KBK 2017
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A professional accountant must know the new KBK for 2020 in order to do their job efficiently.
Cost and Expense Accounting: Accounting for Beginners
Basic methods of cost accounting The efficiency of a company’s activities can be assessed using competent accounting of current
We reward the man
Nominations for employee awards. Fun nominations for rewarding employees
Part of your salary or in addition to it? Labor Code of the Russian Federation in Part 1 of Art. 135
Document flow
How to choose an electronic document management operator: seven key criteria
Document flow - the basic rules of EDI - is the totality of all actions with documents that arise in
Methods for calculating certain types of profitability. Author24 - online exchange of student work
Profitability of production assets is the main guideline for an industrialist’s activities
Hello, Vasily Zhdanov is here, in this article we will look at the profitability of production assets. Profitability indicators are used
How to properly notify about changes in the terms of an employment contract
Notification of changes in the terms of the employment contract Formation of notification of changes in the clauses of the employment contract
Kosgu in a payment order from temporary array funds
Budget Classification Codes (BCC) 2019 A twenty-character code is also used to indicate budget expenditures,
what reports does the individual entrepreneur submit on the usn
USN: reporting deadlines in 2020
Who should pay the simplified tax system for 2020? You need to pay a single tax according to the simplified tax system.
Hiring a foreign citizen: instructions and documents
Probably, as an entrepreneur, you have already repeatedly encountered the difficulties of official registration when applying for a job.
Audit of financial statements - essence, goals and objectives
Tax reporting audit: goals, objectives, nuances, results.
An audit of financial statements is a set of special procedures that allow us to formulate an opinion on the reliability of the reporting
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