The concept of weekly uninterrupted rest Regulated by Article 110 of the Labor Code, rest for workers every week
What it is? The most frequently asked question from employees: does vacation from previous years expire?
KBC transport tax 2020 for organizations and individuals is different. Get information about him
Carrying out currency transactions in Russia Operations for the purchase and sale of currency occur in organizations
Home / Labor Law / Work record book Back Published: 05/22/2020 Reading time: 5
In what cases are state fees paid? The payment, called the state fee, is made by the applicant when he or she submits an application or
The profession of assistant manager is significant for production management. The specialist deals with organizational issues in the field
A cooperative is an economic association of people or organizations created to achieve common goals and protect
What is accrued VAT? Activities subject to VAT are any activities that carry out
General trends of changes in 2020 The main taxpayers who must pay this type of contribution are: