an insurance pension for disability or an insurance pension for the loss of a breadwinner and only if, at the time of reaching retirement age, these persons do not have the required insurance period and (or) the value of the individual pension coefficient for the appointment of an old-age insurance pension;
  2. citizens receiving a pension under the state pension provision, who also, at the time of reaching retirement age, do not have the required insurance period and (or) the value of the individual pension coefficient for the assignment of an old-age insurance pension (clause 1, part 1, article 4 of Law N 360-FZ ; Article 4 of the Law of December 15, 2001 N 166-FZ; Article 8 of the Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ);
  3. citizens whose funded pension is less than 5% of the old-age insurance pension, taking into account the fixed payment to the old-age insurance pension. For example, these are men born in 1953 to 1966 and women born in 1957 to 1966, for whom the employer paid insurance contributions to the funded part of the pension only from 2002 to 2004.

Citizens who previously received a funded pension cannot receive a lump sum payment.

Citizens who received pension savings in the form of a lump sum payment have the right to apply for such payment again no earlier than five years from the date of the previous application.

To receive a one-time payment, submit an application to the territorial body (TO) of the Pension Fund at your place of residence or an application to the NPF to which you transferred your pension savings.

Attach to the application documents confirming your right to a one-time payment (clause 4 of the Rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2009 N 1047; clauses 3, 4 of the Rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2009 N 1048) .

An application to the Pension Fund of Russia (NPF) can be submitted in person or sent by mail (clause 3 (1) of Rules No. 1047; paragraph 2 of clause 3 of Rules No. 1048). It is also possible to submit an application to the PFR TO in the form of an electronic document through your personal account on the PFR website.

To enter your personal account, you must be registered on the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services (functions) (hereinafter referred to as the Government Services Portal); additional registration on the Pension Fund website is not required (PFR Information dated September 16, 2016).

The Pension Fund of Russia (NPF) must issue you a receipt notification of the acceptance and registration of your application and, within a month from the date of receipt of the application and documents, make a decision on the payment of funds or refusal to pay.

The Pension Fund must pay you money no later than two months from the date of making a positive decision, NPF - no later than a month (paragraph “d”, paragraph 8, paragraphs 10, 11 of Rules No. 1047; paragraph “e”, paragraph 8 , clauses 10, 11 of Rules No. 1048).

How to receive an immediate pension payment?

An urgent pension payment can only be received if you have the right to establish an old-age insurance pension and you have formed pension savings through additional contributions (Part 2 of Article 3, Part 1 of Article 5 of Law No. 360-FZ) .

For example this:

  1. — contributions from your employer in excess of mandatory insurance contributions;
  2. — your voluntary contributions within the framework of the State Pension Co-financing Program, as well as the amount of co-financing from the state;
  3. — maternity capital funds, if the mother, the owner of the certificate, used them to form her funded pension;
  4. — income from investing these funds.

An urgent pension payment is a monthly payment of part of the pension savings consisting of the funds listed above. You choose the duration of receiving the payment yourself, but it cannot be less than 10 years (Part 3 of Article 5 of Law No. 360-FZ).

Example. Calculation of immediate pension payment

At the time of applying for an old-age insurance pension, the citizen’s individual personal account with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation contains 140,000 rubles. pension savings. They came from voluntary contributions from the citizen himself and co-financing from the state. The citizen decided to receive these funds in the form of an urgent pension payment for 10 years. In this case, he will be paid 1166.67 rubles monthly. in addition to the old-age insurance pension (140,000 rubles / 120 months = 1166.67 rubles).

To receive an old-age insurance pension, contact the Pension Fund Office at your place of residence or the NPF to which you transferred your pension savings and submit an application and the necessary documents. At the moment, only the application form for the NPF has been approved.

An application to the Pension Fund of Russia can be drawn up on its basis. In the application (in clause 3), indicate the number of months of the period for receiving payment of an urgent pension payment (at least 120 months - 10 years) from the date of appointment (clauses 2, 4 - 6 of Article 36.28 of the Law of 05/07/1998 N 75- Federal Law; Part 2, Article 5 of Law No. 360-FZ).

Note. You can check the application form, as well as the list of documents required to assign payments, at the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (NPF).

An application to the Pension Fund of Russia (NPF) can be submitted in person or sent by mail. It is also possible to submit an application to the PFR TO through the multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services at the place of residence or in the form of an electronic document, including through the Government Services Portal or personal account on the PFR website (Part 2 of Article 5 of Law No. 360-FZ; Part 3, 7, Article 9 of Law No. 424-FZ; clause 4 of the Rules, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated November 17, 2014 N 884n; Information from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated September 16, 2016).

After receiving the application, the PFR (NPF) TO must issue you a notice of acceptance of the application (Part 2, Article 5 of Law No. 360-FZ; Clause 30 of Rules No. 884n).

Within 10 days after receiving the application and documents, the Pension Fund (NPF) will make a decision on whether to assign a payment or to refuse to pay pension savings.

If the decision is positive, urgent payment is assigned from the date of submission of the application and the necessary documents or from the date of sending the letter indicated on the postmark at the place of departure, if you sent the application and documents by mail (clause 3, 7, article 36.28 of Law No. 75- Federal Law; Part 2, Article 5 of Law No. 360-FZ; Article 10 of Law No. 424-FZ).

Funds will be paid within the period specified in the application.

If, upon retirement, you do not submit an application for an immediate pension payment, then the funds in this part will be paid to you as part of a funded pension.

How to get a funded pension

A funded pension is a monthly payment of pension savings formed from insurance contributions from employers, additional insurance contributions and income from their investment (Clause 1, Part 1, Article 3 of Law No. 424-FZ).

You will be assigned a funded pension if you have the right to an old-age insurance pension, including early, and if the amount of the funded pension is more than 5% in relation to the amount of the old-age insurance pension, including taking into account the fixed payment to the insurance pension for old age (Part 1, Article 6 of Law No. 424-FZ).

To receive a funded pension, contact the Pension Fund Office at your place of residence or the NPF to which you transferred your pension savings and submit an application and the necessary documents. Currently, only the application form for the assignment of a funded pension has been approved for submission to the NPF (clauses 4, 5 of Article 36.28 of Law No. 75-FZ; clause 16 of Rules No. 884n). An application to the Pension Fund of Russia can be drawn up on its basis.

An application to the Pension Fund of Russia (NPF) can be submitted in person or sent by mail. An application to the PFR TO can also be submitted through the multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services at the place of residence or in the form of an electronic document, including through the Government Services Portal or personal account on the PFR website (Article 9 of Law No. 424-FZ; Clause 4 of the Rules N 884n; Information from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated September 16, 2016).

Note. You can clarify the procedure for paying a funded pension in a non-state pension fund directly from it.

After receiving the application, the PFR (NPF) TO must issue you a notification of acceptance of the application (clause 30 of Rules No. 884n).

Within 10 days after receiving the application and documents, the Pension Fund or Non-State Pension Fund makes a decision on whether to assign a payment or to refuse payment. If the decision is positive, the funded pension, as a general rule, is assigned from the date of submission of the application and the necessary documents (Article 10 of Law N 424-FZ; clauses 3, 7, Article 36.28 of Law N 75-FZ; clause 24 - 28, 38 of Rules No. 884n).

To calculate the monthly amount of a funded pension, you need to divide the total amount of your pension savings by the expected payment period, which is determined by federal law based on official statistics on the life expectancy of pensioners. In this case, a special methodology is used to estimate the expected payment.

For 2020, the expected period for payment of a funded pension, used to calculate its size, is set at 240 months (Article 7, Part 1, Article 17 of Law N 424-FZ; Law of December 28, 2016 N 481-FZ; Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06/02/2015 N 531).

Note. For persons holding state and municipal positions, as well as positions in the state civil and municipal service, the NP is determined based on the specified expected period of payment of the NP, which is reduced by the number of full months that occurred in the period from the day they reached the age that gives, on a general basis, the right to old-age insurance pension, until the day of reaching the retirement age established specifically for civil servants (Part 1.1 of Article 8, Appendix No. 5 of the Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ; Part 3 of Article 17 of the Law No. 424-FZ).

The funded pension is paid indefinitely (Part 8, Article 10 of Law No. 424-FZ).

Note! There is no need to pay personal income tax on the amounts of paid pension savings (clauses 2, 48, 53, 54, Article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

How legal successors can receive pension savings

If a citizen who had pension savings died before he was assigned a funded pension or an urgent pension payment, the funds of pension savings, with the exception of maternity capital funds, are paid to his legal successors (Parts 6 - 8 of Article 7 of Law No. 424-FZ; Part. 6, Article 5 of Law No. 360-FZ).

If a pensioner dies after the appointment of an urgent pension payment, then the legal successors can receive the balance of pension savings not paid to the pensioner in the form of an urgent pension payment (Part 7, Article 5 of Law No. 360-FZ; Article 36.21 of Law No. 75-FZ).

Accrued amounts of an urgent pension payment or funded pension due to a citizen in the current month and remaining not received due to his death in the specified month can be paid to disabled family members living with him or, in the absence of these persons, inherited on a general basis (Article 13 Law No. 424-FZ; Part 10, Article 5 of Law No. 360-FZ).

At the same time, during his lifetime, a citizen has the right at any time to submit an application to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and determine specific persons and the shares of funds that should be paid to these persons in the event of his death. If there is no application, the citizen’s funds will be distributed among relatives of the same line in equal shares (Parts 6, 7, 8, Article 7 of Law No. 424-FZ).

Also, if you have access to your personal account on the Pension Fund website and a qualified electronic signature, the testator can submit an electronic application, which will determine the legal successors of the pension savings funds and the shares in which these funds will be distributed between them. To enter your personal account on the PFR website, you must be registered on the Government Services Portal; additional registration on the PFR website is not required (PFR Information dated 08/29/2016).

The funded part of a pension - most of us have heard this formulation, but not everyone fully understands what it is.

According to the current legislation in the field of the procedure for financing payments from pension savings (360th Federal Law), the funded part of the pension in Russia is formed from that part of the mandatory insurance payments that your employer transfers (we are talking about officially employed citizens), as well as your voluntary contributions transferred in accordance with the Pension Co-financing Program.

To be more precise, 22% of the employee’s salary is transferred by the employer in the form of insurance contributions to the mandatory pension system.

Further funds can be distributed as follows at the employee’s choice:

  • 6% goes to the formation of pension savings, 16% - to the formation of the insurance part of the pension,
  • or all 22% goes to the formation of an insurance pension. But at the same time, 6% of this amount necessarily applies to the solidary tariff and regardless of the choice to pay current pensions.

A separate pension account has been established for each citizen of the Russian Federation, in which funds transferred towards a future pension are accumulated. This account can be opened both in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and in one of the non-state pension funds (examples - NPF Sberbank, NPF Lukoil-Garant, etc.).

This relates to the question of what the funded part of a pension is. Let's look at the question in detail - how can a pensioner receive the funded part of his pension in 2020, what is the procedure and where to apply.

One-time payment of accumulated funds

The procedure for paying out funds accumulated by a citizen provides several options that allow you to receive funds in parts or at a time:

  • Urgent payments involve monthly payment of the funded portion during a period of time chosen by the pensioner. In this case, the minimum payment period cannot be less than ten years. In the event of the death of the recipient, the remainder of the funds is inherited by his successors in accordance with the lifetime disposition of the testator or in the manner prescribed by the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • An indefinite pension is possible if there are sufficient funds in the pensioner’s account to assign it. In this case, after the pension is assigned, the remainder is not inherited.
  • Article 6 of the federal law “On Accumulative Pension” allows for a one-time receipt of accumulated funds, provided that their value is insignificant (less than five percent) in comparison with the calculated amount of the old-age insurance pension, taking into account the fixed payment.
  • A one-time payment of funds accumulated by the insured person is possible through inheritance. In this case, the amounts of maternity capital and income from investing savings contributions are deducted from the inherited amount. The first amount is returned to the state, the second remains at the disposal of the NPF (insurer, management company).

These provisions do not apply to the question of how to receive an insurance pension. You can only count on a lump sum payment from the savings portion.

Additional nuances

Payment of the insurance part of a funded pension is not always done simply and at the first request of the taxpayer. There are some nuances and pitfalls in this issue that can be avoided if you know your rights and responsibilities as a taxpayer and pensioner.

A person who has received the right to early retirement can receive insurance savings one-time. You must submit a corresponding application to the Pension Fund to which you contributed funds. A special form is provided for it in accordance with Appendix No. 1 of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection No. 12n dated 07/03/2012.

Both the taxpayer who made contributions and his legal representative can apply for funds. In the second case, you must have a passport and a document that confirms that you have this right.

Attention! When submitting documents to the Pension Fund, you can present copies of the necessary documents, but they must be notarized.

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